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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Unethical Decision Making in Organizations by University of Lausanne

417 ratings

About the Course

This course 'Unethical decision making in organizations : A seminar on the dark side of the force' will teach you how strong organizational
contexts push good people towards unethical decisions. You will also learn how to protect yourself and your organization against such forces
lurking in the dark. About the Course This course teaches how narrow frames and strong contexts can push good people towards unethical
decisions and how they can protect themselves and their organization against ethical blindness. The goal of this course is to empower the
participants to analyze the risks of unethical or illegal behavior that might be triggered by powerful contexts. It draws from v...

Top reviews


Jan 14, 2017

Great course, very structured, systemised and clear. Good examples as cases described, and give a very clear understanding of the reasoning, context and why and what is important. Very recommended!


Jul 29, 2017

i am faculty in an engineer college in vizag. I teach Professional ethics to the undergraduate student. Your course content is extremely useful. Thanks for provide great contents

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151 - 152 of 152 Reviews for Unethical Decision Making in Organizations

By Velmurugan

Sep 5, 2020

review is over delay

By Sanchez-Moreno

Feb 2, 2017

The structure is not clear, with similar ideas coming up several times. Examples can be far-fetched (Britannica for ethical blindness ?). The teachers read the script and sometimes stumble on the words. An idea is explained in 3 minutes when 30s are enough. I am getting bored and very disappointed because it is a very important topics these days. I quit. Thank you anyways