Jul 19, 2019
Great insight of the basic tools covering all important aspects, both professors have discussed fundamental needs of the topic around Business Strategy, keen to learn rest of the courses and excited.
May 1, 2018
This course is very helpful. It emanates from the strategist' mind. The way this course empowers a person is phenomenal. I personally learnt a lot with this course and hope to learn further as well.
By Tolunay K
•Sep 2, 2020
It is to the point, no long hours, full of informations, beautiful and understanble examples. I simply loved it, learnt a lot someone beginning to learn about the area and i will follow the other courses in this series of Virginia University
By Marcos P d A
•Apr 15, 2020
Curso ministrado de forma didática. Professores com muita experiência e com grande conhecimento na área. Trouxe exemplos de situações reais que enriqueceram o aprendizado.
Consideração final: Faltou no módulo 2 legenda em idioma português.
By Michelle P
•Oct 4, 2015
I really like this course so far. The lessons are organized, practical and clear. So far, I'm getting a great deal of valuable information from them, and can clearly see how to use certain techniques to make my business more competitive.
By Mohammed M
•Dec 9, 2015
Hello! I Just started the course, and spell-bounded by the professor's presentations. There can be no better way of spelling out the tough word 'Strategy' in simplest English. Thanks to the providers and best of luck to the participants.
By Ravi V
•May 11, 2020
All the information provided in this course is completely useful in everyday business. I believe I have an upper hand in strategic planning just after taking this course. I can not wait to continue on with the specialization.
By Kaushik C
•Feb 5, 2020
This was an exciting course where I got to learn about the various business analysis to stay competitive in the market. I'm very thankful to Coursera and Darden School of Business for giving learners the opportunity to learn.
By German O
•Apr 4, 2022
Course is great. I didn't have any Business related prior studies, but this was easy to follow and introduces great key concepts of Business Strategy, indutries, market, and so on. Well done!! I've enjoyed learning this way.
By Nadir a
•Jun 20, 2022
This is one of the most profound course availaible on Coursera. I can vouch about the proficiency of the course that has enabled me with Business management and also about strategy making using renowned business principles.
By José I M Á
•Aug 8, 2022
Excelente curso en donde conocemos las herramientas adecuadas para efectuar un buen analisis de mercado, creo que es muy importante el conocer las caracterisiticas del mercado para óder hacer una buena toma de decisiones
By wenjie c
•Sep 21, 2020
the course is structured and easy to understanding, giving you background on economic concepts as well as foundations of business strategy. i am certainly looking forward to proceed on to advanced business strategy now!
By Jeff C
•Oct 26, 2020
Very comprehensive and detailed course with excellent delivery from the faculty members. Examples, information and figures are used appropriately throughout to help course user understand concepts better. Recommended!
By Olesya A
•Aug 27, 2016
The professor uses informative and well-structured approach to the subject at hand. The course materials are highly valuable and the communication is clear. I am glad and appreciate that I am a part of this class!
By Jishnu K
•Oct 17, 2020
I am really thankful to them and provided the right kind of explanation to the each and every topic according to different understandings and implications in all areas of strategic management and business strategy
By Akash v
•Jul 20, 2021
It really helped me to learn how one can really understand the industry structure and firms competitive position in the industry and how we can use this analysis to increase the competitive advantage of the firm.
By Guneet K
•Jul 12, 2023
It was an exceptional course. The content was highly comprehensive and the professors have done a great job with the explanation and the relevant examples given by them. Truly a great learning experience for me.
By Riccardo M
•Jul 25, 2019
I'm getting ready for my MBA and I really found this course very well done.
I'm pretty sure I'll be benefiting from the content I've learned here and I can't wait to see the next courses.
Keep it up and thank you!
By Ejezie C E
•May 25, 2020
This course is indeed a blessing to me, because I have learnt a lot on business, strategy, analysis and so on
I'm really impressed, I also look forward to learning more on this platform if given the opportunity
By Jayant S
•Oct 15, 2017
This is very good course, brief content, what we practice in daily elaborated well so it can impletement for a great results. It is not a syllabus but is thought process opener for each, must go through it.
By Dhinesh A D
•Apr 22, 2020
The Foundation course for learning the fundamental and basic concepts of the business strategies, briefly explains the strategy to be chosen according to the positioning of the firm in the market place.
By Christian J K
•Jun 17, 2019
A very practical and all-encompassing course that complements my existing business knowledge. I particularly liked how the validity of theories was proven by their applications to specific case studies.
By Raad B
•Feb 20, 2016
This was an incredible introductory course which shored up many of the concepts that I had understood through meaningful examples and cases. I'm very excited for what comes next in the following courses
By Devikrishnan R
•Feb 23, 2023
It was amazing experience and with all learning resources available online - I had no struggle. The online learning tool is simple and user friendly. They are very quick to reply if I had any queries.
By Jonadab
•Aug 22, 2022
Incrivel! Com certeza farei os demais cursos de Business Strategy se tiver oportunidade, recomendo a quem é ou deseja se tornar gestor, ou ocupar cargos de liderança e estratégico nas empresas
By Pascal R
•Nov 7, 2023
Very good learning content, but the 9 hours given are too short. One more request, could you please delete my assigment or make sure that it is not accessible to everyone. Thank you very much.
By Agnes M
•Jun 11, 2020
It's a simple approach to business strategy and very ideal for people looking to learn more about business strategy. Either as a refresher course or if totally new to it. I would recommend it.