Sep 10, 2020
Great course for begineers!! I suggest this course to those who are new to industry and dont know anything! Concepts are very well explained! Thanks Coursera! Thanks NOVARTIS FOR SPONSORING THE COURSE
Oct 1, 2022
G​reat explination on what Lean Six Sigma is and already starts to give tools to help your busniess grow. I highly recommend any busniess have basic understandings of these systems and methodoligies.
By Carrie W
•Aug 29, 2020
This course was easy to navigate through and gave a lot of helpful information so I could refresh my knowledge of 6 Sigma and Lean.
•Apr 14, 2020
The course was very well organised and the professors were really good. The best thing was that, many real life examples were given
By Kennedy S M
•Sep 2, 2019
I love the course so much, it is detailed and has real life examples to assert for the usage and effectiveness of the lean methods.
•Mar 10, 2019
The course was really good. It gave a basic understanding of the concepts of six sigma and what we will learn ahead in future belts
By Nawal A
•Sep 14, 2020
I like the course, however, think that some information must be added because the matrial doesn't cover all the quizzes questions.
By Deep P
•Aug 7, 2020
This is excellent course for guiding perfect quality in this golden era of modern digitization.Easy and thorough knowledge course.
By Ahmed j
•May 24, 2020
the course it was very useful, full of information, great content, very brilliant lecturers...its really worth more...thank you...
By Miguel R
•Oct 31, 2019
Buen curso, viene todo bien explicado. Muchas de las cosas ya las sabÃa pero necesitaba refrescarlas o aprenderlas en otro idioma.
By rahul w
•Aug 23, 2019
The course is good just need one improvement quiz should explain wrong answers instead of directing to the video.
Thank you So Much
By Amos B
•Aug 28, 2021
Recommanded this course for everyone who desire learn about six sigma or lean. Even finance and accountants may take this course.
By Juan C P M
•Mar 20, 2021
Muy buen curso, como introducción a las estrategias de Six Sigma y abordar el análisis de problemas y el mejoramiento de procesos
By nicolas b
•Oct 21, 2020
Pretty extensive course and has lots of good information. Only bad part is that the questions are based on the book way too much.
By Prakatish P R
•May 16, 2020
The course was not only engaging was also practical oriented. It consisted of many interesting activities and quizzes in between.
By Beatriz O
•Jan 14, 2021
Im very happy with what i was able to learn in this initiation course. I'm now interested in continuing learning abotu Six Sigma
By Osama S
•Jul 22, 2020
The course is very useful for beginners and very simplified. Thanks for all instructors and contributors of this awesome course.
By Ellis P J
•Jun 3, 2023
Awesome starter course covered much of the basics and knowledge needed to gain Green, Yellow and eventually black belt status.
By Khalid M
•Aug 16, 2022
It's a very staright to the point course. I have learnt new definitions and acquired new ways of thinking and handling matters.
•Apr 4, 2021
The Six Sigma Principles course outline was informative and educational. My learnings will be helpful in team decision making.
By Jay D
•Mar 12, 2021
the course provide me valuable information and knowledge which will help me to make operation and supply chain process better.
By Utkarsh P
•May 13, 2020
easy learning & adequate knowledge provided in the course, fully understood six sigma principles, quality tools & lean concept
•Aug 23, 2021
it is very help ful course.which help me to know about six sigma production process.tnx to cousera to accept my financialaid.
•Apr 16, 2020
This course was really helpful for understanding basics tool use in quality. Thank you Coursera for providing Financial Aid.
By Yu G
•Oct 18, 2018
it's very impressive training, the concept can be widely used in my daily work and life , thanks for providing the training.
By Sai S M
•May 21, 2020
The way of explanation is very clear and the examples used to explain things like Poka Yoke are very fun and are relatable.
By Sucilla H
•Jul 30, 2023
Excellent for a beginner in six sigma . felt slides could have been less wordy and more interaction with more examples .