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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions by University of Alberta

1,447 ratings

About the Course

Of all the animals on earth, which are the strongest for their size? What about the fastest? Who were the first animals to evolve flight? Insects take all of these titles and more! As the most abundant animals on the planet, insects and other arthropods affect our lives in so many ways. From beneficial interactions like pollination and biological pest control, to the transmission of life threatening diseases; this course will teach you about the big ways that these little arthropods impact our lives. In Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions, you will be plunged into the diverse (and sometimes alien) world of arthropods to learn how they work, what they do, and how insects and humans interact every day. After completing this course, you will be able to: Describe the evolutionary relationships between insects and their arthropod relatives Inventory major groups of insects and their diversity Demonstrate evolutionary adaptations that make insects successful Discuss insect biology and human-insect interactions Evaluate positive and negative interactions between insects and humans Propose practical and symbolic roles insects play in human societies...

Top reviews


Jul 7, 2020

Very interesting and specially the anchors of this course are very enthusiastic and encouraging throughout the course so my focus is maintain for bugs and surly I will search more on insects further.


Feb 4, 2020

Excellent course! Content-rich and very informative both as a learning experience for the insect enthusiast or beginning entomologist as well as an excellent review for the practicing entomologist.

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51 - 75 of 602 Reviews for Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions

By Tricia R L G

Sep 8, 2020

Before taking the course, even as a Black soldier fly breeder, I had a negative attitude towards most arthropods. Now that I have complete the Insect - Human Interactions course, I have a deep respect for insects, the role and impact they make on our planet. I am amazed at how close the relationship is between species in small and large ecosystems. It is overwhelming to think that changes in human behavior can help the insect species make our earth a better place to live in just by respecting them. Hopefully this course can be open to a lot of people so they develop and apply a more caring attitude towards insects for the betterment of our planet earth.


Jun 26, 2020

The credit of Bugs 101 goes to University of Alberta, Professors, Professionals and whoever worked behind the scene. Thumbs up for all of you guys. It was a great experience. I learned alot more than previously I had got. Although I'm an entomologist it really helped me in deciding a particular niche for entomological research. I was looking really some ideas of research for my master studies. The way you delivered contents was amazing. As far as my favorite Insect is concerned I love stick insects as it is always hard to capture them out. Someone needs to be extra vigilant to observe and follow such insects beacuse of their camouflage behaviour.

By Klaus K

Feb 15, 2022

I participated in the Bugs 101 course as a private person with a strong interest in insects. In addition to the structure and life of insects, the course covered their many interactions with the environment and humans in depth. As a result, I learned about aspects of the interaction between insects and us humans that I had not previously considered. I plan to look into these further in the future. The course is very well and logically structured and thus understandable even with little prior knowledge. The instructors present the teaching units in a very understandable (even for non-native speakers) and motivating way. Many thanks for this!

By Anne-Marie M

Jan 28, 2022

This is my first Coursera course. I didn't think I'd like so much on-line learning but I was excitingly surprised. This is like a new door of opportunity to learn despite being home all the time (due to Covid but also that fact that I live far from everything). The professors' personalities shone through despite the script and video format. The quizzes really motivated me to study (and hopefully retain the information). The content was extensive and presented in such a way that learning progressed well. I'm interested in insects, I find them fascinating but knew little about them. Now I find them even more fascinating!

By Yichen Z

Sep 8, 2020

I came already somewhat appreciative of insects, but taking this course has opened my eyes further to just how crucial insects (and other arthropods) are to the global ecosystem. Course material was highly engaging - I enjoyed the videos with their bounty of insect images and well-timed questions, the interactive bits certainly helped me nail down the parts of an insect leg or mouth, the capstone served as a fun introduction to all the complex elements of managing an orchard with an eye on its insect population, and the quizzes were fair. After this, I can certainly see why entomology can be so addicting!

By Valerie M

Jul 25, 2020

LOVED this course! Extremely well presented, both the lectures & reading material! ALL instructors/presenters were excellent--their enthusiasm is so contagious, especially Ilan Domnic's! While I surprised myself with how much I remembered from prior "science" classes taken years ago, I learned a great deal--more specifically info on using insects in sustainable farming, potential use of spider webs, & insect farming for food, to name a few. Such good information I will share with others in order to educate people on the benefits of "bugs"! THANK YOU so much for providing this course during Covid-19!

