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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Accounting Analysis I: Measurement and Disclosure of Assets by University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

193 ratings

About the Course

**NOTE: You should complete the Accounting Analysis I: The Role of Accounting as an Information System course or be familiar with the concepts taught there before beginning this course.** This course is the second course in a five-course Financial Reporting Specialization that covers the collection, processing, and communication of accounting information (via financial reports) about economic entities to interested parties (i.e., managers and external stakeholders such as stockholders and creditors). To gain the most relevant knowledge from these courses, learners should have taken a basic accounting course prior to this Specialization (which can be done through Coursera courses, such as any accounting course from the Fundamentals of Accounting Specialization: This Specialization focuses on accounting concepts, principles and theory with an emphasis on problems that arise in applying these concepts for external reporting purposes. Specific emphasis is placed on measurement of assets, liabilities, equities and income, as well as disclosure of additional information that may assist users understand the financial reports. In this course, we will begin our review of key asset categories underlying the Balance Sheet concepts that were introduced in the previous course. We will begin our trek down the Balance Sheet by reviewing cash and receivables, which are normally the two assets listed first. We will continue our trek down the Balance Sheet by looking at inventory and long-lived assets, which are normally two of the largest asset values. We will review the measurement and reporting issues involving Inventories and the corresponding cost of goods sold expense in the Income Statement. In the latter half of this course we will conclude our review of key asset categories by looking at both tangible and intangible long-lived assets that are so vital to the production of goods and services. This will entail discussion of both acquisition and disposition of property, plant and equipment as well as cost allocation. Next, we will discuss possible impairment of these assets as well as the proper treatment of expenditures made after acquisition. Lastly, we will review how to identify and account for debt and equity investments. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, consistently ranked as one of the nation's top three accounting programs, now offers a master’s in accounting at a very affordable tuition rate and is completely online. The iMSA is a full Master of Accountancy program and students graduate with an MS that is highly recognized. Try an open course or two, then apply for admission into the credit-bearing version as you may be eligible to take credit-bearing courses during the application process. If you are missing any prerequisites for the full degree, you can complete Coursera courses to demonstrate readiness and strengthen your application for the iMSA. For more information on this exciting iMSA online program, refer to this link:

Top reviews


Jun 18, 2020

I wish I could pay for your lecture, but unfortunately I can't. The website "coursera" is a treasure for every individual who keeps a desire of quality education.


Apr 21, 2021

the subject matter is very continuous with the current era so it is easy to understand. added a better Indonesian translation.

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1 - 25 of 49 Reviews for Accounting Analysis I: Measurement and Disclosure of Assets

By Scott M A


Apr 27, 2020

Great content, at the right level and quickly gets to the point.

By Diego A C


Jul 26, 2019

A great course which offered me great knowledge on the Asset part of accounting. I would highly recommend this course to others that search to expand their knowledge of accounting. I will continue to go to the next courses. Thank you!

By Saddam A


Jun 19, 2020

I wish I could pay for your lecture, but unfortunately I can't. The website "coursera" is a treasure for every individual who keeps a desire of quality education.

By Riezky P


Apr 21, 2021

the subject matter is very continuous with the current era so it is easy to understand. added a better Indonesian translation.

By Quyen T


Aug 19, 2021

Really good course. Very challenging and interesting topics being presented although largely in US context. ARO is rarely touched unless you work for constructing companies. Inventory management and estimation is quite useful for anyone in retail and FMGS industry.

By Latha R


May 25, 2020

The concept covered are good and the test your knowledge section helps to revise and the course material is of good quality. Thanks, professor Davis and the team

By Marcel M E


Jun 5, 2020

Overall very good course, liked it very much and learnt a lot. Some things for improvement:

-include white board examples in the slide deck,

-examples to every calcuation you expect the students have to know in the final quiz. For example there were calculations in the quiz regarding Financial instruments held to mautarity but no example (white board and slides) or at least references where to find good examples

By Dhinesh A D


Mar 11, 2022

Excellent course on financial accounting that specifically focuses on Asset recognition and evaluation. Covers the vast investment options available such as stocks, bonds and accounting for gains and losses. How to account for acquisition, disposition and different cost allocation methods such as activity-based, time-based,straight line method and double-declining method are few takeaways should mention about.

By Hemakshi D K


Jun 23, 2021

The instructor patiently explained the subject of balance sheet assets, its measurement and accounting in a very clear and systematized way. Look forward to taking the third course in this specialisation.

Thanks Gregory Sir, University of Illinois and Cousera for developing such an informative course.

By Kesya A M


Apr 28, 2022

Very well, but I think I don't really like peer graded assignment system. It's really takes time waiting for review

By Delmy M


Nov 13, 2019

Great Course! I definitely learned to look at financial statements differently with this course.

By Khalil R


Aug 18, 2021

This course was very insightful ad gave a lot of information on understanding reporting assets

By Ismail B


Apr 5, 2022

very expert content ,fully helpfull , more knowledge , trusted resources thanks so much

By malaika k


Aug 5, 2020

It was really helpful as it teaches us the basics of financial statements .



Jan 9, 2020

Very informative course for Accounting background students.

By Mario J R M


Mar 29, 2019

Excellent course Accounting Analysis, congratulations

By H F


May 5, 2023

Very good course and easy to understand



Jun 14, 2021

Excellent teacher, excellent course!

By D C M G


Feb 5, 2021

good content and easy explanation

By Vivian


Jul 31, 2020

I learn a lot from this course.

By Mobeen A


Feb 13, 2020

Very informative and focused.

By Ross K


Jan 12, 2023

It was a great experience.

By Andreas D S N B


Dec 12, 2024

Enjoyable and effective!

By Nann S L K


Jan 4, 2023

The best course ever!

By Fransisca S R


Apr 8, 2021

excellent course!!