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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Create a Virtual Classroom using Google Slides by Coursera Project Network

223 ratings

About the Course

By the end of this project, you will have created a virtual classroom that will engage your students during virtual learning or as a more engaging way to encourage practice at home. Teaching is constantly evolving. As we learn more about our students, we uncover new ways to ensure that they are not just learning - they are thriving. When we can connect our tech-savvy students to tech-connected learning, while also providing greater visual appeal, our students are more likely to enjoy learning. We can also encourage them to become lifelong learners as we connect them to the many tools and resources that are available at their fingertips online. *You will need a free Google account in order to complete this project....

Top reviews


Sep 18, 2021

I have learnt so much on this guided project! Thanks to the Lecturer. She was great! i can now create my Google classroom. I will introduce others to this project and by extension Coursera.


Aug 22, 2020

I'm very thankful to Coursera team for providing such a wonderful courses. It's very informative and helpful for teachers for conducting online classrooms in this pandemic situation

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1 - 25 of 56 Reviews for Create a Virtual Classroom using Google Slides

By Yashdeep v

Aug 21, 2020


By Sarah A

Sep 11, 2020

Great. Enjoyed working on this project. Looking forward to more.


Sep 21, 2020


By Zulxumor T

Aug 23, 2020

Assalomu alaykum! Dastur ishtirokchilari va ustozlardan juda minnatdorman. Biz o`qituvchilar uchun mana shunday aktiv mavzularda kurslar bo`lgani bizning yanada rivojlanishimizga hissa qo`shadi. biz uchun bu haqiqiy master class bo`ldi. Ayniqsa karantin davrida oilaviy sharoyitda ham shug`ullansa bo`ladigan ajoyib dars bo`ldi. RAXMAT!!!

By Ana P

Sep 27, 2022

Practical and perfect for a starter, even if you are not familiarised with digital tools, the trainer explains every detail so you don't get lost. I recommend this to any teacher who wants to start /improve using Google Slides. It is so intuitive yet informative!

By Nancy C M M

Jan 31, 2021

I love this course, it is amazing to know that we can do many things with just one platform (Google Slides). Rachel is amazing, I understand everything and I could also do an incredible virtual classroom.

By Marlene W

Dec 16, 2020

This was very easy to understand the course. I have learnt things that I didn't know exist on google classroom. I would recommend anyone to learn whether for personal reasons or for work-related reasons.

By Angela M

Sep 19, 2021

I have learnt so much on this guided project! Thanks to the Lecturer. She was great! i can now create my Google classroom. I will introduce others to this project and by extension Coursera.


Aug 23, 2020

I'm very thankful to Coursera team for providing such a wonderful courses. It's very informative and helpful for teachers for conducting online classrooms in this pandemic situation

By Ma T T E F

Nov 15, 2020

I find this very useful for homeschooling. I would love to share it with my fellow homeschoolers or better yet start my own virtual classes. Great Project!


Jul 7, 2023

شكرا جزيلا لك راشيل ،،وشكرا للمركز الوطني.

لقد أفادتني هذه الدورة كثيرا في كيفية عمل والتفاعل مع الفصول الافتراضية..

شكرا لكم..

By Brighid C

Dec 5, 2020

Thank you for a great course Rachel. Content was useful, the course was concise and it was great being able to try out Rhyme.

By Rosemary S

Nov 30, 2020

I enjoyed doing this course. I stay on to complete additional work I had. I mastered this level.

By Muzamir O @ M

Sep 23, 2024

Simple and fun to learn what Google Slides could do to create a fun and virtual classroom

By Minhaaj Q

Sep 29, 2024

Great step-by-step tutorial. I recommend being more clear on what the next steps are.

By Valencia K

Feb 13, 2021

Fabulous Course. I just needed more time to fully complete my virtual classroom.


Jan 31, 2022

Excellent and straight forward course that students & parents will enjoy!

By Поторочина К С

Jul 22, 2021

It's very practical and useful to engage students in active learning!

By Casheera B

Feb 26, 2021

Quick, easy and painless course. I truly enjoyed it. Thank you!

By Nikita U

Sep 30, 2020


By Troy B R

Nov 30, 2020

Very well thought out. Great use of tips and tricks.

By Bruna L

Feb 14, 2021

Great content. Objective and straight to the point!

By Massimo Z

Mar 9, 2021

Well done, keep on with your strong efforts!

By Harald M

Jul 7, 2023

Easy to follow step-by-step instructions.

By Bethany (

Mar 9, 2022

Very helpful, and taught some new tricks.