May 11, 2020
before starting this course i have experience of R programming but this course gives me a lot of new function and how to build a function and a most useful function str,debugging and Rprof.Thank You!
May 11, 2020
Really interesting course. The interactive coding sessions with swirl are especially useful. Would be great, if you provided sample solutions for the programming assignments, in particular for week 4.
By Richard C
•Apr 10, 2018
Lectures were too quick at times and many of the assignments had little to nothing to do with what we were learning that week.
By ht e
•Dec 8, 2020
If you are beginner for R programming,I suggest don't enroll this course. This course is for someone who is experience in R
By Greg R
•Jun 14, 2020
Seems outdated (content is 5 or 6 years old). Assignments are challenging as the videos and readings cover only the basics.
By Emmanuel A
•Nov 20, 2016
Very challenging assignments! You learn a lot. Please, give more complex exercices to prepare before the final assignment.
By Lerata M
•Jan 28, 2021
The course content is fine however, some assignments really surprised me. To the course presenter, keep up the good work.
By Juan D B F
•Jun 15, 2020
Assignments are really usefull, but there is a lack of content relation between them and the content of the course itself
By Shwetha N
•May 23, 2020
The video lectures were different and the assignments are very high level. Very difficult to understand the assignments.
By Richard H
•Nov 26, 2020
Very hard to understand. Needs either really huge amount of time to self-learn, or familiarity with programming language
By Tony W
•May 5, 2016
The course lecture was ok, Swirl was pretty good. The assignment was confusing and the instructions were not very clear.
By Sherif M
•Sep 12, 2018
Course lectures are good but course assignments and quizzes are sometimes too difficult and not covered in the lessons.
By Nate S
•Mar 30, 2017
Not practical for beginners. Probably useful if you already have extensive experience with other programming languages.
By Ivan C
•Mar 3, 2016
Huge gap between theory and programming assignments, however quizzes are interesting and require some time to complete.
By Eliza J
•Aug 16, 2020
Be cautious if you haven't done any programming before... you'll learn with this course but it will be kinda painful.
By Not E C
•Mar 6, 2016
I think the jump in difficulty from week 1 to week 2 is discouraging to many students with little to no R experience.
By Shubham A
•Oct 27, 2020
The course was more theoretical with less examples, something which can be added. Else a good experience with Swirl
By Kiran K R
•Apr 17, 2020
Assignments were too advanced and with the knowledge from the lectures it is not easy to figure out the assignments.
By Sonny T
•Nov 28, 2016
Good course. I would request that the instructors work through modules in real time that are similar to the quizzes.
By aparna T
•Nov 6, 2017
Only beginner level understanding. more examples could help. Lexical and Dynamic scoping concepts not really clear.
By Stefano M
•Jan 24, 2020
The lectures are good but the gap between exercises and assignments is enormous. I cannot recommend to a beginner
By Andaru P
•Feb 12, 2016
Challenging, but it gives a good idea on rprogramming, should be taken with other learning tools outside coursera
By Pradeep M V
•Jul 5, 2020
Good course content. But gained more from the course text book and Swirl() exercises than the instructor videos.
•Apr 23, 2020
Course content and Assignments are not equivalent to each other. Please try to maintain the standard. Thank you.
By Sara G
•Sep 5, 2019
I learned a lot in this course but found the assignments far too advanced for the subject matter we were taught.
By Elma E T
•May 17, 2020
I am happy with what I learned in the course but there is a gap between what is taught and the assignment given
By Christian B
•Feb 5, 2018
Very light course if you have previous experience programming. I expected there to be a lot more hands-on work.