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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Archaeoastronomy by Politecnico di Milano

1,416 ratings

About the Course

Archaeoastronomy is the “science of stars and stones”. It is an interdisciplinary science in between architecture, archaeology, and astronomy. It studies the relationships between the ancient monuments and the sky, in order to gain a better understanding of the ideas of the architects of the past and of their religious and symbolic world. The course provides the first complete, easy introduction to this fascinating discipline. During the course, many spectacular ancient sites of archaeology – such as Stonehenge in England, Giza and Karnak in Egypt, Chichen Itzá in the Yucatan, Macchu Picchu in Peru and the Pantheon in Rome – will be visited and the fascinating events occurring there in special days of the year (such as solstices, equinoxes, or the day of the foundation of Rome) will be shown and explained. The course also provides the necessary background on Astronomy with the naked eye and a general introduction to the role of Astronomy in religion and in the management of power among ancient cultures....

Top reviews


Nov 27, 2021

I​ really enjoyed this archaeoastronomy course. Professor Magli demonstrated outstanding knowledge of the subject, and was so generous in sharing his expertise through videos of worldwide locations.


Mar 2, 2019

Amazingly made MOOC. Perhaps it feels a bit short in comparison to some of the others, but the material is well presented and the suggested readings give plenty of opportunity for further learning.

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301 - 325 of 435 Reviews for Archaeoastronomy

By Coline D Z

Dec 10, 2020

Great !

By Julio A Z P

Apr 20, 2021


By Jesús G c V

Jun 13, 2019


By Venkatesh.Meka

Nov 11, 2017


By Arvin N

Jan 25, 2022


By jorge r

Oct 27, 2020


By Gergo M

Dec 4, 2023


By Chunduri p

Mar 16, 2020



By Ricardo M

Jul 19, 2022


By Diana L

Jun 3, 2017

Excellent introduction to the field with exciting examples of the centrality of the movements of celestial bodies to religious belief and practice (and more) in antiquity, as realized in stone structures. If only I were a scientist and, especially, a mathematician! What is so interesting is that clear, precise evidence can be provided through these methods. My first thought was, how much more interesting and enlightening any study of antiquity would be with the particular addition of archaeoastronomy. These discoveries through mathematics feel rather like magic, reaching beyond the mechanics to reveal deeper insights into how people of the time might have experienced connection and communication with the heavens. Thank you!

[If I were to make a suggestion, it would be to have the instructional staff review some of the more technical quiz questions and pull out some items for supplementary video instruction. As the factors accumulate, they become pretty confusing for the less mathematically knowledgeable among us.]

By Analia C C

Oct 28, 2020

el curso me gusto muchisimo, aprendi sobre construcciones megalíticas que me fascinaron.Me gustaría que hubiera una segunda parte para profundizar aun más en esta disciplina científica

Lo único que podría decir que no ha sido de mi agrado fueron los textos suministrados en la semana 7 que incluian conceptos y modos de calcular y objetos celestes que si bien eran claros considero que faltaron los videos explicativos que siempre son mucho más didácticos para comprender los temas. Yo tengo una formación en Cartografía y por lo tanto en la Facultad estudié Cosmografía, Topografía y Geodesia por lo que no me resultaron desconocidos los temas pero para quienes no poseen demasiada formacion previa puede resultar algo dificil de interpretar sin ejemplos .

Por lo demás ha sido un gran curso y ojalá puedan realizar más sobre la misma temática que es apasionante.Mis felicitaciones al profesor por su claridad al explicar

By Paul L G

Nov 28, 2018

Assumes that after reading something for an hour you can clearly understand specific object motions and measurements and technical terms that describe them. Spatial visualization, even distinguishing East from West and degrees of declination and right ascension is not clear and simple to all, unless you've been at it for quite some time. The exams get stuck in these descriptions and discernment and do little to further the understanding of Archaeoastronomy. Simple sundials, stone circles, as seen in Canada from indigenous peoples also attest to the understanding of celestial motions and sky observations by ancient cultures. No temple or grand monument is required to highlight ancient interest in sky motions. Aside from this shortfall the course is interesting and visually rich.

By Ralph A C

Dec 9, 2020

This is a good course because it carefully adheres to science as it describes the connections between several historic civilizations and astronomy. I think Giulio Magli did a good job of making clear that any association of ancient monuments with astronomy needs to be tied to either a utilitarion reason (for example, when to plant crops) or some other reason that is well documented (hierglyphics, Greek or Roman writings, etc.).

My only complaint is with the last quiz. I feel that the reading assignments did not prepare us well for it. The questions required a much deeper understanding of astronomy than was provided by the reading material.