By Sushma T

Sep 4, 2020

I just love this course and the content that I found here is so much précised which I think no one of the students had left doubt after having this course .If I have to say that how I buildup the interest to study on insects then my professor has done the research work on Honeybees which in my view is great work . So In future , I will definitely do some research wok on a one specific insect and i know that this course will going to help me a lot.

Thank you so much University of Alberta as well as the team of the department of entomology for offering such a great platform to enhance our knowledge

By Carol S

Aug 4, 2021

I enjoyed this thorough course very much, and it has inspired me to take other courses designed by the University of Alberta. I was primarily interested in insect physiology and species-specific interactions with the environment. By taking this course, I also gained greater insight into the complex web of pathogens utilizing insects as symbionts. I only skimmed the last few weeks of material, since I'd already read a lot of material about conservation and habitat management and much of this was review. That being said, it did pertain to the stated course topic: Insect-Human Interactions.

By Walter K

Nov 24, 2020

Beautifully well done. I appreciated being able to hear the lectures and then read the text, which came with those bonus "interesting facts". I found each of the lecturers engaging and with very understandable voices. The guest speakers, illustrations and photos were also key parts of the course. The diagrams were especially helpful for the physiology modules. After I discovered them, I spent a lot of time with the supplemental readings. Thank-you for curating them. I'm sorry the course is over. I enjoyed the discovery of learning and came to feel a bond with the instructors.

By Kimberly N

Apr 17, 2022

Exceptional way to begin learning about entomology! Based on life happening, it took me 3 years from the day I started to complete Bugs 101. Thank you for the allowance of adjustment to timeframes. A big thank you to everyone involved in the teaching and filming of this course as it kept my interest over the years. Between the start and finish of this course, I observed and recorded 1,450 Arthropods and 475 species were identified by experts and posted to my online iNaturalist account. This course was instrumental along the way as a basic understanding of Entomology.

By Monika T

Nov 30, 2020

Most amazing course on Coursera. I have gained so much insight into insects that it has now become one of my favorite subject. Thanks to the whole team of the University of Alberta and all of those who have contributed to designing this wonderful, fun yet informative course on bugs. I would highly recommend this course to everyone who wants to learn more about these amazing creatures on planet earth. I am sure now that being an agriculture student the insights gained in this course would definitely help in my future research and would help me to excel in my career.

By Linda H

Nov 12, 2021

I loved this course! So very interesting; I have been a volunteer over the years with my children's Young Naturalists club, and have been interested in nature.. but I really learned a lot more. It took me a full year to complete the course (!), but i was determined to cover the material. I really enjoyed the guest speakers, and as a U of A alumnus I was happy to see Alberta examples (as I now live out of province). Congratulations on a job well done. I hope the course stays live on Coursera so that I can refer others to it. Thanks so much. Linda

By Marco R

Dec 8, 2020

An incredibly well produced and extremely detailed course on insects, which goes from insect anatomy to their role in the ecosystem and influence in crop production as both pollinators and pests.

You don't have to be a specialist or even interested in entomology for this course, as it comes packed with very common knowledge that everyone should know to some degree.

As a side note I want to highlight the incredible passion on each one of the instructors, specially Valerie, whose smile brightened my day more than once during my time in this course.

By Cristina C

Jul 30, 2022

The course Bugs 101: Insect-Human Interactions was a pleasure to attend! I am an entomologist, but I still learned a lot about insects. I enjoyed the way the information is structured and communicated. I like the fact that courses are short and packed with information. I enjoyed the interviews with different specialists or practitioners in various applied entomology fields. I will recommend this course to the people in my local professional organisation and to my students. Thank you for this experience! And keep on doing this wonderful job!

By Lucas D A C

Oct 28, 2020

I'm an undergraduate student in Biological Sciences at the University of Campinas, Brazil, and I have to say that's an amazing course. Even though I had some subjects of entomology, this one is extremelly complete, and was able to brought together all kinds of themes that involves insects and their relationship with the human society. Besides all that, it's good to reinforce that you don't need to be a biology student to take and enjoy this course. Congratulations to the University of Alberta and all the professionals involved in this course.

