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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Leading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry by Case Western Reserve University

277 ratings

About the Course

Appreciative Inquiry is a collaborative and constructive inquiry process that searches for everything that gives life to organizations, communities, and larger human systems when they are most alive, effective, creative and healthy in their interconnected ecology of relationships. To appreciate, quite simply, means to value and to recognize that which has value—it is a way of knowing and valuing the best in life. In the language of Positive Organizational Scholarship it means a research focus—a positive bias—seeking fresh understanding of dynamics described by words like excellence, thriving, abundance, resilience, or exceptional and life-giving. In this context the word appreciate means to value those things of value—it is a mode of knowing often connected to the idea of esthetic appreciation in the arts. To appreciate also means to be grateful or thankful for—it is a way of being and maintaining a positive stance along the path of life's journey. And not incidentally, to appreciate is to increase in value too. Combining the three—appreciation as a way of knowing, as a way of being and as an increase in value– suggests that Appreciative Inquiry is simultaneously a life-centric form of study and a constructive mode of practice. As a form of study, Appreciative Inquiry focuses on searching systematically for those capacities and processes that give life and strength and possibility to a living system; and as a constructive mode of practice, it aims at designing and crafting human organizations through a process in which valuing and creating are viewed as one, and where inquiry and change are powerfully related and understood as a seamless and integral whole Leading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry is a course dedicated to advancing our understanding and skill in leading strength-based change and on how to create, foster and manage organizations in which people thrive and perform at their best....

Top reviews


Nov 6, 2018

Really enjoyed this course, it was a great learning opportunity and I look forward to continuing to put the things I learned into real world practice. The concepts taught have real po


Jul 21, 2019

Thank you for this excellent course. It was rigorous, robust, and very meaningful.I plan to do more work in the are of Leading Positive Change.All the best,Rob

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1 - 25 of 111 Reviews for Leading Positive Change through Appreciative Inquiry

By Karen B

Sep 2, 2017

Great learning from Ron Fry, who created Appreciative Inquiry along with Cooperider. Course goes into right level of depth. Highly recommend!

By Jeffrey L

Jul 24, 2020

Really liked the content and the way it was taught. I would have preferred more peer reviewed assignments instead of computer reviewed.

By David R

Sep 21, 2020

Course was not up to par with other Coursera courses I have taken. There was some very good content n the course but the course itself was put together very unprofessionally. Beginning in the first introductory video there were many typos and errors in the translation from the subtitles. One of the worst is when Ron Fry talks about helping with societal issues. the translation is suicidal issues. " Your going to learn about novel cutting edge approach to leading and facilitating positive change that can be applied at all levels. In dyads, small groups, teams or work units, total organizations, communities, entire supply chains, across industries and even for suicidal issues." The Peer Review has been a problem in other Coursera courses but my experience was worst in this one. I actually flunked one assignment getting 100% score from one reviewer and 0% from another. The person who game the zero left no comments as to why. One of the things that made the Peer Review scoring difficult is that the choice was to grade on a scale of 0 to 10 but 0 and 10 were the only options. Many times I wanted to give a score of something in between but was unable to with this system. The Peer review for the last assignment required three reviewers. It took me about 10 days of going back each day, sometimes several times a day to get someone's assignment to review. It seems that would be an easy fix of only requiring two reviews instead of three if there were limited assignments. Finally, unlike other Coursera courses I have taken, this one did not allow me to add my certificate to Linkedin. I am glad I took the course, I learned a lot. I wish the course was put together at a higher level quality than it was so that it would be on par with other Coursera courses.

By Valentijn d L

Jun 27, 2016

This course is straightforward, and at the same time deep going. the reading and available books on the topic, enable considerable in depth study. I find the work load very reasonable, still I have the impression I have learnt a lot.

By Simba

Aug 9, 2020


By Naoum L

Aug 1, 2016

I am working as an organisational consultant and thought this would add some knowledge - however it is really difficult to follow because it seems repetitive to me... I have paid for the certificate and still it is difficult for me to focus. It seems there is too much information and too much talk for things that are easily understood and do not need all this going over and over again. I got bored by the time I got to week 3 and it is seems impossible to stay focused and complete all assignments. I hope this changes in my third and last chance to get the certificate...

By Tarang

Jul 7, 2016

I rated this as a 3 though I got a lot more out of the concepts and the class in the way it was taught than I had when reading books and literature on the subject. I would have wanted more discussions with cohorts taking the class to help cement the practices by virtue of seeing it from other perspectives in different work environments. I can imagine the same class with a moderator and someone facilitating the discussions would get me to the 5 rating. In a nutshell the content is great the experience of the class could be at a higher level then what I experienced.

By Alice P

May 22, 2016

Despite the material being interesting the instructor's way of teaching it made it boring and hard to pay attention

By Lum P Y

Dec 29, 2020

The instructor, Prof Ronald Fry, a pioneer of Appreciative Inquiry (AI), did a very good job in presenting the subject. I am very impressed by the attention placed on the foundational matters that could be missed in this hurried world. The course was practical and at the same time, Prof Fry delivered enough conceptual and theoretical grounding to ensure that the Appreciative Inquiry 4D would be done true to its intent and principles. I was particularly inspired by Prof Fry’s wisdom on “Being AI, not just Doing AI”. From that I hear in my mind, “Being a leader, not just Doing a leader.”, “Being human, not just Doing Human.”. Thank you Prof Fry!

