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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Big Data Modeling and Management Systems by University of California San Diego

3,002 ratings

About the Course

Once you’ve identified a big data issue to analyze, how do you collect, store and organize your data using Big Data solutions? In this course, you will experience various data genres and management tools appropriate for each. You will be able to describe the reasons behind the evolving plethora of new big data platforms from the perspective of big data management systems and analytical tools. Through guided hands-on tutorials, you will become familiar with techniques using real-time and semi-structured data examples. Systems and tools discussed include: AsterixDB, HP Vertica, Impala, Neo4j, Redis, SparkSQL. This course provides techniques to extract value from existing untapped data sources and discovering new data sources. At the end of this course, you will be able to: * Recognize different data elements in your own work and in everyday life problems * Explain why your team needs to design a Big Data Infrastructure Plan and Information System Design * Identify the frequent data operations required for various types of data * Select a data model to suit the characteristics of your data * Apply techniques to handle streaming data * Differentiate between a traditional Database Management System and a Big Data Management System * Appreciate why there are so many data management systems * Design a big data information system for an online game company This course is for those new to data science. Completion of Intro to Big Data is recommended. No prior programming experience is needed, although the ability to install applications and utilize a virtual machine is necessary to complete the hands-on assignments. Refer to the specialization technical requirements for complete hardware and software specifications. Hardware Requirements: (A) Quad Core Processor (VT-x or AMD-V support recommended), 64-bit; (B) 8 GB RAM; (C) 20 GB disk free. How to find your hardware information: (Windows): Open System by clicking the Start button, right-clicking Computer, and then clicking Properties; (Mac): Open Overview by clicking on the Apple menu and clicking “About This Mac.” Most computers with 8 GB RAM purchased in the last 3 years will meet the minimum requirements.You will need a high speed internet connection because you will be downloading files up to 4 Gb in size. Software Requirements: This course relies on several open-source software tools, including Apache Hadoop. All required software can be downloaded and installed free of charge (except for data charges from your internet provider). Software requirements include: Windows 7+, Mac OS X 10.10+, Ubuntu 14.04+ or CentOS 6+ VirtualBox 5+....

Top reviews


Oct 16, 2017

Good Explanations of Concepts and Nice Tests. I got a trilling experience in completing the peer Assignments with keen observation and Analyzing of Concepts learned.Thanq for your course very much.


Mar 27, 2017

Nice course to describe the traditional data modeling (RDBMS) as well as various semi-structured and un-structured data modeling and management of the systems (Batch and Streaming data processing)

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426 - 450 of 511 Reviews for Big Data Modeling and Management Systems

By Shalaka M

Aug 31, 2017

I feel the assignments were a little vague and such assignments should be reviewed by mentors and not just fellow colleagues. Also, the concept on which the questions were based, were not covered that widely.

Additionally, if someone wants to refer to the slides in future they should be able to get the information they want from the slides itself, so they could be made more descriptive.

By Tamalika M

Nov 21, 2016

This course offers very useful high level overview of concepts and ideas which make you feel confident in the long run. However, the course is extremely basic and does not go deep beyond the high level concepts. The hands on exercises are boring and do not engage students. The course needs to be improved to make it more useful for students. This course is not very worthy of the money.

By Dan K

May 8, 2017

This is ok. There is some light theory and application of it, but even less hands-on. There is also too much of an emphasis on different big data systems and each brands specific uses. This is good information, but I think it could have been presented on a two page comparison chart. The next course is supposed to be more more hands-on, so I am looking forward to that

By Muhammad S

Sep 27, 2019

Thanks for offering this course. The course is not so good because most of the portion is theoretically based. We join the Coursera for hands-on courses. We study a lot of courses in our Homeland universities which are 90% theoretical. so I join Coursera to implement the concepts practically but this course is not so practical.

By Aniruddha J

May 20, 2018

Definitely could have used more hands on practices. The hands on practice examples could've delved deeper into 'how' instead of just giving you the command lines to run. Majority of the times were spent on lectures talking about abstract concepts. While useful, more of that time would've been better spend on hands-on examples.

By Karen H

May 6, 2021

I spent lots of hours figuring out cloudera/quickstart ,however could not install some packages :)

Python 2 is not supported so it would have been nice to make some modifications as well. In the videos you are stating that the domain is changing really fast, while you haven't updated martials accordingly.

