Deadline Extension: Submit your application by March 17!
Offered by the University of London
23 courses total, 14 - 28 hours per week
Hands-on learning from anywhere, no travel required
Tuition varies by geographic location
Choose a study schedule that matches your commitments
Select a specialism that aligns with your own interests and ambitions. Choose from seven different elective modules, and develop your expertise in specific emerging technologies such as machine learning, web development, data science and video games.
You’ll also build a portfolio of project work across a broad range of IT competencies, allowing you to demonstrate your experience and suitability for roles as diverse as application programmer, mobile app developer, web developer, video game developer, SFX and post-production, and systems analyst.
The deadline has been extended! Apply by March 17 to join the April 2025 cohort! Important dates:
March 27: Save Money on Your Degree with Prior Learning Credit Webinar - Register here!
If you have any questions please contact the University of London.
View the Prospectus; Programme Specification and Schedule of Programme Fees.