By Aneesah W

Mar 17, 2021

I have audited this course for such a long period, re-reading and integrating the material until it became a daily habit. This is when I decided that I needed to get my certificate. And even once all my coursework was in, I am still referencing and integrating these practices, applying it to more and more of my life. I have recommended it to so many fellow coaches and clients as well as others who are working with people (such as mediators & attorneys doing family law) to help them change the questions they ask. Everyone needs to do AI!

By Randolph C

Jul 22, 2018

So far, I have found it particularly useful in my personal life. I will be applying it as a consultant soon, and I am sure it will be successful. I do consider that AI should be used together with other tools that may handle elements such as optimism bias and conflict management, such as the teachings of Nobel Laureate in Economics Daniel Kahnemann and the difficult conversation approach of Harvard's Negotiation Project.

Prof Fry by the way is an excellent instructor. It would be fantastic to have him here in Costa Rica soon.

By Nidhi S

Feb 22, 2019

This is an amazing course which impacts the learner positively and makes him able to be a leader who can bring change and drive any change in his team and ecosystem in a very positive way.

It was an enriching experience to learn fine techniques of appreciative inquiry in this course.

Thanks Coursera and most importantly thanks to Professor Ronald Fry for being an amazing teacher of this amazing course. The shine and positivity on his face in those videos was definitely a booster.


By James K

Jul 12, 2022

A great introduction to Appreciative Inquiry and also some real, actionable things that I was able to apply while learning the concepts. It put a framework or structure around many things that I thought made sense but had not seen as a holistic approach to change.

I actually did this course twice, once with a general understanding and then again with more practice of the assignments. The course was valuable both times and I am now applying it in the real world.

By Vipul U

Mar 28, 2019

Very easy to understand,practical examples ,assignments make it like on campus Instructor led program,felt like being on the campus of university.

100% I will be able to apply in my work & personal life.My colleagues & family members will also benefit from this course.Would strongly recommend to people who are aspiring to make impact & grow.

Prof Ronald Fry made it so easy to understand & follow difficult concepts.Real case studies were very informative.

By Noorudin M

Dec 25, 2017

I got to know a little about Appreciative Inquiry two years ago. I was looking for a course which could help me expand my knowledge and understanding. This course was very helpful in broadening my understanding about AI and how to use it from personal and organizational development perspective. It helped me expand my understanding about leading for change using AI as a tool. A highly recommended course for managers.

By Marta B A

Feb 10, 2019

I can refer a lot of concept discussed in this course to my daily work and got a lot of inspiration and ideas of how to implement AI into my team and department operations. This course opened my eyes to the power of positive emotions and strengths - based change process definition. I truly believe this is the right way to approach change and transformation and assures sustainability and well-being.

By Bernard D V

Apr 12, 2020

I was kind of suspicious at the beginning of the course because I was not really understanding the concept of Appreciative Inquiry. But, weeks after weeks, I realised that was really interesting and I learned some concepts that I was able to put immediatly in place. A great course with rich examples of complex situations. This course will push you to approach things differently.

By Vikram A M

Jul 21, 2018

An excellent course. The course has provided me with an amply clear understanding of AI and its applications. The reading material was very good. Prof Fry's lectures were clear and to the point. Prof Fry's ability to mix practical explanation of applications and case studies helped me understand AI much better than what I knew before I had started the course. Thank you very much

By Kriswanto T

Oct 2, 2020

This course is very useful to provide students or practitioners with good methods to run workshop, to lead change and to engage people for positive conversations. Highly recommended. My hope is Prof Fry can invite the students who take this course to invite us who have learnt this course for webinars to keep us updated with new skills and research in this area.

By Midhun M

Apr 20, 2020

I found this course to be instrumental in bringing clarity to what AI is and how it could be applied for greater good.The assignments are just right,neither too tough nor too easy. I also loved the flow and arrangement of the weekly topics. Anyone wanting to explore an alternative approach to finding solutions would find this course to be of immense benefit.

By law k c

Feb 3, 2017

This course provides a road map that creates new possibilities that is relevant on the individual level and on the organization level. This road map guides the discovery of our dreams, hopes and strengths. It guides us towards creating a shared purpose and vision. It guides us towards creating an aspiration statement and take action to fulfill the statement.

By Bill M

Jul 18, 2017

This was an exceptional learning experience with techniques and tools that I found directly applicable to work situations. I found the instructors did a very effective job in breaking down and explaining the concepts. Highly recommend this course for anyone who is leading an organization, team or interested in doing any kind of transformational work.

By Simona C

Sep 13, 2021

I appreciated a lot the content of the course and professor Ronald Fry. The course is very pragmatic, giving a structure for how to lead a positive change using the AI, but also the tools to do it. During the lessons, I had myself positive emotions and a the feeling that I'm at my best!

By Muralikrishna R

Jul 2, 2021

A brilliant course that packs in a great deal of concepts in such a simple yet powerful way. One of the most engaging online course I have attended so far. Thank you Case Western Reserve University, Ronald Fry & Team and Coursera for coming together and creating this wonderful program.

By Sudhir K

May 4, 2022

Very helpful learning program for improve of basic knowledge. when we are working then it seems that what we are doing is the best. Especially when you have been working for 8-10 years. But when such a learning platform is available, it seems that a lot needs to be changed now.