Nov 9, 2021
This course is very crucial one. really i learn very important lessons I am really thankfully for teachers who taught me these lesson though i would like to get free certificate because lack of money.
May 25, 2022
I thank you very much for this opportunity. I have learnt alot and i wish this course could be tought in every Unversity to equip syedents with job searching skills before entering the job market.
By EstrellaMarina P
•Apr 24, 2021
Muy buen curso, se aprende nuevo vocabulario y las construcciones gramaticales van avanzando de nivel a medida que también avanza el curso. Lo único que sí deberían mejorar son los exámenes ya que son demasiado fáciles. Los profesores son bien claros y mantienen el interés del alumno todo el tiempo. Muchas gracias, de verdad ha sido un placer hacerlo.
By Yasmeen A
•May 14, 2020
I have A lot of skills, I learned how to introduce my self and market for her on writing an effective resume,and a perfect cover letter.
I learned what is the meaning of networking and how to deal with to gain a job opportunity. Finally I learned how to deal in the interview also what my rights during the interview, also what to do and don't during it.
By Radiffa I
•Apr 17, 2021
These courses really help me in preparation for work after I graduate from university, in these courses we are taught the procedures for writing a resume, cover letters and even procedures for interviews. These courses are also very exciting and not boring, the explanations are also easy to understand and the questions given are also easy to work on.
•Dec 3, 2020
Realmente este es un excelente curso, para nivel principiante e intermedio, si usted toma este curso estará mejorando su vocabulario, aprenderá o actualizará estrategias para un próximo empleo, si usted desea integrarse a una empresa multinacional, este curso le ayudará con el proceso de selección y lo mejor es que el curso se realiza de forma amena.
By Nathalia P d M
•Jun 9, 2020
Consegui ter uma boa base nesse curso a respeito de como é um processo seletivo, algumas noções de gramática da língua inglesa também. Desenvolvi habilidades de escrita que eu não estava acostumada, os exercícios são muito bons, os vídeos super didáticos, e os textos complementam bem todo o assunto estudado. É um curso muito legal, vale a pena fazer.
By Healthier&Wealthier L
•Jul 16, 2019
For the first time in 10 years, I was able to create a one-page resume. I have been using 3 to 4 pages resume and I was never confident if I was doing it right. I am so grateful to University of Pennsylvania for providing us this comprehensive course that will lead our road to success. Special thanks to our two knowledgeable teachers! Till next time!
By Aungkyaw M
•Sep 16, 2022
Before joining the precious course, I had difficulties on how to write "a resume" and "a cover letter". However, after this course, I wondered if I received the skills and abilities how to apply for the job efficiently and confidently. I really appreciate and thank you for creating this course for both "Coursera" and "The University of Pennsylvania"
By Anita P V
•Feb 1, 2022
I loved it!!!! All information has been wonderful, teachers/speakers are amazing, I loved them too. I really want to give my congratulations about the course it was very usefull for me, because now I have clear understanding of some topics and details that I was not consider it. Thanks for sharing your knowdledge, time and information. See you soon.
By Samantha F
•Aug 23, 2021
This course is fantastic for those of you who need that extra push to learn English but at the same time need guidance to help you along the way. Mr. Brian and Ms. Robyn give really easy to understand explanations. This course is really insightful and will assist your first step into the professional world. Thank you so much Mr. Brian and Ms. Robyn!
By Sassa
•Oct 6, 2020
Thank you so much Coursera and the University of Pennsylvania for this opportunity. I have learned so many things and this will all greatly benefit my career. This is life-changing for me. You provide opportunities. You provide opportunities for people like me (a PWD because of Cancer). Thank you so much. This will definitely help improve my resume.
By Roman S
•Jan 7, 2018
Great gratitude for such useful course, I had failed some interviews in the past and I wasn't understanding why. I thought it was unfairly. But now I got it. There were my failures. And in the future, I would be prepared job seeker and I would present my qualification from the best side. And I would be more professional during all employment cycle.
