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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Age of Sustainable Development by Columbia University

3,824 ratings

About the Course

The Age of Sustainable Development" gives students an understanding of the key challenges and pathways to sustainable development - that is, economic development that is also socially inclusive and environmentally sustainable....

Top reviews


Jun 1, 2020

Very informative and detailed. Prof. Sachs covers all aspects of sustainable development in detail. Though the course was designed in 2013 hence does not cover the latest development to SDGs to date.


Jul 25, 2017

The course was very interesting and relevant but a lot of data is outdated, some links are not working or have been changed. I would advise to review the course according to the latest developments.

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151 - 175 of 1,281 Reviews for The Age of Sustainable Development

By Evan F


Jul 16, 2020

A great way to get a broad spectrum of knowledge on the issues that are troubling our society. It gives solid strategies on how to move forward, while challenging the perception of our governments and leaders. Only concern is the outdated links in some quizzes as well as the reading list, but alternatives.can often be found in the active discussion forum.

By Yullie P M


Jun 26, 2016

Some questions in the quiz do not have the proper data sources. Please review quiz questions, sources and answers expected. Thank you very much for this learning opportunity.<

Sincere thanks and deep admiration and gratitude to Prof. Sachs for his genuine, continuous contributions to society. He is a true insporation to me.

Kind regards,

yullie matsouka

By Sushant H B


Aug 6, 2017

The course was very informative and also very helpful.It gives the in depth understanding of the Global Scenario with lots of real life examples, charts and theories.I would like to recommend this course to every one who is planning to pursue their career in the field of development. Thank you Coursera Team for providing this opportunity to learn.

By Felix G C


Nov 12, 2016

This course blew my mind. Sachs does a fantastic job explaining the relationship of our species with the environment and, at the same time, proposes several solutions to mitigate or eliminate the imbalances which humanity has been generating since the industrial revolution. Every topic is threaded very nicely. Very informative and a true eye-opener.

By Marcel T


May 4, 2016

Speechless,! I'll simply quote another reviewer who spelt it out in one short sentence " This is simply the best course you can ever take on coursera". Professor Sachs provided answers I have been looking for but couldn't find in countless areas. It would have been a shame if I lived through this life without ever discovering this astounding course.

By Paripsa P


Dec 10, 2020

I've taken a couple of other courses on Coursera previously but I have to say that the Age of Sustainable Development was the most comprehensive course. It is extremely extensive and is very engaging, from start to finish. i believe that the subject is extremely important and is useful in a plethora of sectors and I would definitely recommend it!

By Deborah G


Sep 17, 2017

I have learnt a lot, and I will keep learning more. Now I feel inspired to get involved more directly, like volunteer workdays, getting active with ONGs, etc. Thank you very much for this course, hope many people around the world does this course so we all can understand the problems we are facing already and invest in sustainable development.

By Deleted A


May 19, 2018

Fabulous course, many thanks to professor Sachs. It really speaks what the world is currently experiencing, from climate change to poverty. We may be in different countries across the world, but we do have one thing in common - Climate change can affect us all. The world we live in needs all of us to participate in sustaining its resources.

By Javier P


Jan 29, 2017

This is an excellent course, the content its related to hard data to support it. Also contains a lot of useful tools to analyze data and compare information. I highly recommend the book to check more specific information. Is not just informative but calls for action, I´m ready to take the next step and move to contribute an promote the SDG.

By David Z R


Oct 5, 2015

Absolutely wonderful. The Universidad de Columbia and especially professor Jeffrey Sachs made an amazing revision of the history, the data and the concepts of Sustainable Development, as the biggest ideas, the biggest challenge of our time. Interesting, compressible, interactive, this was a great experience for me and I´m sure for everyone.

By Annika L G


Jun 21, 2017

Very interesting course. Prof. Sachs is amazing and I found the content of the course so interesting, it didn't matter that the video lectures are fairly oldschool and unengaging. You have to be able to process a lot of information coming solely from video lectures, since the only time you get to do something active is for the weekly quiz.

