Feb 26, 2017
Great introduction. It covers a wide range of issues concerning waste management and I thought the material was relevant and reflected my own observations of waste management in developing countries.
May 11, 2020
This course is very well designed and easy to understand because of dedicated and experience personnel who are delivering the content. Use of case study is well planned at various sections in course.
By Elena K
•Apr 11, 2020
It is a very useful and holistic course. I'm sure it would be useful for everyone who want to understand the waste management options suitable for their own location. It is also a good chance to see how many facilities humanity has for waste management instead dumps. Many ideas, technologies and solutions which could be applied to any country and city. Inspiring course! Thanks to Dr. Christian Zurbrugg, Imanol Zabaleta and all the lecturers!
By Monia L
•Feb 22, 2022
I learned a lot about the whole field of waste in general. I had no idea it could all be so complex to manage, evaluate. The parts that interested me most were, strangely, composting with worms, and designing an anaerobic reactor. You have been really very thorough in all the topics, you have made available so much of that material that I will have to read throughout the year. Thank you for the opportunity, it was really very interesting!
By Pradnya R T
•Apr 25, 2020
I enjoyed participating this course. The instructors are very good, they gave a brief description of each topic which enhanced my knowledge regarding this subject. This course made me understand the importance of municipal solid waste management for our better livelihood. Eager to implement this management practices in my day to day life so that I can also contribute in this management system. Thank You for giving such a great experience
By Naina G
•Oct 29, 2017
Absolutely great insights about the current practices and challenges of the field of waste management in low-middle income countries. As a new entrant in the profession of waste management in India, this was the perfect course for me to understand my field of work and also think from the perspective of the solutions as suggested vividly by the curators of this course! Truly recommended for all the enthusiasts and beginners of the field.
By ashish k y
•Dec 29, 2022
One of the best things about this course was Its content, which is well-prepared and easily understandable. This course provides you reattempt option and due date extension option which are very helpful for people like me who are working professionals and have to manage time during the weekend for study. I would also like to thank the tutors who explained things very deeply and with effective presentation and other study links.
By Ziqi Y
•May 5, 2019
This course gives a very comprehensive and practical overview of municipal solid waste management in developing countries. It also provides many helpful additional resources for further study. Overall, I learn a lot from the course and have a better understanding of my surroundings. It is an important topic but not many people concern about this environmental aspect. Time to help improve waste management in our cities together!
By Akshat G
•Mar 28, 2016
This course was very helpful for me as this was a desirable topic for my understanding. This course has encouraged me to apply waste management strategies at personal and community level even if on a small basis so that I as an individual am able to aware people about the fantastically innovative and interesting ways of Waste management and in turn invoking a feeling of responsibility towards the soceity and our mother Earth.
By Meheroze A H
•Oct 23, 2020
It has been a great course indeed that i have ever tried to attempt with limited knowledge........................ i must thank all my Course Teachers including Dr.Christian Zurbrugg, Imanol Zabaleta ,Felix Schmidt, Architect Iftekhar & other Native Expert(from Bangladesh -Waste Concern) who have done a magnificent job to let me extend my knowledge and Skill as well...............Architect Meheroze Al Hassan,Dhaka.BD
By Alberto D D
•Aug 12, 2021
This was a great course, I am an Environmental Engineer and I have a Specialty in Environmental Diagnosis and Management. This course quality and amount of knowledge exceeds the Quality of the classes I had as a student. I am very grateful with the quality of the material, I enjoyed the course and I don’t regret studying it. It was very productive and I will share everything I learned with students and colleagues.
•Nov 4, 2020
Thank you so much for teaching highly valuable informations regarding Municipal solid waste management. As an Health Inspector I got so many practical tips and modern ideas about SWM and this give me more confident to do our future activicties in a perfect,practical and systematic way. I would like to say thanks to all vibrant teachers of this sessions especially to Mr. Imanol Zabaleta and Dr. Christian Zurbrugg...
By Jehona B
•Feb 21, 2017
This was a very interesting and well informative course. It has raised my interest on the subject and could be something that I could include in my professional development. I find it very interesting and feel that we all should pay some more time and join the global efforts to make a better living for all. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to take this course. Best Regards, Jehona Hansell (architect)
•Jul 11, 2021
My view on MSWM is the work of all people in the society these is the responsibilities of citizens and their local authorities, all are responsible for waste management and needs to deal with it very consequentlyand important each must play they are role. Avoiding more waste on our streets and rivers has to be first principle let all protect our environment and securer the future of our generations to come.
