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Learner Reviews & Feedback for U101: Understanding College and College Life by University of Washington

496 ratings

About the Course

College can be confusing and intimidating, but U101 can help. If you were just admitted to college and are nervous about what the next step in life might look like, this course is for you. If you are the parent of a newly admitted college student and curious about what college life is like, this course is also for you. While your specific college will, no doubt, provide additional orientation material, we wanted to give some basic information about what life might be like at a large American University. You might be years away from college or enrolled right now; either way, U101 has some excellent advice from college students, professors, administrators, and staff. At the conclusion of the course, learners should: 1. Understand the basics of how colleges and universities operate. 2. Identify and describe what faculty are looking for in college-level academic work. 3. List some effective study strategies. 4. Identify some strategies for exploring and selecting a major. 5. Identify the various types of grants and scholarships available and describe the steps involved in applying to these. 6. Discuss the college life, with special attention to the benefits/limitations of living on or off campus. 7. Identify some strategies for getting the most out of campus life activities (investigating student clubs, fraternities, sororities, etc.). The course is divided into 4 weeks/8 lessons, which provide an overview of the different aspects of college life. If you were just watching the videos and looking at some of the links, the whole course would take about 4-5 hours. Week 1 Lesson 1. Welcome to U101! Lesson 2. Understanding the Nature of College Week 2 Lesson 3. Succeeding as a Student Lesson 4. Building Your Major Week 3 Lesson 5. Financing Your Education Lesson 6. Living On and Off Campus Week 4 Lesson 7. Getting Involved in Campus Life Lesson 8. Conclusion Please join us for a short exploration of modern American Colleges. Hopefully, this course can help demystify your upcoming college experience....

Top reviews


Jan 5, 2018

The information provided throughout each video was very helpful. Navigating college can feel overwhelming, but there were a lot of useful tips on how to feel more confident while succeeding in school.


Mar 29, 2017

Amazing course. It helps you understand college life and how college works. And gives you tips on how to get the most out of college. Definitely recommend it, specially for international students.

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26 - 50 of 142 Reviews for U101: Understanding College and College Life

By Jayapraveen A R

Jan 11, 2021

This Course has helped me get a clear understanding about College life in American Universities. How to succeed as a student and other aspects to help make college life a fullfilling experience.

By Xiaoyang

Feb 10, 2018

It gives much useful information before coming to study in a foreign univeristy. Thank you so much for your well-organized courses.

By Shreyas m

Jun 14, 2016

Excellent course that illustrates what a future college student should expect in a higher institution.

By GilbertCC

Apr 21, 2020

A in-depth college tour that wasn't bias in shape or form.

By Bryanna G

Jul 15, 2020

I definitely learned alot especially about college life.

By Annesha K G

Apr 15, 2016

Excellent course. Thanks a lot.

By Glen-David K

Sep 2, 2018

I'd say its pretty good

By Lisa

Feb 8, 2016

I've been to college, so I'm not the target audience for this course, but I was curious to see what would be covered and to learn more about colleges today. I felt the course covered mostly simplistic, obvious stuff and left out a lot that many students wonder about.

One topic that was covered was the different activities of professors. I wished I'd known more about this when I started college. Of course I knew they did research, but I thought they were primarily there to teach. This is true at some colleges, but at others, the amount and quality of research can determine whether a professor gets to continue working there and reach tenure. So teaching may not be the first priority for some professors. Students may find that chunks of courses are devoted to a professor's research interests, which could enrich or derail the course. This could have been covered in more depth.

Other things that could have been covered: why some courses are so large and the function of recitation sections and graduate teaching fellows for those and smaller courses; what a seminar is; the existence of course reviews that can help with selecting classes and professors; how to deal with not getting into a course you really need to take (wait lists, professorial overrides, etc.); when pre-requisite courses are really necessary and when they're just recommended; dropping courses; GRADES (how the college grading system works, what happens when you fail a course, academic probation, earning honors); campus codes of conduct (greater freedom as with class attendance; smoking and drinking rules, harassment policies) and disciplinary actions (disciplinary probation, expulsion); good campus activities for shy students.


Jul 20, 2020

This type of study allows the student to learn by making connections between ideas and concepts across different disciplinary boundaries. Students learning in this way are able to apply the knowledge gained in one discipline to another different discipline as a way to deepen the learning experience. The most effective approach to interdisciplinary study enables students to build their own interdisciplinary pathway by choosing courses which make sense to them. For example, it is not too difficult to find a theme which crosses over disciplinary boundaries in literature, art and history or science and mathematics. Studying topics thematically is one way to bring ideas together resulting in more meaningful learning. This can occur by allowing students to choose their own subjects and their learning is deepened when they reflect on the connections between what they are learning in different disciplines.

