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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Understanding Research Methods by University of London

8,188 ratings

About the Course

This MOOC is about demystifying research and research methods. It will outline the fundamentals of doing research, aimed primarily, but not exclusively, at the postgraduate level. It places the student experience at the centre of our endeavours by engaging learners in a range of robust and challenging discussions and exercises befitting SOAS, University of London's status as a research-intensive university and its rich research heritage. The course will appeal to those of you who require an understanding of research approaches and skills, and importantly an ability to deploy them in your studies or in your professional lives. In particular, this course will aid those of you who have to conduct research as part of your postgraduate studies but do not perhaps have access to research methods courses, or for those of you who feel you would like additional support for self-improvement. No prior knowledge or experience in research is required to take this course and as such, the course is for everyone. This MOOC draws on a wealth of existing course material developed to support research training across SOAS, University of London and particularly drawing from the Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy (CISD). In 2015, the course was nominated for the prestigious Guardian University Award for its innovative approach to online learning. Participation in or completion of this online course will not confer academic credit for University of London programmes...

Top reviews


Sep 12, 2019

It was a perfect course for understanding the research methods. It helps me a lot, thanks to the University of London and Coursera for providing this opportunity to enhance our Knowledge in research.


Apr 30, 2020

The course was very simple and easily understandable. The assignments were very interesting. The peer review activity provided scope to learn from the others too. It was a great learning experience.

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301 - 325 of 2,590 Reviews for Understanding Research Methods

By Shonavee S


Jan 22, 2021

A good introduction to research for postgrad, masters and higher degree research students. I think last year bachelor students could use this course well in preparation for Honours too.

By Alnie N


Dec 27, 2020

I'm enlightened the distinction of the three methods that guide me on what types of method i should choose with respect to the data available, variables to consider and analysis needed.

By Dragana A


Jun 17, 2020

Amazing course which will help you navigate through the course of actions with your research. It really helped me understand how it should be done and where should I focus my energy to.

By Sagar H


Aug 24, 2023

A really good eye opener for beginners in research! useful to navigate the world of research, upon understanding the basic outline of the planning and thinking process within research.

By Saleh R


Aug 9, 2023

English of one of the instructor was in London accent. Otherwise course was good. Also, while reviewing assignments, I have seen AI generated text. I don't know how this can be avoided

By Sruthi V S


Oct 25, 2020

This course has helped me with understanding the basics of research methodology. I hope to use what I have learnt here in my personal journey towards gaining higher studies. Thank you.

By IkramUllah K


Apr 27, 2020

Exceptionally well organized course. It provides deep insight into complex elements of research methodology like Literature Review. I highly recommend it to students and professionals.

By Adesikeola O


Apr 14, 2020

Great Course. However, the course can be enhanced if it is extended to cover more explanation on;

Analysis of data in mixed-method research

Validity and Reliability of Research Findings

By Susan L


Oct 8, 2023

I learned a lot in this course. It was a good overview of research methods, philosophical worldviews, and different approaches to research--better even that I learned in grad school!

By Bolormaa


Jul 20, 2021

That was a very helpful course, it provided a clear, concise summary of the research methods. I found a worldview for the research as a very helpful and important insight. Thank you.

By Lalitha T


Aug 31, 2020

Thanks to the organisers team , i enjoyed very much to know about the reasearch review about a topic...

& I should thank to my peers also to reviewed &discussed in my assignment topic.

By Dr M A S


Jul 6, 2020

The Course gave an insight into the basics of the research methods. This has brought a clarity to me as a teacher and researcher. A good combination of reading, listening and writing.

By ArunPrabu C H


Feb 20, 2020

The course gave me insights into various approaches to research. It also gave me an understanding of different methods to solve a problem. I am happy indeed to have taken this course.

By Mohammed N F


Nov 12, 2019

The course is amazing as it provides a deeper insight into the various nuances of the activities that one needs to take care which carrying out quality research of world class repute.

By Manohar G


Mar 4, 2018

Tis a simple and good module for beginners to plan and understand various strategies in organizing themselves for impactful research and hear tips from various experts in the field..

By Pratheeksha R


Jul 20, 2020

As a new and a beginner as a researcher, this course was extremely helpful. The speakers guide us and give us a clarity in regards with many problems that might occur in the future.

By Mohamud A


Jan 5, 2017

the course was very interesting and i have benefited more about understanding research methods it will help me do a good research by applying what i have learnt. thank you so much.

By Dr V K C


May 5, 2020

Known more about various types of reviews, Important elements of literature review, planning and management skills and how to frame a research question. Thanks to the Instructors..

By Wachiraporn Chotipanut


Mar 22, 2024

I gained more knowledge and understanding through well-rounded learning. Thanks to the quality learning system, more of my work too. Thank you

By Joel N


Jul 22, 2021

If you want to understand more about research, you do not want to miss this course. Excellent course leaders, students are engaging. Many thanks to Dr. Yenn Lee and Dr. Simon Rofe

By 33. S G W


Jun 4, 2021

This is a very simple and good course. However, I would appreciate it more if only the professors were the ones reviewing our work and giving the judgments along with peer review.



Aug 1, 2020

It is a very important course, especially in the field of academic writing and research. I hope will stand a better chance to carry out better research after this course. Thanks.

By Miguel A R B


Feb 12, 2018

Excelente curso muy practico y te acerca a la investigación, que debes de hacer y que no, para los que estamos por iniciar en este camino de la investigación es de mucha utilidad

By Mohammad K


Dec 30, 2023

The main point which I wanna note is that all the mentors provided the materials of the course right to the point and the items were discussed precisely. Thanks to all providers

By Deleted A


Oct 6, 2023

it was knowledgeable and engaging. I learned a lot about research. This study help me gain important skills and information about research that I can use as I continue my study.