Mar 1, 2019
Great program from PMI and its partners ; Interviews with experts on strategy design and implementation are very insightful. Besides this program also provided access to rich collection of HBR papers.
Jun 27, 2020
An excellent course and nicely articulated and delivered by Ricardo Vargas. Really liked the idea of strategy delivery and execution with 10 principles as mentioned in the Brightline initiative...
By Alexis A
•Oct 13, 2022
Great course
•Sep 29, 2022
By Tom C
•Nov 12, 2018
I thought the framework was good and some of the experts opinions were very interesting. I would be interested in a follow up course that went further into some of the topics discussed by the thought leaders.
By Hortense “ N
•Nov 25, 2020
Je recommande ce cours.
J'ai consacré environ 25 heures et je suis très satisfaite tant le contenu du cours et les témoignages des experts sont instructifs et peuvent être appliqués dans d'autres situations après une adaptation à son contexte.
Merci à Ricardo Vargas et à son équipe!
By Barbara M M
•Dec 13, 2020
There is limited information and lots of questions. It seems more that they are collecting data that delivering content to the students.
By Julia P
•Jan 7, 2020
The Brightline Coursera Course (2019 version) serves as an assisted discovery when it comes to helping senior leaders and executives bridge the expensive and wasteful gap between strategy design and delivery.
For Change Leaders and everybody working in or impacted by change initiatives, I highly recommend this course. It offers a helicopter view on the forces which are directly impacting your environment. Enriched by the new perspectives offered, it'll allow you to turn valuable insights into skilful action.
- Inspiring case presentations following a “Context. Challenge. Approach.” structure.
- Food for thought offered by leading management innovators, expert interviews (videos) and HBR insight reports (articles).
- A solid base on how to prepare the soil to make good ideas flourish.
What could be improved:
To make the course richer in variety, it would be interesting to have the cases presented by the respective companies.
WHAT'S IN FOR LEADERS who want to see their ideas turn into results?
The Brightline Course dives into the "Strategic & Business Management" dimension of the PMI Talent Triangle, highlighting knowledge of and expertise in the industry/organization.
- For Next-Gen Leaders, the course offers awareness of strategic alignment as a success factor for their teams' work. They will gain a better understanding of the context and business environment their projects are nested in. Asking crucial questions early to anticipate future moves, their team will be able to orient their work towards implementing relevant business value.
- For Project Professionals and Senior Leaders, the course serves as a guided discovery for materials that can also be found on the initiative's website
By Tamer E
•Jun 20, 2021
I enjoyed this Brightline Initiative course "Bridging the Gap between Strategy Design and Delivery" very much, and I add it to my list of top Coursera courses. Throughout the course each of Brightline ten guiding principles to shrink the costly and wasteful gap between strategy design and delivery and turning great ideas into real results has been discussed, applied to real life examples and then discussed by top business executives and academics, to name a few (and in no particular order): - Rita G. McGrath of Columbia Business School; - Martin Reeves of Boston Consulting Group (BCG); - Mohammed Al-Abbadi of Saudi Telecom Company (STC); - Perry Keenan of Boston Consulting Group (BCG); - Roger Martin of the Rotman School of Management; - Sunil Prashara President and CEO of PMI; - Vijay Govindarajan of the Tuck School of Business; - and Jeroen Tas Chief Innovation & Strategy Officer of Royal Philips. Many thanks for Brightline and Ricardo Viana Vargas (the course instructor and Executive Director of the Brightline Initiative™) for this course. I highly recommend this course
By Renato Z C
•Nov 11, 2021
It should be no surprise to anyone that working towards a sustainable future with ability to adapt and respond to change is the mission of our generation and the next ones to come. In times where data acquisition and machine learning algorithms leverage human knowledge to unprecedented levels, while responses to global challenges such as global warming and the pandemic need to be immediate, every notion of how to take projects out of paper need to be reevaluated. The status quo is gone, and transformation is, more than ever, a continuous activity. It is also much bigger than acknowledging that resistance to transformations will impact your career and the future of your company, but understanding that effective delivery saves resources from a world that can’t afford to waste much more. Thank you very much Ricardo Viana Vargas and the Brightline Initiative for this amazing course.
By Luis R V P
•Oct 10, 2021
"Bridging the Gap Between Strategy Design and Delivery" Excelente curso de la iniciativa Brightline Initiative de PMI Internacional ¡Se los recomiendo absolutamente!
Durante 5 semanas conocerán como las principales empresas del mundo manejan sus estrategias y casos de estudio con análisis y las recomendaciones de destacados líderes y referentes estratégicos respecto a cómo no fallar en la implementación de las estrategias de sus empresas y ser exitosos conduciendo a sus empoderados equipos de trabajo. Finalmente, si pasan las evaluaciones y el trabajo final del curso, recibirán esta certificación al igual que yo. :-)
By Guillermo H Q
•Feb 20, 2020
This course allowed me to be aware of the importance of strategy delivery "connecting" with people. Any new state in an strategy requires to embrace change positively, and also unleash people potential at collective level. That's the course all about, sound simple, but it is very demanding, that's the reason to have the 10 guiding principles. Team-building, focused on high- performing level is also the aim of a sustainable strategy, which redefine itself in a infinite-loop through the culture (ritual) and talent into the organization. Thanks for sharing this initiative openly through this pragmatic course.
