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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

1,824 ratings

About the Course

Learn about Smart Cities within the context of management of urban infrastructures. The introduction of Smart urban technologies into legacy infrastructures has resulted in numerous challenges and opportunities for contemporary cities and will continue to do so. This course will help you to understand how to make the best of these smart technologies in your cities’ legacy infrastructures. Over the past few years, advances in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have significantly challenged the traditionally stable land scape of urban infrastructure service provision. This has resulted in increasing interest from both technology vendors and public authorities in the transition of cities towards so-called “Smart Cities”. Although such “Smart technologies” can provide immense opportunities for citizens and service providers alike, the ICTs often act as disruptive innovators of urban infrastructure service provision. In this MOOC, you will gain a thorough understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with the Smart urban infrastructures, namely Smart urban transportation and Smart urban energy systems. Over the journey of this 5-week online course you will learn about the most important principles for the management of Smart urban infrastructures as well as the applications of these principles in the transportation and energy sectors. This course does not have any prerequisites. However, to take the most away from of this MOOC, we strongly encourage you to enroll in our other MOOC on the Management of Urban Infrastructures, which has been widely praised by learners. Through this course, you will: - Gain a deep understanding of the nature of disruptive innovations (smart technologies) in urban infrastructure systems; - Learn about state-of-the-art strategies for effectively managing the transition from legacy infrastructures to smart urban systems; - Study the management of the transition phase from legacy infrastructure systems to smart cities by supporting innovations while avoiding early lock-in; and - Understand potential applications of the materials learned in this course within the context of the management of smart urban transportation systems as well as smart urban energy systems....

Top reviews


Sep 14, 2020

Quite informative. Loved the way of instructions. It's a very simple English accent and I was able to grasp it even without subtitle. The handouts/reading material is more helpful to work on quizzes.


May 4, 2020

very good course to learn , learned various important aspects required for smart cities and understood the concept of digitization & various other concepts in Smart Urban Infrastructures .

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276 - 300 of 378 Reviews for Smart Cities – Management of Smart Urban Infrastructures

By Vikalp S

Jan 28, 2023


By Edgar D T M

Jun 18, 2021


By Rakesh C

Jun 8, 2020


By Quito M

Mar 24, 2025


By Andres J O B

Apr 5, 2021


By rusdiaro z

Mar 11, 2023


By Karena A A

Aug 3, 2021


By Ken S

Jun 13, 2023

Really great overview of smart cities for urban planners, infra/service providers, and technology company employees new in the field of Smart Cities. it gives a good framework to think about the domain. As the course was released in 2017, the technical details are a slightly obsolete and will become further behind the times, however, it's a great place to begin as the conceptual framework will most likely remain the same for years to come.

I wish it offered even more interviews of people from the industry, as well as infra and service provider organizations. IoT has also evolved quite a bit with cloud services - with the arrival of Digital Twins, smart buildings is also a new area. Construction companies are now also part of the mix in this dynamic arena.

By Daithi M W

Mar 28, 2018

An interesting course about a very interesting topic. A problem I had was with the structure of some of the lessons. The course deals with several fundamental features of smart cities, yes. In the lectures, these features are often broken down into sub-features, and then more sub-features, and then more. So sometimes I found it a bit difficult to follow what was going on, because of all these different features. It would have been useful to see all this information presented visually, in simple slides. But nevertheless, it's an interesting course.

By Mohammed M

Apr 22, 2020

Thanks to Mr Mathias and the university for providing this course with fruitful information within and the most valuable point is the interviews with experts and leads company in field. I really got a large amount of new and useful information in the field that I knew nothing about at first. I highly recommend this course for anyone who is interested in, or just who is curious like me to get acquainted with this field of knowledge.


Jun 30, 2020

Having passion about urban infrastructure and to get knowledge about Management and and how its works for its citizen, I proudly say that this course had help me to get dig more about in daily chores and services. Professor's guidelines about the topics and interviews of renowned entrepreneurs had keep the grip tight to learn and get to know more about the topic.