By Abdoulrahmane B
•Aug 2, 2021
The courses were so interesting and it teaches how to increase the potentials in terms of job seeking. The benefits is first to improve your English skills, two to perform your writing resumes and cover letters also how to networking.
As a result, the lectures are so amazing and the explanations are quite well understandable.
Thank you vey much.
By Daria C
•May 20, 2020
Great course for anyone who wants to better understand hiring process in United States and have difficulties in understanding cultural, ethical or some legal aspects. Thank you for the chapter regarding illegal questions on the interview in US, i opened that heard so many of them over past years and i'm happy i now learned how to deal with it.
By Matiullah S
•Jan 30, 2023
OMG! It's more than just an "English for Career Development" Certificate. If you have time... there is nothing else better than taking this course. No... not just English, it will help you with a lot of stuff in brief. Yeah, go ahead and start it right away.
Thanks a lot (the whole team behind) for making this course available to everyone. :)
By Amin M a K a A M G
•May 17, 2022
I found this course very useful because it helped me review my English grammar skills as well as my career development processes. I am using this course as a springboard for career development. The course was a great reminder of the skills necessary for getting a job utilizing every avenue possible in order to be succesful in getting a job.
By Heidi R L
•Aug 1, 2021
True enough, I have learned enormously and gained significant knowledge and skills that will definitely help me to advance in my chosen career. I am now confident to build my resume, write my cover letter and this prepared me more than ever for an interview. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be part of this remarkable course.
•Jun 24, 2020
I´ve learnt the proccess to get a good chance to enter to workworld knowing the different strategies that employers use to hire employees. In this course you´re going to learn how can you do a resume, cover letter and a very well job interview. Also you will be able to enter in a networking. It was a really good experience and I recommend it.
By Eugen F
•Apr 25, 2020
This cource is especially good for the people, who have not a lot experience with the job seeking process, and also for them, who seeked a job last time a long ago. Also it will be very helpful for them, who is learning englisch right now and did not reach the upper levels in that. Thank coursera for this opportunity, I'm glad you're exists!
By Oana S S
•Sep 24, 2021
Thank you to both instructors for helping me to add the proper finishing touches to my resume + cover letter. This course also helped me a lot by showing how important is to prepare myself for possible improptu questions during the interview. I thought that being an experienced professional is enough ... Guess what? Is not :(((. Thank you !
By Martha B C
•Aug 16, 2020
Nice course!
I really enjoyed this course, I learnt so many new things and I feel more confident to apply for a job.
One of my life goals is to work in a International company and this course was excellent to have a general idea of how different is applying for a job in other countries. Besides, I learnt quiet more vocabulary that I expected.
By Rajesh L
•May 2, 2020
It is a very nice course I have learned lots. I want to thanks especially, my mentors who provide me, classes, online. through videos, readings, and practice exercises the Coursera website.
Thank you very much, Sir and Madam, Coursera and the UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, Design a very good course for us.
Yours Sincerely
Rajesh Lal from INDIA
By Vinaya k
•Nov 6, 2022
The course was really very useful to me. I have gained good knowledge on how to prepare for the interview and also found what is my next step that I should take. The lecture was amazing they explained very clearly. The assignment and grading system was motivated me compete each assignment. overall it was a good time to spend on this course.
By Yahaira P J
•Jun 19, 2017
This course helped me to develop knowledge about the job search in the united states and how to create my resume to bring a good first impression as well as the cover letter. This course also helped me to feel confident using elevator speech to introduce my self in events. Thanks to the teachers for the way that they present each lesson.
By Aamir K
•Nov 4, 2016
This course " English for Career Development helped me learn various important topics about how to be successful in Career. It helped me know my strengths and weaknesses. how can I write a proper Resume and cover letter . and I also learned how to face an Interview. This course was very useful and the knowledge it gave me is really helpful