By Ali A A


Oct 25, 2015

great leaning experience, as a student of development studies i found this course very significant for me.this course help me out ,how to set my approach in a certain development program.

thank you so much ,coursera, Columbia University, and last but not the least PROF give me opportunity to learn this course from my home town.

By Rita M


May 23, 2017

Brilliant course, brilliant lecturer! It's a shame that some of the links in the assessments are no longer working, but it's possible to work around it and the value of the course totally outweighs the little technical problems. Definitely recommended to those willing to learn about sustainability (and this should be basically everyone)!

By Asmita D


May 20, 2020

It can be regarded as an exemplary course for anyone who wishes to know about sustainable development and what are the aspects that can be looked into in order to achieve it. It provides insights on the global status on all the components (biodiversity, ecology, energy use) that are to be addressed for global sustainable development.

By Nicolas E


Oct 10, 2016

its a very interesting course who try to give a complet view of the one of the most challenge of XXI century, the sustainable development, i really enjoy the different chapters of the course, and i think the proffesor Jeffey Sachs is great expositor and have easy going arguments that guide u to undersentand the goals for the future.

By Robert U


Apr 13, 2020

This course is absolutely brilliant. It really helped me in gaining more informations about sustainable development, being at a master about environmental studies and sustainable development. It was such a pleasure to watch Mr. Sachs throughout the courses. He deserves the whole recognition in the world. Really, really satisfied.

By Oriol R


Aug 2, 2020

I attended SIPA for my EMPA, and since then (and especially after reading The End of Poverty) I dreamed about completing my eduaction with Professor Sachs. Too many years later at least I managed to settle with this Course, that I found very useful. Some questions/websites are outdated, but still worth the time. THANKS!!!

By Manoj S


Jul 27, 2017

One of the best course i have ever participated on. Very good i highly recommend this course to other MBA students. I have read some of the authors books like The Age of Sustainable Development, The End of Poverty: How We Can Make It Happen In Our Lifetime, common wealth and they are all good, worth reading it. cheers.

By Cynthia K


Sep 12, 2015

Professor Sachs is extremely knowledgeable, and explains everything in perfect detail. He is an excellent teacher. This class has opened up my mind and heart to the problems and solutions of sustainable development in the 21st century. Thank you Coursera for offering this extremely important educational opportunity.

By Julian D


Mar 20, 2017

Great survey course about sustainable development, covering all aspects including economics, health, urban development, energy, climate change, and many others. Only downside is that it leaves you somewhat depressed at the potential for humanity to pull itself out of what appears to be a speeding train to doom :-(



Sep 11, 2017

Absolutely billiant, very informative. Highly recommended for everyone. It teaches you things you never knew and gives you indepth knowledge on sustainable development. Now I am confident to hold a conversation and even work effectively in this area. It is the perfect beginners course for sustainable development

By Roberto S


Oct 21, 2015

Amazing course in which you learn loads of things from social to environmental topics (even geographical knowledge). Professor Sachs is an enthusiastic one and you will learn in a fun and entertaining way. One of the best things to me is the websites you will visit during the course. So, enroll in it and enjoy!

By jurema p


Jun 20, 2017

Final Examination had many questions that did not relate with the contents that we saw in the Chapters, such as questions n.21, 22,23 and 24 please replace them !

I liked specially the Graphs and the Data Banks presented by organizations such as The World Bank. UN, WHO, FAO, etc.

Thanks and keep the good work !

By Kristina v C


Jan 9, 2016

It was very informative, one could discuss and compare the situation in different countries in politics.

The course was oriented to America and especially to New York, where the Professor is working, but it also gave me a very good overall look on the global situation.

Thank you very much for the great course!

By Ronald P


Mar 20, 2017

This is the best course I have ever taken. Professor Sachs did an amazing job in putting together such a great material for us. It covers every single aspect of Sustainable Development, going from in-depth historical background to potential challenges to be faced in the future. Words cannot describe how mu