By Nicha K

Apr 28, 2020

Learning about fascinating insect life is fun. Even before taking this course, I know that insect has hug impact on our life, but in the end I am more surprised that it could be linked to nearly everything ... more than we could imagine. This course provided the reason why we should cherish the bugs and learn to live and work with them through many interesting aspects. All speakers nicely explain things in simple manner, very easy to understand even the complex topics. I enjoy this course so much and would like to recommend to others.

By Macedonio R B T

Jul 1, 2020

I found this course very entertainment and full of very qualified and talented instructors who most definitely love insects, the environment and the effects that they cause and favour our society.

Every single instructor showed passion for Entomology, which this days is hard to find, but when you find someone with that excitement it is hard to forget them.

I highly recommend this course as a refreshment and challenge for anyone, no matter your knowledge of Entomology, it is very well structure and done.

Thank you very much!

By N. N P

Jan 2, 2022

I am a landscape architect who has a Master's degree on Forest Entomology. I can't tell you enough how much this course thought me and inspired me! Even though I have an educational background on insects, this course is so comprehensive and up to date, I've learned a ton of new things. This was the best gift any professor has given to me, I want to thank the professors at University of Alberta who prepared and presented this course and let anyone from any part of the world reach to these very valuable informations.

By Dianne A

Mar 27, 2021

A fun class that opened my eyes to a whole world going on around me that I had not noticed and really didn't appreciate as much as I should have. Every human needs to appreciate and have a basic understanding of how important these animals are to us and how conservation of these animals is not an option but essential.

A special thank you to the instructors of this class. You all are doing the world a wonderful service by offering this free of charge to the public. May you have many online students in the future!

By Jen H

Feb 7, 2021

This course gives a great overview of what many Ent 101 courses in a bachelors degree may expect. With videos, in-depth readings, a helpful forum community, and quizzes, I really felt as though I got the a good experience. I would have liked to have had assignments and would have liked required posting in the forum, to further emulate the online learning experience, but I understand why that isn't always manageable in a MOOC setting. Still - GREAT TIME! Thanks for sharing about insects team, you rock!

By Denise M

May 26, 2020

Bugs 101 was just what I was looking and hoping for! A great introduction to the world of insects and their humans. I really enjoyed how the information was presented with videos, reviews, interviews, text, etc.. The instructors were engaging and enthusiastic. I look forward to using what I learned during this course in my job as a butterfly atrium associate to share the joys of the world of insects! On a personal level, I can't wait to find other courses on entomology so I can keep learning!

By Natalie L

May 5, 2020

A super fun and interesting course! As a beginning gardener, I learned lots of useful information about identifying and managing pests in my garden. Learning pest control methods and chemicals has given me a great amount of control over my vegetables. You can really tell the instructors are passionate about bugs and it made me excited for each new lesson. Definitely recommend this course to anyone interested in gardening, bee keeping, crime investigation, ecology, conservation, or collecting!

By Kylie M

Aug 13, 2020

This course is amazing!

I'm an entomologist and mostly did the course for fun, but I learnt a lot. A broad range of important topics were covered, but they were covered in a good amount of detail, with plenty of additional reading available to help get a grasp on various concepts.

Thank you to everyone that contributed to the making of this online unit, it is very hard to access any entomological training in Australia, and having it here makes it accessible to so many people.

By Javier E S A

Jul 21, 2024

Con el curso se adquieren conocimientos básicos del mundo de los insectos, en la medida que el estudiante quiere profundizar en alguna de las temáticas presentadas; puede hacer uso de lo aprendido para buscar información en internet. Los insectos son una buena excusa para salir con una lupa, al jardín o al patio, y maravillarse con sus formas y colores, sus comportamientos e interacciones; resaltando la importancia que tienen para los ecosistemas y el medio ambiente.

By Anne S

Apr 18, 2021

My first on-line course and I thoroughly enjoyed every aspect and gaining a better understanding of arthropods. I look forward to furthering my knowledge. The instructors spoke clearly and made their videos informative and entertaining. The reading material was very beneficial. I only have one negative comments as two-thirds on in the course the videos would end before it was officially over. Not sure why. I was very glad it never happened during the quiz.