Jun 10, 2020
I found this course very challenging as I find critical thinking very difficult. However this course was extremely rewarding and I will be taking the other three modules in the Think Again series.
Jul 5, 2018
I found this course very challenging as I find critical thinking very difficult. However this course was extremely rewarding and I will be taking the other three modules in the Think Again series.
By Regina C
ā¢Mar 12, 2018
Mi nivel de inglĆ©s es bueno, sin embargo, en algunos casos hubo palabras que debĆ buscar su significado antes de responder. El curso es bueno para encontrar las premisas ocultas tan importantes para definir los mensajes.
By Ben W
ā¢Sep 17, 2017
Fantastic! Thank you so much for putting this course together. I had a lot of fun going through the lectures and doing the discussions and quizzes. I feel very inspired to further my to continue developing my reasoning and critical thinking skills.
By Mostafa E
ā¢Aug 28, 2017
this is a very important course to take first to understand others argument so you have understanding of the people which get you closer to others as well as formulating your own argument for the different reasons you might have to give an argument
By Swastik M
ā¢Feb 19, 2019
this is an exceptional course with a lot to learn.the professor makes it so easily understandable that it makes class more fun. the discussion questions increased the level of communication which in turn helps understanding all the perspectives.
By Tara V
ā¢Sep 16, 2017
The worse part was the final. It took me 10 times to pass the final but it was well worth it and well earned. I enjoyed the content but wished the instructor had slowed down a little on some of the concepts. Its hard to listen and take notes.
By Nizar K
ā¢Sep 19, 2017
Excellent course, learnt how to understand ARguments, using language and analyzing the language of ARgument. WAs very skeptical at first but at the end of the course was completely converted. Enjoyed the way the class was presented. Many thanks
By Kathleen R
ā¢Mar 18, 2019
The course was well-structured and taught in an engaging manner. Lectures were well done. Quizzes were helpful. Excellent insights and I just wish I took this course years ago -- would have helped me use argument in a more effective manner.
By Nenad P
ā¢May 6, 2020
Absolutely brilliant course. What I expected to be a course focused on actual arguments and presenting them this course took me on a journey of philosophical linguistics that absolutely dazzled my mind and thinking. Recommended for sure!!!!!
By Gustavo A V T
ā¢Nov 2, 2020
This course is very interesting. If you have the opportunity to read the textbook they suggest do it, because it will increase your understanding about the theme. You will need some effort to be able to complete the test and get approved.
By Sophie
ā¢Nov 28, 2016
Although it's a bit hard for me to deeply understand the lectures, it's very helpful for me. I shall review it one more time. I like the way professor Walter Sinnott-Armstrong presents his lectures. He is a humorous and admirable teacher.
By Humberto P
ā¢Oct 26, 2017
Very good material and lectures, really helped me a lot, i enjoyed the dynamic way in which the professor explained all the concepts, and even though it was a video previously recorded it was really easy to understand and follow through
By Daniel B L d S
ā¢Dec 24, 2017
This is course is very good in fact. It goes smoothly from the very basic principles up to the intermediary mechanisms of argumentation. The only thing I can suggest that may make it even better is to reduce the length of some classes.
By Vishnu K M
ā¢May 13, 2020
Excellent course. Learnt a lot and started applying in real world. Thankyou Dr Walter and his team for making an efficient MOOC. I also express my gratitude to The Duke University and coursera for providing this course to us.
By Doaa S
ā¢Jul 12, 2020
This course has genuinely opened my eyes to arguments and how to understand them. Especially in this day and age where there are plenty of arguments upon very important matters, it is very interesting to understand them. Thank you!
By Pedro C
ā¢Sep 5, 2016
Excellent course. Opened my mind to this fascinating subject!
I have an Electrical Engineering graduation so the logics part wasn't so hard as I studied it in Computer linguistic. Happy to apply that in everyday texts and speeches.
By Vitalii D
ā¢Nov 5, 2017
Had a lot of fun. Very useful course to make sense out of what others are saying. The biggest value for me (guarding terms :) is that It helps recognize the when others are trying to trick us into believing something unjustified.
By Mendel K
ā¢Jun 18, 2020
The presentation is always clear, though it deals with complicated matters. The sections on close analysis and deep reading are extremely useful and make it worth taking the course even if you are familiar with elementary logic.
By Debora A
ā¢Feb 6, 2017
Absolutely amazing!
What a great course, very practical, with many exercises. The lectures are fun and engaging. The textbook is a useful tool to get more details and extra exercises. One of the best MOOCs that I've ever taken.
By Aneeta J
ā¢May 11, 2020
I loved this course! It was challenging but that meant that you really needed to focus on the context and dissecting of the arguments presented. Week 3 was where it all came together. The Professor explained the content well.
By Dagny B
ā¢May 23, 2020
very thorough, parts of this were familiar from studying Aristotle in college, but a lot was new (some of the terms and ways of organizing arguments.) I liked all the examples and opportunities to practice with actual texts.
By Revathi G
ā¢Dec 24, 2020
This course is very nice for a beginner. The professor tries to keep the lessons and discussions fun and engaging.
I am from a technical field. I took this course out of curiosity, yet I had real fun learning the concepts.
By Prateek M
ā¢Oct 24, 2020
This is the most fun I have had in a class in a long long time !! This course affects the perspective of how we look at an argument or a simple conversation. Thanks to the professor for making this course so enjoyable...
By Mohammadmehdi M
ā¢Nov 15, 2021
Take this course so that it will not just complement your resume with the name of the highly prestigious institution of Duke University, but also to guarantee that you will NEVER by misled by manipulation and fallacies.
By Michelle G M
ā¢Mar 31, 2020
This course gives an excellent introductory course in dealing and making arguments. It induces a good deal of critical thinking to the learner. Additionally, this course has many practical applications that one may use.
By Alvaro N
ā¢Nov 15, 2018
Excellent, totally recommended! With its simplicity and charm shows a new way to see and understand arguments. Thanks a lot for putting this wonderful course together, I will sure recommend it to my friends and family.