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Learner Reviews & Feedback for R Programming by Johns Hopkins University

22,300 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples....

Top reviews


May 11, 2020

before starting this course i have experience of R programming but this course gives me a lot of new function and how to build a function and a most useful function str,debugging and Rprof.Thank You!


May 11, 2020

Really interesting course. The interactive coding sessions with swirl are especially useful. Would be great, if you provided sample solutions for the programming assignments, in particular for week 4.

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776 - 800 of 4,744 Reviews for R Programming

By Martin G


Jul 22, 2019

Very useful course to learn R. The videos can be some what boring, but doing the assignments and swirl is very helpful.

By Taz P


May 22, 2019

A great course that turns an R user into an R programmer. Not an easy course for a beginner but I am glad I've done it.

By Krishna T G


Nov 2, 2017

The course was so useful and helped me understand the usage of R. Assignments help a lot in understanding the concepts.

By Martin H


Aug 8, 2016

Relly liked this course. It gives the basics of R- commands that you need to evolve your skills to a higher level. Fun!

By maryam g


Aug 14, 2020

I did learn a lot through the challenges in this course and I am looking forward to the next courses of R programming.

By Michele B (


Sep 17, 2019

A nice overview of the R language with useful skills not often taught in regular classes like debugging and profiling.

By Julien N


Jul 23, 2018

Nice introduction to R

well adjusted pace and project requiring more than just applying what is explained in the video

By Rasmus G


Mar 31, 2018

A lot harder and faster pased than the Python course with Dr. Chuck, but really great course and super useful material

By Arjun S


Aug 27, 2017

Great start to learning R! Also builds up your Github profile which is amazing, and getting comfortable with R Studio.

By Anita T


Aug 26, 2017

Thoroughly enjoyed the assignments. Very very intelligently crafted to test out all skills. Swirl was superb as always

By Kevin C


Feb 11, 2016

Good for beginners, it's challenging but once you dedicate to the course, you definitely find it useful and motivating

By Faisal H


Feb 11, 2016

Excellent course content and delivery. It has kick started me to move on my own pace and dive down into data sciences.

By Abhishek G


Jan 30, 2016

A very interactive beginner's course. Enjoyed the programming assignments thoroughly. Best Regard to the Team.


By Gopal S D


Aug 16, 2020

i will suggest this course for beginners. This course contains the basic components which required for R programming.

By Kunal P


Nov 9, 2019

This was a great course. Hoping they add more assignments to this course that forces students to do more programming.

By Luis S


Feb 24, 2019

very challenging but after finishing all the assigments I feel I have done a significant progress on using R language

By lalit p


May 28, 2018

Best course for learning R but everyone must complete the data science specialization courses for better use of it :)

By Noor Y N


Nov 30, 2017

The material taught was useful, the swirl learning program was fun to use and the assignments were quite challenging.

By Mauricio P


Sep 2, 2017

R is a very interesting and powerful programming language. This course helps to give me the basics to start using it.

By Don J


Aug 28, 2017

Great intro to R. Make sure you work at a steady pace and check the forums for help with the programming assignments.

By Abdirahman O


Aug 21, 2017

This Course is amazing. The lecturer is fantastic and the Assignments will teach you how to program in R efficiently.

By Surya S G G


Feb 22, 2017

Nicely organized for beginners.

Suggest for more information and lectures on data frame and functions on data frames.

By Prashanth C


May 3, 2020

Exceptionally well designed course, great resources for learning and using swirl for practice was highly beneficial!

By Jared P


Apr 10, 2016

Never used R until I took this course. This was a good course to start with and helped me dive into the world of R.

By Philip T


Feb 22, 2016

Very clear instructions and with great assignments to make you thoroughly understand the materials through practice.