One of the biggest barriers to achieving true interdisciplinary study in education environments is the necessity for collaboration of educators. This can be difficult to achieve, but not impossible. Interdisciplinary teaching and learning is maximised when professionals from different disciplines work together to serve a common purpose and to help students make the connections between different disciplines or subject areas. Such interaction is in support of the constructivist paradigm which allows for new knowledge construction and a deeper understanding of ideas than disciplinary study.

What is a constructivist paradigm?

Constructivism is a theory about how people learn. This theory suggests that people create their own understanding and knowledge of the world through experiences and reflection on those experiences. It goes on to suggest that when students encounter something new, they have to integrate it with previous ideas and experiences by connecting the new knowledge to something already known. It may mean the students are studying something completely new and different. Sometimes it will result in the student rejecting the ideas completely. Above all, the theory assumes that we are active creators of our own knowledge requiring students to ask questions, explore, and assess what is known or learned. Students engaging in interdisciplinary study are therefore creating their own understanding and knowledge of the world through their study choices.

What is so beneficial about this type of study?

Making connections between different concepts is essential in interdisciplinary study. Here are some other benefits of studying in this way:

Students are highly motivated as they have a vested interest in pursuing topics that are interesting to them. As a result, the content is often rooted in life experiences, giving an authentic purpose for the learning and connecting it to a real world context. Consequently, the learning becomes meaningful, purposeful and deeper resulting in learning experiences that stay with the student for a lifetime.Students cover topics in more depth because they are considering the many and varied perspectives from which a topic can be explored.Critical thinking skills are used and developed as students look across disciplinary boundaries to consider other viewpoints and also begin to compare and contrast concepts across subject areas.Students begin to consolidate learning by synthesising ideas from many perspectives and consider an alternative way of acquiring knowledge.Exploring topics across a range of subject boundaries motivates students to pursue new knowledge in different subject areas.Transferable skills of critical thinking, synthesis and research are developed and are applicable to future learning experiences.Interdisciplinary knowledge and application of different disciplines can lead to greater creativity.Worthwhile topics of research can fall in the ‘spaces’ between the traditional disciplines.Final thoughts

Interdisciplinary study allows for synthesis of ideas and the synthesis of characteristics from many disciplines. At the same time it addresses students’ individual differences and helps to develop important, transferable skills. These skills, such as critical thinking, communication and analysis are important and continually developing at all stages of life. Educational systems are serving students best if they enable and encourage students to build their own interdisciplinary pathway. This approach is sure to foster a love of learning, ignite a spark of enthusiasm and address learning differences for student

By Ema P

Aug 31, 2018

As an asocial person I had struggles with understanding the social context in a university, The attributions of a professor beyond the teaching part, this course presented some good objective and also subjective points of view and now I can be much more relax.

By alana w

Feb 22, 2021

I thought this course was excellent. If you are starting out in college, this course is for you. It goes through great details about what to do while your at college. Please take it if you are starting out. Its very informative.

By Fatma K

Dec 29, 2022

I like the course and it is very helpful, I watched it because I am a mom. my daughter is at caltech. I want to understand what she is going through.


fatma koca from Turkey Ankara

By Betty C

May 27, 2022

It's really helpful for Undergrats to know more about University. Especially for students who wants to know how to use the resources or financial aid.

By Yukti P

Dec 18, 2020

This is a wonderful course with in-depth guidelines. It will be very beneficial for anyone going to college, university, or already in there.

By Bayan Z

Aug 6, 2020

A must-take course for every freshman to prepare for college in all aspects and get familiar with college life. Simple and useful content.


Dec 16, 2020

I found it very interesting,moreover as a key to how to prepare ourselves at the university level and enjoy the academic life.

By Appili V K

Jul 25, 2020

Excellent, with all information about college life. Please do this course if you want to start a more organised college life.

By Rockets #

Jul 23, 2020

Very informative; even though I am a junior in high school, this enlightened my insight for college and makes success easier.

By Shirsha S

Jun 30, 2021

Really! This is an excellent course for future college students. It helped so much and I hope that it will help you out too.


Jul 16, 2020

A great introduction course for university life and I had gain a lot of ideas and picture about college and universities.

By Iqbal N

May 27, 2024

Amazing experience it was. Such in depth information would definitely help us get into a good college life.

By Narendra K S

Jul 2, 2020

It hardly effect on my mind and body in college.

My behavior is change and adapt college life as well.

By Anant V

Jun 6, 2020

Quite a wonderful course for people to get familiar with college and how to find their way in life...

By Linh V

Oct 19, 2021

Great information for ones who are in college or will get there soon. Absolutely recommended :)

By Saleem K

Dec 14, 2020

Well rounded orientation. Very well organized and good amount of information for new entrants.