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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Sales and CRM Overview by Salesforce

1,401 ratings

About the Course

This course is the first of a series that aims to teach you the foundational skills in Salesforce that will prepare you for a variety of entry-level sales roles, including the sales operations specialist position. This course is designed for beginners. No previous experience in Salesforce, sales, or CRM is necessary to be successful. In this course, you will be introduced to essential concepts like the fundamentals of the sales process. You'll also learn about what Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are and what they are used for, you'll dive into Salesforce's main products and their use cases, and you will gain a working knowledge of the key functionalities of the Salesforce Sales Cloud that help support a business’s growth. This course is the first step in your learning journey with Salesforce. It will provide you with the foundation you need to go into depth with more advanced Salesforce tools taught later in the certificate, and ultimately launch your new career. Please note that if you already have background knowledge in sales and CRM, or if you want to dive immediately into content that goes into more depth with Salesforce, it is recommended that you start with Course 2 in this certificate: Lead Management in Salesforce....

Top reviews


Dec 19, 2023

This course is very valuable to start with Salesforce. It also provides the foundational of sales like procedures in sales, some terms. Believe me, you should choose this course for your next career.


Sep 3, 2022

Very Interactive course, guides you at every point and thus helps in better learning experience. The assignments also help to refresh the course and also tests the application of learning to the full.

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251 - 275 of 286 Reviews for Sales and CRM Overview

By Yugal B


Jan 6, 2022

this is mostly a theory course,expect a lot from this,disappointed

By Sunku S G


May 28, 2021

it is very helpful to learn and growing skills through it

By محمد ح ق ا


Nov 21, 2024

جيد جدا لكون المتحدث انجليزي

By Debasish s


Feb 2, 2025


By Daria L


Dec 13, 2022

Videos are extremely fast and have no information written on them, just a lot of pictures and words, and the readings are not informative that much. The program uses external videos (not as an additional, but actually as educational material). As far as the weekly progress tests are concerned, the questions are much deeper than the information given within the "lectures", and you get 0 points, if you don't pick up all the options (even if you pick up 2 correct out of 5 and no incorrect, but you were supposed to pick up 3...), making it very hard to pass the tests. In contrast, the quiz in between is extremely easy, not checking what you learned through the course at all, having some questions with long answers, so no one is even checking them and you always pass these tests. In comparison to google professional certificates, this certificate is unfortunately way lower.

By travis g


Dec 16, 2021

The plugin verification process isa stressfull issue ... It actually highlights your pain and i think we have just the right solution for the problem causing the pain. Its called restructure i been there and can empathize with what your about to go through. Its a great idea lets make it better with this early information. Theres no one there Tory!

By Debbiejean L


Feb 3, 2025

The courses are not accessible. Not everyone can read through things and there's more reading than videos. Consider someone who might be dyslexic.

By Shameera A


Jul 11, 2023

Some of the assignments they will not show as completed even after you have completed. This will lead you to not earn the certificate.

By Skyler H


Oct 11, 2023

The course is great informational wise, however, this program has a lot of kinks that need to be worked out.

By Sukarime I K


Aug 4, 2023

I cannot verify my trailhead badges

By Diana K P P


Nov 7, 2023

In each weekly quiz, you are going to lose in each answer because even if they are right you get "you answered when the time elapsed" to which all the answers are wrong and it is unfair because I always lose the quizzes for that reason, I will never be able to finish my salesforce course, every week is the same. I've had the same error for several weeks. I received an incorrect response due to the error in the title when there was plenty of time left. I did not receive the error for any other questions. what can be done here? NO ONE RESPONDS

By Jovanio L


Aug 30, 2023

I am trying to complete the Programming Assignment: Verify Trailhead Badge activity of the course from week 4, and we are unable to finish it because the validation format is incorrect, and we are not receiving responses from the course instructors.

I recommend that the issue with the badge recognition format be addressed, as it is causing a terrible experience for users.

By Renée A


Aug 14, 2023

There is a well known bug in the badge verification. I am waiting now since weeks to get this issue solved in order to get this certification for all five Courses. I spent a lot of time on the related courses and already reach out couple of times to you but never got any answer. No customer experience at all!

By Heather G


Sep 13, 2022

The quizzes have a lazy feel to them and rather than asking questions that make you think and test your knowledge, the quiz questions feel like they are designed to trick you or make you think inside the box of the specific quiz maker. I honestly felt like I was wasting my time by taking this course.

By jose p g


Sep 12, 2023

trailhead hands on tool is great but there's an issue with the badges that it can't be resolved. is the last step on this course and I still haven't been able to finish because of that. other than that is a great course full of useful information if you need to learn about salesforce

By Romil V


Aug 16, 2023

SAME ISSUE AS ALL THE COURSES IN THIS SPECIALIZATION, EVERY STUDENT IS UNABLE TO VERIFY THE BADGES in their TRAILHEAD ! HOW CAN ONE COMPLETE THE COURSE without your system / process is good enough to verify the work that student has done ??? Waste of my money. PLEASE FIX THIS ASAP!

By Deleted A


Jul 26, 2023

Don't waste your time!!! There's a bug that needs to be fixed (check reviews from the last few months) that stops you being able to validate your Trailhead badges and therefore its impossible to complete this course.

By Deborah G


Aug 20, 2023

I completed the course but couldn't get the certification because of technical issues to plug in a lab. Others taking the course had the same problem and it was never fixed. I basically wasted time.

By Kelly D


Sep 5, 2023

links don't work. Trailhead is very difficult to navigate. Verifying badges is a nightmare! Spending too much time trying to get verified.

By david c


Sep 13, 2023

Course is full of broken links, and despite completing challenges, i am having issues getting badges verified to move on...

By Walid H


Aug 28, 2023

can't get my certificate because there is a technical problem stopping us to validate mandatory badges earned in trailhead

By Milos J


Jul 23, 2024

Just lazy. One can make the material for this course in 2-3 days. This is why Coursera is not relevant in your CV.

By Swapnil T


Feb 15, 2022

Course is very good to learn practical knowledge about sales but the assignmentassignment not complete.

By santiago a d s


Feb 22, 2023

Salesforce CRM is not working and the forum is full of those comments and nothing happens.

By john s


Aug 8, 2023

The badge verifying is not working which affects my grade. Please fix it