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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Pluralidades em Português Brasileiro by Universidade Estadual de Campinas

915 ratings

About the Course

Pluralidades em Português Brasileiro is a five-week long online self-access course whose aim is to expand intercultural awareness and develop upper intermediate/advanced reading and listening comprehension skills regarding Brazilian Portuguese as a foreign language. An extra week was added to expand the topics of the course. From a pluralist perspective, the course aims at exploring cultural topics and linguistic diversity. The course activities are based on contextualized use of Brazilian Portuguese in several communicative situations. Oral, written and multimodal texts are used to develop reading and listening comprehension skills, which requires prior knowledge of Brazilian Portuguese. The course also focus on vocabulary and grammar expansion, pronunciation awareness, meta-cognitive skills and critical thinking....

Top reviews


May 4, 2017

Parabéns pela criação desse curso, posso dizer com segurança que o considerei excelente. Aprendi muito, este foi o primeiro curso e deixou um gostinho de quero mais. Muitissimo agradecida.


Sep 19, 2020

Gostei do curso por ser eclético e dinâmico. E pela proposição de pluralidade da língua portuguesa. Busquei conhecer o suprassumo do conteúdo destinado ao público estrangeiro.

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326 - 343 of 343 Reviews for Pluralidades em Português Brasileiro

By Brianna B

Jan 23, 2020

I think this course is quite nice, but I was expecting it to be a little more challenging.

By Laura D G

May 10, 2020

foi muito bom para o meu aprendizado!!! Mas infelizmente o certificado é pago!!

By Mauricio M M

Oct 30, 2020

O curso está bem, mas eu acho que os exercicios devem ser mais dificieis.

By Alfredo R M

Jun 16, 2024

Eu gostei muito o curso mas acho que é curto...Obrigado!

By Noemi G

Mar 22, 2020

O curso é interessante e bem estruturado. Gostei muito!

By Ruben U

Aug 5, 2021

Gostei muito! Talvez mais grammatica seria legal

By Camila A

Jun 21, 2020

Muy interesante el uso de los contenidos.

By Maia M

May 24, 2020

Nice course, very light in content.

By Raquel

May 7, 2021

Courso muito bom e interesante

By Iqui D

Jul 1, 2023

O curso é ótimo.

By Lisa G

Jun 13, 2020

interesting to read about people's feelings of identity in different parts of Brazil, hear rapid Brazilian-accented Portuguese. But the professors may have been too ambitious covering too broad a scope: teaching about Brazilian culture, textual analysis and grammar( verbal tenses) as well , I'm not sure why all that was necessary. Annoyingly in Segment 2 of Week 5on Pretérito Imperfeito do modo Indicativo quiz questions 1 and 4, 5 were incorrectly graded, clearly a computer issue. This was corroborated by other students on Forum. This denotes a sloppy revision of web site functionalities.

By German P C

May 11, 2018

The subject of the course is nice, but it is only a general interest subject. In the development of the idea; the exercises, the videos, las interviews had a very good impact. its excellent for now important things about the Brazilian culture.

I think that this course has a basic level, I would like to recommend to the Unicamp and the course developer to implement same ideas in a new course with all the topics about the Portuguese grammatical. this would be awesome

By Joao R

Jun 9, 2024

Os tópicos são bons e ajudam a refletir muito sobre questões de pluralidade e cultura brasileira, mas, na minha opinião, acho que as avaliações poderiam ser mais aprofundadas, especialmente nas perguntas das leituras. Assim mesmo, que a parte da avaliação da gramática seja um desafio.

By Gabriel T

Jun 13, 2024

os temas trados nao sao de mim interes, mas a forma de explicar e como foi estruturado o curso é bastante didatico.

By victória t

Jul 26, 2024

Não tem certificado!

By Eloy G

Sep 13, 2021

Higher difficulty of texts than that of the grammar explained. Texts and audios were of moderate difficulty whike grammar sometimes was too basic (present animperfect indicative) whilst other times it was more advanced (future subjunctive). The topics were these which could be found in a kindergarten (respect the different, dont be a bigot...) and reading strategies were poor.


By Juliana F B

Apr 20, 2020

O curso possui um erro que impede sua conclusão na atividade acerca do filme Central do Brasil.

Péssimo trabalho dos idealizadores e profissionais envolvidos.

By Deleted A

Dec 31, 2020

I do not want to continue this, when I put un en-roll do not erased?