Aug 11, 2023
This course is great for people who are not sure what AI is, how it can impact their and what goverment institution are doing to make the world with AI models and Humans as fair as possible.
Jul 5, 2024
Gracias por todo lo aprendido, los felicitos por acompañarnos en cada momento y enviar videos para explicar mejor
By Maria E R A
•Aug 28, 2024
En general cumplió con mis expectativas sobre aspectos básicos sobre las implicaciones éticas de la IA. Dado que la tecnología digital no es en concreto mi área de conocimiento fue un reto comprender lo relacionado con las redes neuronales y el aprendizaje profundo, así como opera la IA generativa. Por otra parte, se sugiere mejorar la dicción del presentador en el video ya que en lo personal no tengo un alto dominio del inglés. Así mismo, comento que el indicador de avance para el Módulo 2 se desactivó por lo que que me quedé con la duda si realmente completé todas las actividades del módulo mencionado. Gracias a Coursera y la Universidad de Guadalajara por la oportunidad que nos brindan a la comunidad docente de capacitarnos de manera continua. Atentamente María Elena Ramírez
By Eudiza Q
•Aug 4, 2024
Este tipo de cursos deberán actualizarse al menos una vez al año para estar a la vanguardia con las nuevas tecnologías y noticias que suceden día a día. Me costó muchísimo entender la parte de la regulación gubernamental a pesar de haber leído el documento de Australia. Al calificar tareas, fue fácilmente detectable quién uso inteligencia artificial para resolverla.
By Abhishek T
•Jan 5, 2025
Overall, I highly recommend the AI,Empathy & Ethics course for beginners . The course may well be one of the better online courses for anyone looking to enter into AI and Ethics. The combination of expert instruction, very well structured content, and a peer-review led evaluation of assignment makes the process of learning very smooth and enjoyable.
By Jisseth R M
•Nov 23, 2024
Gracias , un excelente cuerdo h me permitió tener más conocimiento sobre ese temas y brindarme más experiencias y mejor manejo de ella .
By Elad M
•Aug 25, 2022
great course, short and interesting. wish to hear more about the ethics part and different views on it.
By Julian W
•Nov 21, 2023
Good after all, but name of the course may be missleading
By Jacquelyn S
•Mar 23, 2024
A good overview of AI development. Easy to complete.
By Pranav P
•Dec 29, 2024
Very informative and future ready
By Nil P
•Mar 14, 2025
Nice course for learning ethics
By María e G m
•Dec 5, 2024
Excelente clases y programas
By Hyunsook K
•Apr 8, 2023
Thank you.
•Jul 25, 2024
•Jan 29, 2025
By Renee C
•Jul 10, 2024
I thought the instructor was great and found the lectures helpful. It's a certificate, sure, but I thought some reading for each module would enhance the course, especially offering other historical models of personhood (not just ethical models) to compare to what AI does to discriminate. What the course leaves out is how those ethics are embedded and shaped by historical situations that configure the decider, too. I know this from my studies but do people taking the course know this. You could add a prepared reading or additional lecture. Lastly, AI feedback captured what I did but did not engage with me to do what strong feedback should - move my thoughts forward. I recommend at least adding one example to its generalized identification of what was missing plus one sophisticated idea. This is also likely to invite people to the further thought that can lure them to another course, no? I also recommend AI responses to all posts that are not addressed by course members by five days after the post. Thank you. It was a very interesting experience.
•Jun 21, 2024
Me parece que los contenidos técnicos sobre IA que se abordan no corresponden a un curso introductorio ya que los mismos presentan un nivel medio de especialización. También considero que estos mismos contenidos técnicos no contribuyen a la reflexión sobre regulación gubernamental y sobre el marco ético. Me gustó mucho la propuesta sobre el marco ético y como desde una perspectiva pragmática, sobre el pragmatismo estadounidense; se define un andamiaje que intenta brindar una "anatomía" sobre como el pensamiento ético puede constituirse e integrarse en la racionalidad de las personas. Es una perspectiva nueva que me inspiró, pero obviamente no concuerdo del todo con ella.
By Katie M
•Sep 12, 2024
I was drawn to this mix of topics right away, though the course material didn't approach all three in the way I hoped. The general overview of AI could have been a little cleaner, and I didn't see how the empathy and ethics approach was different. I liked that we were presented with different ethical frameworks and asked to apply them to AI in the future. Perhaps if it was called "Introduction to AI and Ethics," that would be more accurate.
•May 28, 2024
The instructor starts videos with no context and specialized vocabulary but at the same time, what you learn overall is very basic.
By Laura L S P
•Sep 13, 2024
La evaluación es muy confusa
By James
•Jan 13, 2025
Lectures were ok. The assessment was terrible. When I answered myself, I was graded down by the AI grader. When I copy and pasted the prompt into Chat-GPT I got an answer indistinguishable from my classmates and full marks. The course incentivises using AI over engaging the material. This is how AI is destroying education and undermining learning.
By Rocío d C M F
•Jul 18, 2024
Los conceptos son demasiados teóricos para quienes no tenemos el más mínimo acercamiento al tema. Considero que debe haber una introducción previa a estos conceptos que muchos no manejamos ni entendemos. La explicación en inglés y los esquemas en inglés tampoco ayudan mucho y resultan difíciles de digerir.
By Todd S
•Oct 17, 2024
This course did not dive deep enough into the ethics of AI. Way too much of it was focused on explaining and talking about what AI was doing, which is fine. However, I would have expected a course titled Empathy and Ethics to be primary focused on ethics and empathy.
•Oct 2, 2023
This course is too superficial. I do not understand why this is a 4-module course; it is at best a one-week short course. The content is very basic, maybe at a high school level; it could have been a lot better. It doesn't even do justice to the course name.
By Ana G R L
•Sep 8, 2024
No me pareció suficientemente clara la información ni el contenido. Algo positivo es el coursera Coach a quien le puedes pedir resumen del tema, solo con eso logré entender algo.
By Jana Z
•Aug 28, 2024
Very bad orientation.
By Neyer J T E
•Nov 15, 2024
Muy extenso