Thank You so much.

By Harshal H

Apr 24, 2017

Perhaps, better MOOC on smart cities among available ones. Covered different perspectives such as social, political, technical, legal, and so on. I liked the course, and will recommend it to friends and colleagues. Personally, I think 'S4-1 Transition in Socio-Technical systems' is very good articulation of challenges from a theoretical point of view. Great job.

By EFuster

Jan 27, 2020

I have found the course very interesting with a very practical approach that facilitates concepualisation and addressing concrete problems.

I would have liked more concrete examples of cities and of the different concepts that were described , although the majority of the interviews were very interesting.

Thank you for sharing this knowledge !!!

By Marie D

Jul 11, 2017

Very informative MOOC, the content is well illustrated (videos, interviews of leaders, cities as a case) and well structured. Ideal to understand the concept of Smart Cities and understand the key challenges for urban managers and policy makers. A focus is made on Smart Urban Transportation and Energy systems.

Great job, thanks a lot!

By Joël R

Nov 24, 2018

Good theorical introduction to smart cities concepts.

Relevant interviews.

A definition of smart cities or urban manager would be appreciate. Sometimes, not very clear distinction with policy makers

Giving more instantiated views of the concept would be appreciated too.

Easy quizz evaluation mode (regarding to some other course ;-)

By Federico S

Aug 3, 2017

Very good course, easy to follow since it is very clearly explained. When the different cases were presented maybe I would have appreciated some more specific examples of smart cities real applications illustrated with diagrams or pictures. But this is a small suggestion, my overall evaluation of this course is very positive.


Jun 23, 2020

Informative course with a holistic theoretical background, however, missing empirical and practical posing for such critical integrated topics. It worth mentioning that, included interviews sessions with multiple service providers and companies were so fruitful so as to compensate the shortage of actual use cases.

By David O L

Sep 11, 2017

Good stuff and methodology. May be is interesting to include some examples of platforms (Fiware, Sofia, Sentilo, Spider..) to understand KPIs and control panels. Also to maintain more live the forums during the courses or to participate in some of the nets of smartcities. Anyway it is worth to be done!

By Clément B

Jan 6, 2018

A very good course which give a strong structure to think about Smart Cities.

I particularly like the interviews and the different exemples shared at the end of the readings. It gives very good vision of what is initiated through the different cities in the world and what could work.

Thanks for all.


Nov 8, 2020

Bien estructurado y con casos de estudio para cada tema tratado.

Además plantea una clara descripción de los Challenges de Gestión clasificados por Layers o área (social, económica, tecnológica...)

Y la Digitalización juega un papel especial/central, como corresponde a un curso de Smart City.


Dec 5, 2018

I have been enlightened by the course study and the material provided hence have given a 4 star rating for the course.The questionnaire which are provided at the end of the each block are refreshing while as the final test quiz need good preparation to qualify.Thank you for the support.

By Omkar P

May 7, 2020

Smart city course gave me a lot of information and it enables the students to think on concept of digitalization, AI,ML,IOT.Also, the course itself proves what it has to be.... Highly recommending that the course should contain a bonus lectures which should contain case studies.

By Tala a

Mar 24, 2017

Pretty informative course. I found some difficulties understanding some of the terms provided in this MOOC; thus, I think having more illustrated presentation would make it easier to follow along. Great efforts and a huge amount of ideas. Thank you so much.

By Felipe G B

Apr 19, 2020

Very interesting and enriching. The interviews complement very well the info given by the professor. The course is based on the digitalization in cities and its impact I would have preferred more focus from the management and political point of view.

By Ryan P

Mar 28, 2022

Solid course covering the fundamentals of managing smart cities! The lectures are easy to follow and don't make you read off the slides really at all! The reading is also a great summary of all that was covered in the week.