![[Featured Image] Two college students look over student records to determine if a high GRE can compensate for their low GPA](https://images.ctfassets.net/wp1lcwdav1p1/2YYm4ljEIkrPVvC0EAJnnr/df284ad95aa10dd26f9e32a870e88a5a/GettyImages-1224702216.jpg?w=330&h=216&q=60&fit=fill&f=faces&fm=jpg&fl=progressive)
Can You Go to Graduate School with a High GRE and Low GPA?
Get ahead of the graduate school admissions process with tips designed for your specific application. Learn how to strategically apply to graduate school when you have a high GRE score and low GPA in a way that represents your application positively.
October 28, 2024