By Gustavo I H R
•Sep 28, 2021
Excellent course, very well structured, very good for people who are starting to learn about what strategy is, as well as a good source of learning for experienced people who want to review and improve their foundations for strategy design and implementation. Great interviews with academics and professionals related to strategy design and implementation, very interesting readings and very interesting references for further reading and learning about this topic. A complete course. Thanks a lot to the creator of the course and the people who made it possible!
By Dr. B S S
•Apr 25, 2020
This course is nice and well thought and laid out. It provides complete methodology and principles in detail for every one to understand it better in order to implement the strategy design and delivery in the organizations. The course content is too good and very informative. All top level leaders views, case studies, success stories made this course more live and to the current scenario's. This is a must course to study by all senior leaders of the organization, program managers PMO's and portfolio managers who play a major role in strategies delivery.
By Ricardo S M
•Jun 26, 2020
Fantastic course that makes you aware of the gap existing between the strategy design and the strategy delivery and the huge impact of it for the organizations, by means of a mix of interviews with top global leaders and experts, articles from prestigious publications like HBR, and the explanations from Ricardo Viana. I really liked as well that in order to complete the course, a fictional case has to be worked on, (like the MBA schools) as it allows you to practice all the content provided during the course. Highly recommended course!
By Kristian H
•Mar 5, 2020
Useful course that addresses a relevant area that is still not properly understood by most organisations. Contains many relevant examples. I especially liked the quote 'Strategy is not just a game plan, it's also the game itself,' which aptly sums it up. The final hands-on exercise is indeed useful, as it allows you to put all the principles learned to the test. The case study is indeed extensive and realistic. All in all a great experience. Recommended.
By Rohan N
•Sep 11, 2019
Wonderfully designed course. Covers topics for someone who would start their journey into the area, as well as for those who may have had experience with strategy design and implementation. Very practical tips to implement immediately. A great project at the end to check for understanding, as well as gain feedback from peers! Birghtline's Orgs. Guidelines in summary are wonderful to follow, for all professional decisions in the future!
By Afolabi S ( L
•May 12, 2020
Thanks to PMI and Coursera for this practical course. The content is rich and applies to various level of learners from beginner to intermediate as well as professionals. I have learnt what strategy is and what it is not. I understand the potential barriers to sucessful strategy delivery and most importantly principles and steps to help bridge this widening gap, in the faces of repidly changing technology. Highly recommend this course
By Pablo T V Q
•Mar 11, 2020
Simplemente excelente, es un espacio de análisis, reflexión y aprendizaje basado en datos reales, con experiencias reales, con la colaboración de profesionales y directivos de varias empresas líderes en el mundo quienes ejemplifican con detalle sus éxitos, errores, fracasos, lecciones aprendidas y acciones tomadas, que para quienes participamos enriquece aun más la experiencia del conocimiento. El curso es de aplicabilidad absoluta.
By Ramakrishnan V
•May 11, 2020
Very good initiative from Brightline Initiative by PMI. Guiding Principles are well explained along with Senior Industry leaders interview which were very apt to the concepts and HBR articles would be very useful for you to understand the concepts clearly. This course really helped me to understand the importance of how strategy design & delivery is equally important. Thanks once again to Brightline & Coursera !
By Pamela B
•Feb 5, 2020
This course provides much overdue insight into how vital strategy implementation is to a company and provides focused principals that can serve as guiding stars to the formation of strategic initiatives that really work to span the gulf between strategy design and strategy implementation. I found it extremely valuable, (especially the case study and final exercise). I highly recommend this course for everyone.
By Gena B
•Jun 18, 2020
Comprehensive, high-quality content, from the interviews with experts to the Harvard Business Review articles and business examples. The final assessment case study was a really great thinking exercise where the student can apply the principles learned into a real-word scenario. I highly recommend it for senior leaders and those in strategy design or strategy implementation aspiring for senior leadership.
By Patrick T
•Jun 8, 2021
It was a very well put together course that highlighted the gap between strategy and execution, lots of great interviews with industry leaders sharing their experiences which was very helpful in understanding the causes and how to address them. Lots of insights and nuggets from these interviews and the course work, very well worth the time spent taking it. Kudos to the creators!!!!
By Miguel A S M
•Aug 22, 2021
This is a course anyone who plan a career path to C-level must take. The main takeaway for me is " as a Top management we must be committed to implement what we think or design always taking into account the whole organization and be prepared to adapt or modify our strategy based on our organization and customers insights"
Thanks a lot for sharing such as wonderful knowledge
By Phillip S K
•Apr 21, 2021
The course is exceptionally good. It gives insight into designing a deliverable transformational strategy. I am particularly impressed by how the course aligns strategy implementation and delivery with its formulation. Team engagement and accountability, innovation and experimenting new ideas with room for early failure to learn fast were such good thoughts and guidances.
By Jean D A V B
•Mar 24, 2021
This is an excellent course which is very well structured. The sharing of the lesson learned from the top experts of the industry make this course stands out from the rest. The quiz question allows for critical thinking which is a key aspect of the course. The guidelines from Brightline are key tools that can tackle the major problems being faced by the organizations.
By Manaswini C
•Apr 16, 2020
Fantastic course by PMI & partners with a lot of insights into innovative project management and strategy design. Interviews from industry experts and rich HBR collection were the cherry on the cake. The course provides 10 guiding principles that are very effective at every level in an organization and can be used as the magic compass when in doubt.