Dec 16, 2017
Got an amazing introduction to Graph Analytics in Big Data. Technical issues with Neo4J made this course a little more challenging than necessary. But the introduction to Spark GraphX was invaluable.
Oct 25, 2016
This course was excellent as an introduction to Graph Analytics and using Neo4j. Not only did I learn a lot, I've been given tasks related to what I've learned in this course after finishing it.
By Anthony M
•Mar 23, 2021
The roadmap is conceptually good, but this class really just provides a very beginner foundational understanding.
By Martin L
•Dec 26, 2017
I encountered numerous issues with the hands on exercises. Either copy paste errors or the VM simply hanging.
By Inês C B L
•Aug 8, 2022
Pros: good explanations, examples and hands on modules.
Cons: Out of date content in the last module.
By Rodrigo V d S
•Nov 18, 2017
The last two weeks was very hard to understand. This module could be a separated course.
By Kartik K
•Dec 31, 2018
A lot of unanswered doubts. And a lot of improperly explained concepts and codes.
By Jesus C
•Jul 30, 2018
The course is good, but I would prefer the examples to be coded in Python.
By Devi V V
•May 17, 2017
not much explanation about the syntax of the commands given in excercises
By Petr P
•Mar 17, 2017
All the complexity of the course is concentrated to the last week.
By William S
•Jun 23, 2020
Great material. Too many technical issues. Possibly outdated.
By Carlos C
•Jul 2, 2019
It's necessary to update the documentations of the course
By Anthony B
•Oct 5, 2016
Need to include more student project design in the course
By Gustavo F
•Aug 26, 2024
i would have prefered more analytics and less tools.
By Mona Y
•Jun 15, 2020
should update the course materials and the tutorials
By Sylvain O
•Apr 12, 2020
Too much time spent on tools installation
By Ashish J
•Sep 6, 2017
was not able to load the files in neo4j
By piaoyang
•Jun 14, 2020
Helpful reviews are very reasonable
By Daniel K
•Aug 10, 2019
Week 5 seemed irrelevant
By Csaba O
•Oct 31, 2017
My problem with this course is the same that with the Machine learning course: it is too basic, and the big data aspects were more a demo than a real course. I know about graph theory and networks in general much more than it was covered in this course, and I was disappointed that all the big-data context was limited to the handson sessions of week 5. I have to mention that the theoretical parts (first 3 weeks) were high quality and nice, just did not cover anything new for me.
On the contrary, the graphx handsons were drafty and really lacked explanations of the steps. I suggest to rename this course to something like "Introduction to graph and network analysis with a big-data demo" not to mislead users.
By Keith B
•Jun 24, 2017
There were a number of software configuration settings for which we were not forewarned, some settings that I saw now way of changing in the community edition of Neo4j, and the queries in week 5 were not adequately explained. Furthermore, some of the earlier lectures appeared to be "modified from the original lecture, cut down to create required material and optional material. The lectures were cut in crude fashion, and the instructor would go from one slide to the next, sometimes starting in mid sentence. This subject can be interesting and useful information, but the content needs to be reworked so that we better understand the software use, and what we are trying to achieve.
By William B
•May 28, 2018
My personal opinion but we seem to be just breezing through at a very fast pace the details associated with the applications. We are presenting but not really conveying anything meaningful given the pace that they are covered. Seems more of a distraction than value to the overall objective of the course. It would make more sense just to provide a slower placed recorded session on the tools .. and I do mean slower with explanation. Perhaps and optional course where there could be a deeper drill down into to the apps. It also seems that some of the course material is not up to date with the current versions of the apps as well.
•Oct 6, 2020
While there is very good content in this course, just like the others in the Big Data Specialization the material is out of date with the tools, there is not enough guidance on the use of the tools, and no one curates the material to keep the directions for using the tools current with the tools. This makes these courses hugely frustrating and a huge time suck without providing insight or value other than how to search the web for answers to fixing all the screw ups in the material.
Over All this makes the course extremely POOR
By Yi S
•May 22, 2020
This course continues the style of the specilization. Wrong instructions, theoretical lecture and inconsiderate course structure. Maybe this course includes too much concepts and skills and students may not be able to command all of them within such a short period of time. I have to say it's a waste of time to download all these softwares in the course.
By Jeffrey K
•Nov 27, 2020
All kinds of issues with the hands-on assignment software. Sooooooo much time wasted trying to get things running and/ or files loaded etc. This course + specialization MUST be completely overhauled because all of the chosen software models/platforms are much updated themselves, otherwise, just take it down from Coursera altogether!!!
By Kjell L
•Sep 24, 2016
First week of 3 min video. Seriously we want to dive into the subject. And the last two weeks should have more content. Felt like much more copy and paste without understanding why you did that. Understand this should be introduction to Big Data... But the price you pay for the introduction is too expensive.
By Fernando B M
•Oct 9, 2017
Full of errors, short of explanations and support, just trying to figure out what to introduce in the command line, not knowing what I am actually doing and why. There are issues reported in the forums eight months ago that have not been fixed. At least one can get a fair idea of what can be done.