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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The American South: Its Stories, Music, and Art by The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

405 ratings

About the Course

From small farms to urban neighborhoods, from the region itself to the more distant worlds of the southern diaspora, we discover the stories, music, and art of the American South....

Top reviews


Oct 2, 2015

This were some amazing and enjoyable weeks to learn so ,much about stories and music of the South. Thank you very much and in particular for the fotos and the audio and video recordings.


Aug 25, 2015

Bill Ferris is a wealth of knowledge and experience - I only regret missing out on the classroom dynamic of a Ferris-led discussion of Southern arts, particularly the Blues.

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76 - 100 of 113 Reviews for The American South: Its Stories, Music, and Art

By derselcan

Dec 16, 2015

So much fun! Very inter

By Daniel G

May 2, 2020

A lot of fun. thanks

By Karolina P

Nov 11, 2022

Incredible Course.

By P G

Oct 23, 2019

Excellent content

By John W

Feb 14, 2023

Great course!

By Joao P A

Jun 25, 2018


By Tim R

May 1, 2018


By Shelton D

Nov 19, 2016

I think some very tough choices were made to fit the course online. It is a successful course, but you can tell that a more in depth version of the course would probably be exciting. You would certainly go further, if you were enrolled at Chapel Hill, and had a couple semesters to contemplate the topic.

The instructor is a person who made his own videos and recordings of local storytellers, artists and musicians over a long period of time. You can tell he is a very active collector of local lore. So, he tries to feature this material, sensibly. Some of this material you was great.

On the other hand; the knowledge of the course is really only a beginning to what could be learned. For example, when mentioning the photographers or painters of the South, you are not able to see a large number of their pictures. Likewise, when talking about the major writers, such as Faulkner, you do not get to read many longer excerpts of their work. This course provides the names to reference; starting points for further study. The instructor trusts you to investigate these resources on your own.

By José D

Aug 14, 2015

I took this course with a special interest on the musical aspect, namely the blues, of course. In that regard the course is very superficial, but has some interesting stuff even so. The other aspects of literature, painting, and the more popular arts (kilts, oral traditions, etc.) where a nice surprise. This course gives a view of a cultural aspect of America that is very interesting and mostly unknown, particularly, I guess, to a non American. I advise this course to anyone who is interested in ethnology, folklore and popular art and music and is not already familiarized with the American South.

By Ann M

May 19, 2021

This course was a great introductory material to the life and the oral tradition of the American South. It explored the deeper areas of Southern life and localised the culture through one-on-one recordings and interviews. One suggestion is that in the last class, Prof. Ferris could have provided a synopsis of the course material. The pace of the teaching is adequate and the modules enable the learner to seek more information as needed. I thoroughly enjoyed taking this course.

By Arturo T S

Mar 24, 2016

Es una muy buena introducción al estudio de la cultura del sur de los Estados Unidos y al mismo tiempo un panorama para buscar más información sobre ciertos temas como el blues, las tradiciones orales, la religión, la vida cotidiana y los grandes creadores de la literatura y la música inmersos en la tradición del sur estadounidense.

By Jordan V

Jun 12, 2023

Outstanding program provided a context for literature and everyday life in the American South. It would be good to split some videos up as they were either too long or provided too much information in a given topic like the blues. Otherwise, this will be recommended to others. Thank you!

By Deleted A

Aug 25, 2020

Really interesting. Just a shame that all sources used are limited to the instructor's own work (books, photos and videos), and also that the tone is very monotonous which sometimes makes it hard to lose interest.

By Emily Z

Jul 25, 2020

An insight into an storied culture. My main complaint is that this class is much less of a structured class, and more a string of glimpses into specific and sort of semi-random aspects of Southern culture.

By Sue J D

Feb 18, 2019

I watched many of the videos. It was very interesting. I particularly liked the stories/video clips of musicians. I do hope you have seen The Song Catcher..this reminded me of it.

By Bernardo F B E

Sep 6, 2015

This course is complete and does offer very good information on the music, stories, and art of the American South. I really enjoyed the blues music information presented to students.

By Echo W

Sep 24, 2015

interesting, the photos, the film and voice records really bring us back to the time in the past, which also help me know what the real south is.

By Ena X

Nov 11, 2015

It's a great course with a lot of background on Blues music. Tho I wish there were more music pieces to listen as examples.

By Donna S

Feb 17, 2017

Great Material. Quizes and discussions didn't work, But i was only auditing the course. There is a wealth of information.

By Yushan S

Sep 8, 2015

A good course for anyone who want to know more about the American South, but a little boring~

By Coral Y

Jan 23, 2016

rich and engaging documentaries took 80% of the class content - but still fun to watch!

By Allison B

Nov 6, 2015

Great course with a different perspective on history&people. Fun and simple.

By Thanh T D

Aug 22, 2015

Interesting course covering various aspects of the south americans culture.

By Laura G

May 8, 2021

Entretenido, ahora entiendo un pelín más de la cultura de Estados Unidos.

By Dorothy H

Nov 23, 2017

Good course with lots of educator's personal experience and footage.