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Learner Reviews & Feedback for R Programming by Johns Hopkins University

22,300 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples....

Top reviews


May 11, 2020

before starting this course i have experience of R programming but this course gives me a lot of new function and how to build a function and a most useful function str,debugging and Rprof.Thank You!


May 11, 2020

Really interesting course. The interactive coding sessions with swirl are especially useful. Would be great, if you provided sample solutions for the programming assignments, in particular for week 4.

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4401 - 4425 of 4,744 Reviews for R Programming

By Gemelee D


Jul 16, 2019

The lectures and the book only gave a general overview of what is needed in order to answer the Assignment and the quizzes. This course is only good for getting a general idea of R Programming, but the material is barely sufficient to prepare the learners for actual problems.

By Thomas P


Mar 12, 2018

I think that teaching a bunch of informations in few videos and after that asking the student to directly write a complex code is something that doesn't work. At least for me didn't work. Big thanks to swirl which was the only reason that I learned something from this course.

By Lyn S


Aug 10, 2017

Not bad, but certainly not good. I cannot believe there is a style of teaching where you never get to see the best way to do something. I can slog thru the programming, but I doubt it's the best way to do something, but I never get to see how something should have been done.

By Sebastian S


Sep 23, 2020

Good course. But definitly NOT FOR BEGINNERS. The videos and material are well-designed, but for the Assignments you need at least a bit experience in programming, as you need some functions and arguments the course didn't cover. The last Assignment is very time-consuming!

By Seyedabbas S


Mar 21, 2019

The lectures are extremely boring! I am just watching them to make them green! I have to watch other lectures and read more by myself to understand the subject. I am sorry to say it that direct, but having a robot reading through the slides would not change anything!

By Deleted A


Dec 21, 2017

The course is not tailored for beginners . The lectures do not prepare you whatsoever for the assignments. If you want to understand half of the material , you need to complement this course with other R learning material online. This course needs a drastic rework...

By Samantha M


Aug 11, 2017

So far I am learning more from the Getting & Cleaning Data course, in a more structured and easier to absorb manner.

The Swirl courses were good; however, these are freely available outside of this course.

The lectures do not seem to align to the course content at all.

By Yu S T


Jul 27, 2020

This course is for people to know about R if you have never used that, Don't take this course.

When I took this course I did not know anything about R, the videos in this course have never helped me. I had to take other basic courses and search the internet to pass.

By Mark B


Dec 31, 2016

Not meant for a complete beginner. I've spoken to a dozen people who have taken this course, and if you don't have some programming skills, you'll struggle. I'm not suggesting its not doable for the complete beginner, but the time commitment may be prohibitive.

By Han Y


Mar 2, 2017

The exams and projects are really really hard and make R newbies, such as I, feel very suffering. And these contents are not connect to the teaching materials closely. I think there is large space to improve this course to make it more accessible and learnable.

By Aazaz A


Aug 1, 2020

The things that were taught in lectures were nowhere close to the programming assignments given. Either update the lecture to match the assignments or update the assignments to match the lectures to make the course friendlier and easier to learn for 1st timers.

By Katherine K


Sep 23, 2017

informative but definitely for people who are far more advanced in background knowledge with R. The professor goes very quickly and the course jumps to new topics without much explanation or guidance. No good way to get help or ask questions if you get stuck.

By Han L


May 14, 2018

The programming assignments are way above the information given in the lecture. Extremely difficult to do for people have no previous experience with programming. Swirl is probably the most helpful element in this entire course regarding learning R.

By Ravindra S N


Aug 17, 2019

I didn't like it. Inspite of having done some courses on coursera(like Machine Learning from Stanford, SAS Programming from SAS) and edx (Python, R), many things went above my head. So I have decided not to pursue this Data Science Course further.

By Marie C N


Oct 26, 2020

The course assignments were very hard for me as a beginner in using R and without a background in coding. The swirl exercises are good but they don't really help with the assignments. I had to rely on a data scientist friend to learn what to do.



Aug 13, 2019

The course content was good. However, assignments were complex and not very much linked to the rest of the content. Alhough it wasn't said in the beggining, I believe previous knouledge on programming or on R itself is needed for this course

By Beverly U


Apr 24, 2016

The lectures did not prepare for quizzes/assignments. Not a class for beginners.

It would be better if he used R while lecturing instead of just talking through the whole lecture.

I got more out of the swirl tutorials than I did the lectures.

By Sara F O


May 14, 2020

Firstly the videos and the swirl practice were very good and I leart a lot from them. However, the assignments were very difficult. There is a huge gab beetwen the content of the course and the assigments. This course is not for beginners.

By Andrew C


Sep 20, 2016

Better than the Data Scientist's toolbox, but not a great introduction to R. When I'm learning a new language, I don't want to know about data types and for loops. A detailed example showing the strengths of this language would be better.

By Mingyu L


Mar 4, 2022

I like the "Practical R Exercises in swirl". Very easy to understand. The "Discussion Forums" is very helpful.

However, the lectures are really boring. The assginments are not even related to the lectures. Not a beginner friendly course.

By Prasanjeit B


Sep 24, 2018

The quiz were far advance than the material and somewhat disjoint from the topics.The overall lecture is good but not sufficient for learning R, Week 3 and some parts of week 1 could have been explained far more better than it was done

By Josh D


Jun 29, 2017

Far too quickly moves from basics of R to advanced statistical programming. Needs better build up of skills. Swirl was useful, as the videos were essentially unhelpful. Many other better resources on introducing the content elsewhere.

By Alexander S


Jan 27, 2021

The videos are not very engaging and the exercises demand skills way beyond the ones you can develop by simply following the course videos and swirl exercises. 2 stars because the challenges were engaging and based on real world data

By Jonathan T


Aug 20, 2018

Assignment is way too hard without any guidance - course as mentioned in their earlier lectures are meant to go online and ask. Even so, there is no way for beginners like us to understand what our questions should pinpoint to.

By Stefano D L


Feb 21, 2016

Too short, too simple, too theoretic.

I found of little interest the slides, partially interesting the swirl exercise, interesting the programming assignment.

I would like to have a longer course with more practical examples.