By Fazla Z A
•Aug 16, 2020
Great introduction. It covers a wide range of issues concerning waste management and I thought the material was relevant and reflected my own observations of waste management in developing countries. This course is very well designed and easy to understand because of dedicated and experience personnel who are delivering the content. Use of case study is well planned at various sections in course.
By Anjali V R
•Nov 5, 2021
Very informative course. The course materials covers most of the aspects solid waste management in developing countries with examples and also provides bonus materials for further skill development. The assignments revise whatever is discussed during each week and evaluates our attention. This course is helpful to both beginners who are looking for a new field of research and also the experts.
•Mar 11, 2017
This course opened a new chapter for me and introduced to me something that I have never considered. I plan on studying the whole series. The course is very well taught; all the principles, theories and scientific basis of waste management and the way for the future is very well done. Thank you for a most interesting introduction to this very environmentally important subject and necessity.
By René A M
•Feb 29, 2016
Excelent course for my personal and proffesional interest in how to handle waste in my city--Bogotá D. C. and also to intrduce this matter in my next courses about "evironmental managment" and also to include this aspects of waste collection in a future book I alrteady writte-- --in Spanish language.. Thanks to the staff of Lausane Féderal Politechnique--
By Jack F
•Oct 5, 2016
I absolutely love the quality of this MOOC. The way all speakers elaborate the concepts is very clear and comprehensive without loosing in technical quality. The MOOCs given by the EAWAG are like a book you just can't put down. The notions are down to earth, applicable and tested on the field. I JUST CAN'T WAIT TO START the MOOC on Planning and Design of Sanitation Systems and Technologies.
By Donna P
•Oct 8, 2020
A comprehensive and in-depth course on MSWM that is handled by very passionate instructors and guests and provides clear and coherent presentation of course material, interesting examples and illustrations, relevant reading material, and practical assignments and quizzes that adequately test learners. You can count on this course to make you realize there's more to MSWM than meets the eye.
By Jennifer S
•May 27, 2019
Este curso es muy bueno, no solo por el tema. Los profesores son muy buenos y el material es bastante claro, los ejemplos utilizados son acertados, acercan a las situaciones para mejorar el aprendizaje y brindan la oportunidad de comprender mejor las alternativas para solucionar dichas problemáticas.
En mi caso, este curso es una herramienta útil en el ámbito profesional. ¡Gracias!
By Amir S
•Nov 29, 2016
This course was incredibly well designed. The tutors were highly knowledgeable and more importantly they were friendly and lovable. The course presented exactly what it said it will at the beginning of the course which was "introduction to solid waste management". The course producers illustrated the materials clearly without moving into details and calculations, making it complex.
By Antonio L
•Mar 24, 2022
The course in general was executed magnificently, I believe all matters related to the subject were covered accordingly to the extents of the course, I personally enjoyed the well-executed presentations, and the expositors were always on point, clear and concise. I am looking forward taking the other courses on the subject linked to this one. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!!
By Anirudh R P
•Dec 22, 2017
This was an excellent course - very succint, extremely condense, relevant information in one place. I work in the cement manufacturing industry - I sincerely hope to use this information in developing captive sources of Refuse Derived Fuel for captive use, thereby reducing GHG emissions.
A heartfelt THANK YOU again to the people who put in so much effort in developing this course!
By Michel I
•May 4, 2016
In my humble opinion this Is a five star course as it provides you with enough information and case studies to help inspire anyone to launch their ideas and get active with waste management even if its just in household (and we all know how little things can evolve) and embrace the genius idea of a circular economy. I loved the course and so would you if you are about to take it.
By shahzad s
•Aug 29, 2020
'Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries' is a wonderful course. The syllabus they taught covered almost all aspects of solid waste management. i found this course very helpful in learning all the latest approaches to manage solid waste in developing countries. I will suggest others to must enroll in this course for better understanding about solid waste management.
By Artur D
•Jul 27, 2020
Iliyoundwa vizuri na rahisi kufuata kweli, na rasilimali nyingi. Nzuri kwa kila mtu anayevutiwa na usimamizi wa taka kama kazi, au wasiwasi juu ya taka katika eneo lako. Ninapendekeza hii!
Really well designed and easy to follow course, with lots of resources. Good for anyone interested in waste management as a career, or worried about waste in your area. Highly recommend!