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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Algae by University of California San Diego

1,225 ratings

About the Course

This course was produced by the Algae Technology Educational Consortium and UC San Diego with funding from the Algae Foundation, the National Renewable Energy Lab, and the U.S. Department of Energy. Algae are an extremely diverse group of organisms that can be found in almost every ecosystem on the planet, and they play an essential role for life on earth. They are little bio-factories that use the process of photosynthesis to create chemical compounds that we can utilize for food, feed, medicine, and even energy. We’ve brought together some of foremost algae experts from industry and academia to teach you the fundamentals of algae. This course will cover what algae are, why they are important, and why we are interested in them for both their environmental benefit, as well as their use for products. You will also explore the vast diversity of algae including the characteristics and applications of some of the main types of algae that are in commercial use today. Later you will learn about algal ecology and how interactions with environment, including pests and predators, affect algal productivity. And finally you will examine the processes of algae bio-manufacturing including production processes, as well as some of the products, benefits, and challenges that impact our ability to make commercially viable products from algae....

Top reviews


Nov 2, 2022

Incredibly helpful to someone wanting to study ecological sciences at university! I highly recommend you complete the course as it doesn't take long. I very much enjoyed it. With love from the UK!


Apr 9, 2019

one of the best course to know everything about algae. I recommend all people who decided to work on algae pass this course. I learnt about different aspects of algae and seaweed. thanks Coursera.

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76 - 100 of 348 Reviews for Introduction to Algae

By Venkataraghavan R


Jun 24, 2020

The course is awesome. This course provided various insights and exploration in algal biotechnology. I wish to take more courses in Coursera in future.

By Javiera A


Jul 1, 2019

Excellent course, it helped me to review the knowledge about algae and to learn new things. The teachers are very good! I really recomend this course.

By P G


Jun 23, 2020

Very useful course materials regarding algal growth and harvesting. This course was refreshing and interesting to know about the medieval organisms

By Maria E


Jun 24, 2020

A well explained course. I really enjoyed the simple explanations given by the proffesors. I hope i find other courses as well elaborated as this.

By 조윤진


Sep 25, 2020

Can learn basic concepts of algae from its biology to cultivation and harvesting in a short time. Even about how useful the algae products are.



Jul 14, 2020

The course gave great knowledge on algae industrial processing. I would like to learn some advance courses on algae industrial manufacturing

By Sofia S O


Jan 12, 2021

It was really good to learn with each of the lectures, every teacher was amazing and the topics discussed were very interesting. I love it!

By Jay T


Sep 28, 2020

This was a very enjoyable course. Instructors did a great job covering a lot of material in a way that was easy to follow. I learned a lot.

By Ammar A


Aug 21, 2022

Very great and informative course I would like to see a series of courses that speakds about the algae prodution and related biotechnology

By Francisco G


Jul 10, 2018

Excelente curso. Muy útil la información. Aunque si fuera posible me gustaría hubieran hablado un poco mas del manejo de las microalgas.

By Carlo R H A


Sep 5, 2020

It was incredible. Full of information, complete in all the themes needes and the experts did a really good job in teaching each class

By Tat Y


Apr 24, 2021

Great material. Deep and broad enough to cover the subject well. Excellent presenters an very useful slides. I highly recommend it.

By Jesús D C R


May 16, 2020

This Course was simply excellent. Thanks, thank you very much Coursera. I didn´t think the algae was important in the biotecnology.

By Amit J


May 8, 2020

Course is really nicely designed from simple to complex, diversity to applications and with glimpses on key methods and products.

By Christi S


Sep 28, 2023

Very helpful and useful information. I am truly grateful that this has been offered online. The instructors did an excellent job!



Aug 3, 2020

This course is very interested and I enjoyed is course very well .I learned more new knowledge about algae .over all it is nice .

By Rita P


Feb 4, 2021

It was very useful! Thank you for the good content. I only wish all classes had bibliographic references at the end. Thank you.

By Naela C P


Jul 12, 2020

Well explained introductory course for beginners like me. You do have to study, but the explanations are complete and friendly

By samuel s


Aug 4, 2019

Coursera provides quality education by courses like these thanks to professor and courser and all who worked in these course

By Md. M I


Jun 24, 2020

This is the top most course I have done and really is was a perfect course for me. I have learn many things from this course.

By Lísia M d S G


Jun 15, 2020

I had access to a different knowledge about algae, even being a Phycologist. Congratulations to the organizers of the course.

By David C T


May 11, 2020

Este curso ha enriquecido mis conocimientos en los Bioprocesos y me ha ayudado a tener mas oportunidades en el ámbito laboral

By Betsy-Ann D


Jul 17, 2022

I learned so much about algae! Looking forward to using some of this in my Biology classroom with my 9th graders this fall.

By Carla A S


May 7, 2023

I really enjoyed to do this course. I learned a lot with the video presentations from so many teachers. Thank you to all.

By Mansoreh G


Jan 5, 2020

dear sir or madam

thank you so much

I was very happy in this course

please put more course about aquaculture and phycology