By Srikanth C

Nov 26, 2017

Fairly superficial treatment of a wide variety of topics. There was only a loose connection between some of the hands-on exercises and the lectures. The final assignment questions were not clear and the marking scheme was vague, which led to quite a bit of confusion while answering and grading it.

By Naveen S

Aug 19, 2016

Although Content quality was good, the content is too much less and could have been easily integrated to first course or other course in specialisation.

Secondly Quiz were not challenging ,it was just too easy to pass, and this actually takes away the very reason they were employed in this course.

By David P

Aug 1, 2017

The course is great. The final peer-reviewed project is interesting, but very badly designed. The explanations are fairly confusing, and the peer-reviewed format really doesn't fit this assignement, as modeling can be performed in many different ways, that untrained peers might not recognize.

By Yanpei L

May 2, 2017

Expecting more hands on experience with big data frameworks like Hadoop or Spark. Instructions of the final assignment is very confusing, you don't actually know what it really want you to do until you go through all the Q&As in the discussion forum, which is really wasting time.

By Kivan I

Jul 5, 2017

I felt there was very little continuity between each of the 6 weeks of this course. Especially in week 1, where I noticed a significant jump in the level of the content and I found the lectures quite vague and ambiguous. But overall I am satisfied. Looking forward to course 3.

By Clemens W

Nov 20, 2016

The course takes a broad approach to the subject.

What I miss: the study material should provide more and better organized (theoretical) information (e.g. on topcis like database design, data structures, etc.)

What I like: presenting of current software projects around big data

By hsc a

Apr 25, 2018

The content is good, but the final assignment is ridiculous. The instructions are horrible, the peer reviewers are a joke (there are many people there with 0 experience with databases giving wrong feedback), and you don't get the answers for reviewing other people's works.

By Tariq A

Dec 27, 2019

Very well organized and conceived. By following the course, I was able to learn and build on the concepts with minimal questions or frustration. It taught me what I was looking to learn, was well organized, and well paced. I’m already applying what I learned at work.

By Nicolás J

Sep 20, 2017

The course has a lot of information that is completely useful for BD, I feel that it needs more hand-on exercises. For example, all those BDMS they listed are very useful, but it would have been more practical and fun to teach with an exercise, rather than 50+ slides.

By Josep M

Nov 21, 2016

There has been very few on-hands training. It's still very very at an introductory level. At some points it goes very deep, for example with the vectors for a document, but with the rest stay at a very high level. Open an excel sheet can not be considered training ...

By Francisco H

Oct 6, 2019

It was useful but I was expecting more specific exercies and practices with state of the art tools, instead of only a very high level conceptual resume of the frameworks and data types. I hope that in next specialization courses will go deeper into the specific uses.

By Jaime R

Jun 5, 2021

Far too much time wasted on rudementary material. Maybe coursera wants to strech things out to milk folks in monthly fee. My time is valuable, and this is just wasting too much of it. I'll just buy a book on amazon and cut to the chase.

By Norman L

Aug 12, 2018

The material does not delve into enough depth. The syllabus often moves into the next topic just as it begins to break the surface of the current topic. I want more details about the architecture and implementation of each NoSQL database

By Mustafa M

Apr 9, 2020

some of the concept parts were explained in complex manner like REDIS, Aerospike etc etc. The concept must be explained in more higher and logical manner considering this course mentioned no prior experience with bigdata was required

By Saulet Y

Jan 11, 2019

Very boring and not interesting course. The slides are just tedious. Additionally, there are some mistakes in week 4 if I'm not mistaken with evaluating weights and coSim(). Many users mentioned in the forums, but nothing has done.

By Kim U

Jan 17, 2018

Unfortunately, some of the videos are boring and difficult to understand, mostly because they fail to present the bigger picture, and through a lack of enthusiasm on behalf of the presenter.

By Sergey K

Sep 9, 2016

Peer-graded assignments are bad for multiple reasons. Most important one -- If I'm paying for this course I expect my work will be verified by skilled people, not by other "students".

By Paul F

May 3, 2018

Good ogeneric versight, the excercise of week 6 is not very well elaborated and the peer review instructions/scoring possibilities are not adequate (mostly all or nothing scoring).

By Sai L K

Oct 17, 2018

The course could have mentioned technologies which are more into the market currently and also it would have been better if there were some hands-on exercises on them as well.