By Luis F L B

May 23, 2020

El curso me ha resultado muy interesante, me ha proporcionado nuevos conocimientos, me resultó bastante asombroso los conocimientos que tenían las civilizaciones antiguas respecto de la astronomía y la manera en que se vincula a la religión, a la arquitectura, a la política, a la economía, a las matemáticas, al arte, a la geografía; a través de este curso se puede constatar el avanzado desarrollo de las civilizaciones a las que se hace referencia en el curso. Los seis primeros módulos tienen un formato distinto del último que no tiene ningún video que desarrolle o explique un poco más la información. Gracias.

By Sorella F

Sep 26, 2018

I found this course extremely interesting! However once it came to the actual astronomy theory I found the explanations to be very short. As a consequence some of the tests were HILARIOUSLY difficult and unrealistic. The questions that were asked (week 1 and week 6) could not possibly be answered with the information provided in the course. Also I thought it was a pity the sixth week was mostly reading, with no videos. In short - definitely take this course for the interesting content, but beware of the astronomically difficult tests in week 1 and 6 ;)

By Anvita B

May 11, 2021

Interesting course material brought to life by the wonderful and helpful graphics in every video. The subject matter got a little too technical for my taste sometimes, and I had to do a lot of pausing and rewinding to understand it. A good course if you want to know more about the reasoning for the structure and placement of almost all early architecture all around the world. This course will tell it to you beautifully. Definitely learned a lot of new things over these 7 weeks! Thanks to Prof. Magli!

By Pamela S

Jul 13, 2017

I found the lectures about the architecture and its relationship to the environment fascinating and impressive. The material was well presented and I could answer the quiz questions easily by reviewing my notes. The lectures about actual astronomical measurement did not familiarize me with those concepts and I had a very difficult time passing the two tests on that material. I did search out some additional information about azimuth but I did not do that for all the astronomical terms and concepts.

By Leonardo T

May 6, 2020

Excelente, soy novato en astronomía, sin embargo quería aprender sobre alineamientos, constelaciones, azimut y declinaciones, además de las curiosidades y enigmas que las grandes civilizaciones dejaron plasmadas en sus construcciones. Lo único malo del curso, es la dificultad de los tests, la mayoría de las preguntas se obtienen por razonamiento o jugando el software Stellarium, pero uno tarda en aprender a usarlo. Gracias al equipo del Politécnico de Milano por este maravilloso curso.

By Tessa D V

Apr 26, 2018

This was a very interesting course. I joined out of curiosity and finished the whole thing in a couple weeks time. I'm a complete newbie to the subject but still managed to grasp most of it.

Some of the lessons are a LOT more challenging than others though. I especially struggled with the last week's materials but did manage to get the majority of it in the end. All in all, definitely worth taking if you have an interest in the subject.

By Francisco J M N

Mar 29, 2020

Un curso sorprendente, que te replantea la manera de observar la arquitectura antigua y la relación que los antiguos tenían con los astros, tan fuertemente arraigada. Ha sido muy ameno y en todo momento ha conseguido mantener mi interés y despertar mi curiosidad sobre nuevos emplazamientos y su relación con el cielo. Tengo una nueva visión de los monumentos de la antigüedad. Ya sé cómo debo mirarlos ahora.

By Fethi O Ö

Jul 7, 2017

First of all many thanks for University Politecnico Di Milano,Coursera community and Mr.Giulio Magli Proffesor.Archaeoastronomy isn' well known subject by the people in the world But all branches of sciences. are interested in each others.Differences between of archaeology and astronomy are the places where work.You are looking to the past always in both. I felt ike timetraveller here.

By Susanna R P

Jan 24, 2025

I have enjoyed the course, but there are two things that not. First, to talk about the Feng Shui as a pseudoscience, as if the "academic science" were the panacea, and second, the last unit have been difficult, a huge difference of level, for me, between the other six moduls and de modul seven. Apart from this, a very good course, thank you very much!

By Carlos E F

Apr 19, 2022

Es un excelente curso introductorio. La secuencia de sesiones está bien organizada y los temas son abordados de forma clara e interesante lo que motiva a aprender más del tema. Las pruebas son relevantes y pertinentes a los contenidos estudiados. Lo recomiendo a cualquiera que esté motivado por la integración entre arquitectura y astronomía.

By Karen

Feb 8, 2021

Fascinating class with great examples. Given the criticality of the concepts of Azimuth throughout the course it would have been better to cover that more thoroughly up front, perphps with written materials to look at similar to the last section on formulas. Loved all the examples of ancient buildings/places where this is applicable.

By Jose N

Dec 16, 2020

It is a brief but interesting view of the relationship between ancient civilizations, astronomy, and monumental architecture. It is slightly more in-depth than a NatGeo documentary. You don't need any background to take it, but the first and last quizzes assumes that you have powers of divination to answer. It is fun to get it done.