Oct 16, 2017
Good Explanations of Concepts and Nice Tests. I got a trilling experience in completing the peer Assignments with keen observation and Analyzing of Concepts learned.Thanq for your course very much.
Mar 27, 2017
Nice course to describe the traditional data modeling (RDBMS) as well as various semi-structured and un-structured data modeling and management of the systems (Batch and Streaming data processing)
By Sergey K
•Oct 4, 2019
There is no enough practice, for final exam it is impossible to understand what is right and what is wrong even when making peer-review
By sandeep d
•Jul 16, 2019
Just a basic overview. Not much hands on
By Alberto R
•Nov 19, 2019
Material is very high level with very little practice examples. The attached documentation doesn't really add anything to the course and the quizzes are quick and simple.
By David P G
•Nov 15, 2019
No extra readings are provided to deepen the knowledge. Hands on are not maintained as outdate info is presented in the Hands On labs. Twitter HandsOn is not correctly explained.
By Hendrik B
•Dec 17, 2017
Sorry, but I don't think this is a very good course. Here are some reasons why: The time said to be needed for the course is artificially increased, because there are ten minutes appraised for each set of lecture slides. At the end, there is almost no reading material, which is not obvious when looking at the course at the start. I think this is almost fraud. Ultimately, there are basically only lectures, no other media to learn, except for some multiple-choice quizzes. There are Coursera courses which are way more diverse. Additionally, the lectures are not particularly good (not speaking of the horrible design and colouring). Especially, when talking about some examples for BDMS, it is difficult to follow because some of the concepts have not been explained properly prior to that. The quizzes are not very good, and it is very obvious that there is not much thought behind the answer options. Also, for the quizzes you almost exclusively need to memorize learned stuff, but not to transfer knowledge or to apply knowledge). The final exam was a joke, because there was NO attempt by the supervisors to give students some intuition about the right answers after they submitted. Still, they were expected to rate others’ submissions. Meaning, when you didn't know how to answer a question, you were still expected to rate others submissions. Seriously? In general, so far it feels like the lecturers attempted to make a shallow course for a big topic, meaning big data, in order to get some money (after all: it is expensive to earn a course certificate). There are courses on other topics (e.g. “Game Theory” by Stanford University, where the quizzes are relatively hard but you get a feeling that you learn something, “Improving your statistical inferences” by Eindhoven University, which has many different media to learn, not just lectures, and has exceptionally good quizzes, as well as “Bayesian Statistics: From Concept to Data Analysis” by Santa Cruz University, which has very modern style of presenting the lecture). Sorry, but I think this course needs improvement, especially since the topic is so important.
By Massimo M
•Jan 27, 2018
Sorry to say, but the course's topics are superficially explained. Teacher provided an overwhelming quantity of concept at the speed of light with very few practical examples. The entire course is not very explicative for someone that is not already a subject matter expert (that any case would define this course no more than a quick review). The assignment requirements are unclear and, in my opinion, teacher has not sufficiently explained the concepts required in order to straightforwardly perform it. More over, the assignment requires to use tables and graph, but the learning platform embedded editor does not allow to design this kind of graphical elements.
By Kuldeep K S
•Jun 4, 2020
It is the One of the best courses available for BigData Modelling . Even if the learner is beginner he/she can easily grab the things. I enjoyed this course a lot and got a lot of skills..
By Nishant U
•Feb 18, 2019
informative, descriptive with hands-on experience on updated tools.
By Online L
•Sep 25, 2021
The file for chapter 1 is not updated. spent a lot of time to google and go thru discussion forum to resolve the setup issues before I am able to continue the course. This wasted a lot of time.
By Kamran H
•Jun 5, 2020
Too much talk and less practice.
It is like you are at university class. If I needed to get bunch of unnecessary information in big data,I could have go to get proper diploma in some university. The purpose of doing online course is to have practical points about big data, not to get all those information which I am going to forget after few days.
I would suggest to change the structure of course, reduce number of examples and talks in videos, and increase more practical things on Big Data field (ex, doing some exercises in cloudera etc.)
By Isaac L
•May 7, 2018
The quizzes tested superficial knowledge, and basically just required you to memorize bullet points from the slides. The final project had incredibly confusing instructions, and the discussion forums didn't really clear anything up. The course materials seem to be about 5 years old, and I'm sure a lot has changed in terms of tools and technologies since then.
I've learned some useful information from this series of classes, but it doesn't seem like much effort was put into the content beyond the lecture videos.
