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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Selling to Chinese Consumers by The Chinese University of Hong Kong

277 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to help learners sell their products, goods and services to Chinese consumers. To achieve this goal, the course will use evidence-based research in psychology, economics, legal studies and marketing to help learners understand the historical, economic and legal contexts of doing business in China and the behavioral characteristics of Chinese consumers. The course will cover topics in Chinese and global marketing, Chinese consumers, institutional and cultural influence on consumer motivation and behaviors in Chinese markets, and brand management in China....

Top reviews


Apr 2, 2020

It was a great course and me as a digital marketer learned very much about Chinese consumers as well as marketing and branding concepts in a practical manner.


Apr 26, 2021

I have a good experience in this course, I highlight the interesting works you need present at the end of each week, I enjoy doing the works.

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1 - 25 of 81 Reviews for Selling to Chinese Consumers

By Syed F R


Nov 26, 2017

I like how it has a localised approach and does not depend to much on conceptual things.

By lennart r


Sep 2, 2019

Very interesting course but the peer review system is tedious because there are often insufficient assignments for me to review to pass the course

By Agnese R


Feb 5, 2018

Very well explained and rich in content. Highly recommend for everyone aiming to start or develop a business in China!

By Renato G


Jan 19, 2018

Very good and applicable to real life for people willing to do business in China

By Pierre-Olivier T


Jan 18, 2018

very insightful for anyone who is interested in doing business in China or understanding more the specificities of the Chinese market.



Jun 11, 2021

Good overview on China consumer preference behaviours and motivation behind

By Rory B


Sep 16, 2020

Good course, learnt a lot about the Chinese way of doing business and how and why Chinese consumers buy products. The course had some great videos that were well presented (albeit some of the pronunciation was funny at time, Chinglish!) and had a lot of good visuals to make the learning easier.

By James H


Oct 26, 2022

Brilliant course, and a little more challenging than most courses on Coursera. It made it all the more better. As a marketing management student I learnt invaluable knowledge in this course that will be of benefit to my knowledge and hopefully my career one day. The course content is extremely interesting and the lectrurers are top notch. I would recommend this course to anyone with an interest in business and marketing.

By Sheng-Fu H


Feb 25, 2018

This is a very good entry marketing class for those who would like to know how about how to enter Chinese market.

It was my first to to use peer grading system and it helps me to understand what are important elements in each assignments. It also gives me feedback from other student and it helps me to understand how my idea is perceived and valued outside classrooms.

By Adriana C Q


Jun 23, 2024

Vender a los consumidores chinos puede ser una oportunidad lucrativa para las empresas que estén dispuestas a invertir tiempo y recursos para comprender el mercado y desarrollar una estrategia efectiva. Al seguir las estrategias clave mencionadas anteriormente, las empresas pueden aumentar sus posibilidades de éxito en el mercado chino.

By Beatrice K


Jun 17, 2020

Very interesting and knowledgeable. During the course, I have learnt a lot about the thinking approach and values of the Chinese consumers. After every lesson, there was quick assignment in which I implemented the knowledge. I advice every person, who is interested in Chinese marketing to enroll.

By Patrick E L T


Nov 19, 2023

Agradezco profundamente el curso sobre el mercado chino, es invaluable para comprender y aprovechar oportunidades comerciales que ofrece el mercado globalizado.

By Amin k


Apr 3, 2020

It was a great course and me as a digital marketer learned very much about Chinese consumers as well as marketing and branding concepts in a practical manner.

By Ana S R S


Apr 25, 2021

Considero que he aprendido mucho no solo de la cultura sino también su manera de percibir algunas que no eran completamente desconocidas para mi.

By Jefferson E


Apr 27, 2021

I have a good experience in this course, I highlight the interesting works you need present at the end of each week, I enjoy doing the works.

By Rosmery P C A


Apr 25, 2021

me encantó aprender nuevos temas con respecto a la estrategia, antes de este curso no tenia idea de esto, espero aprender mucho mas.

By Laura P


Aug 7, 2019

Amazing course! You really learn of how to understand the Chinese Market and its consumers´characteristics. Highly recommended.

By Valeria Q


Jun 13, 2021

Me encantó el curso, la verdad que aprendí muchísimo sobre el comportamiento del consumidor chino y sus tendencias de compras.

By Victor M V H


Apr 18, 2021

Es muy interesante y pude aprender cosas nuevas sobre las técnicas de marketing y el comportamiento de los consumidores chinos

By Jhonny R B B


Sep 27, 2021

excellent for learning and knowing how to do a business taking into account the thinking of the Chinese population.

By Jhostin I O


Jun 3, 2021

muy buen curso, aprendi muchos conocimientos basicos con informacion necesaria y opinion de expertos en el tema

By Avril Y S A


Apr 10, 2023

me encanto el curso se enfocó mucho En como se maneja en el mercado y los beneficios que tiene y entre otros

By Isabel J E T A


May 29, 2023

Muy buen curso y ayuda a sacar a relucir nuestra creatividad al hacer marketing en el mercado chino.

By Christian A G S


Jun 7, 2021

It has been a very interesting course. I've been learning a lot from this.

By gilles


May 21, 2018

great course , well explained , clear and interesting interviews