By David S
•Feb 3, 2017
I don't feel this course is always very clear. I Feel that I usually am missing the big picture. I follow it in details, but the pace does not match in terms of how you can view the big picture of it.
By Ruben D M P
•Mar 30, 2022
Course is interesting but the support is almost null. The image file provided for the VM is not complete, I had to spend several hours trying to install and fix the errors I was getting; thanbkfully some of the issues were fixed by other users in the comments but you need to have some skills with unix environments.
By Zaher A H
•Jun 22, 2017
The course is not structured well. I hope if the course provides the skills needed to build noSQL data models such as Columnar - KV - Graphical etc. but the course keeps jumping from notion to notion with no clear and smooth structure.
The lecturer presentation style is terrible.
By Kenneth C C
•Feb 24, 2022
Coure appearst to be abandoned by instructors (as of 02/2022). Practice material is extremely outdated, relying on a VM with CentOS 6 that can no longer correctly install packages. The exercises appear to have been last updated in 2018 and despite multiple questions on the forums I haven't seen any recent feedback from moderators or instructors.
By James w
•May 8, 2019
I feel as though the assessment questions could have been more specific and the assessment criteria when marking could have been more precise. But other than that it was a great course.
By Aldo B
•Apr 3, 2017
I've learned a lot of things about data models and new ways to process the information. I want to learn new knowledge of big data because I want to apply in my professional life
By Alessandro C (
•May 5, 2024
The course was great, but the virtual machine is obsolete and some operations were performed in my native machine. Some python code had to be adapted from version 2 to version 3 (in my case the version was 3.12.3), and some additional changes where done to file "big-data-2\sensor\", because "matplotlib.dates.epoch2num(x)" is no more supported, so it was replaced with a change in the structure of "x" with "x.append(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(timestamp))". The data stream service at in port 12020 was not active, but the video for the hands-on was useful to look at the real-time plot of the stream.
By Brian S
•Jul 11, 2022
Good course overall. Fundamentals covered well. Perhaps a bit too easy. A lot of python scripts are broken with the latest version of python. CentOS is also no longer supported. Should have used a 100% self-contained VM and not getting users to re-download python etc..
By Bani C N
•May 11, 2020
Was a very hands-on experience with the Hadoop ecosystem streaming and analysis of live tweets from twitter gave a general outlook on how to perform simple operations with the HDFS
By Yuri C
•Sep 30, 2021
What a charm are the two instructors Dr. Gupta and Dr. Altintas! They have a really good way of lecturing for all levels. Very informative and enjoyable! The videos are great. But I must give only 3 starts because the last assignment is very decoupled from the videos. Moreover, it is terribly described. I am sorry for being so honest. But they are far from the level from the videos. Moreover, I would wish a complete update of the whole course. It has been many years!
By Kathryn L
•May 29, 2022
It's really hard to use the virtual machine- some updates are ot available and it's not clear from the course that you can also do the same exercises outside of the virtual machine with the right software.
By Chakresh S
•Oct 29, 2023
this course needs updates .. the content is nice but is outdated
•Apr 6, 2022
If I could get in a time machine and go back to 2015, and do this course then, this would have been a five star (or maybe four and a half) course. It's an introduction to the ideas behind the technologies and I think back then it would been really really good. The theoretical underpinnings are still good. Clearly a lot of work and attention went into it.
Sadly, the course has been left to fester and rot. There don't appear to have been any updates since around 2017, and a certain amount of the coursework is impossible with the tools they provide you with. Be prepared to have to figure out how old Python programs work in Python 2 and work around the fact that their ClouderaVM cannot get vital updates that you NEED in order to the exercises. It will be an uphill battle trying to get the tech to work. It's so so sad as this clearly was a labour of love from the designers, and there are a few things - like the real time Twitter plot graph - that would have been amazing when they worked. Now, alas, the modules and the authorisations are so different that you will have to do a lot of reasonably advanced work to get any of it even operate at a minimum level.
The discussion forums are useful to an extent, but no-one from the course seems to have paid much attention to it. Think of it as an old abandoned funfair that used to be amazing, where you can still go on some of the rides but where some of them only work if you've brought a spanner and some tech know-how.
By Raivis J
•Feb 11, 2019
Some topics swing wildly from high level to very technical or in-depth math, which in my opinion is not needed, this is not a DB administrator course.
The hands-on exercises seemed loosely connected to the course topics. I would have liked to see practical tasks based on real-life problems and situations in big data applications.
The final graded assignment is for someone completely new to the concept of databases, and has no relation to big data, or tools used in big data, which is unfortunate.