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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Crash Course on Python by Google

38,994 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to teach you the foundations in order to write simple programs in Python using the most common structures. No previous exposure to programming is needed. By the end of this course, you will understand the benefits of programming in IT roles; understand basic Python syntax; explore different code editors and developer environments; be able to write simple programs using Python; figure out how the building blocks of programming fit together; and combine all of this knowledge to solve a complex programming problem. We'll start off by diving into the basics of writing a computer program. Along the way, you’ll get hands-on experience with programming concepts through interactive exercises and real-world examples. You’ll quickly start to see how computers can perform a multitude of tasks — you just have to write code that tells them what to do....

Top reviews


Nov 13, 2022

This is actually a really great start for beginners in python. I am an intermediate python developer so for me it was too basic, but still a nice refresher for all the basics that we sometimes forget.


Jun 8, 2020

An excellent course for those who want to boost their programming abilities on Python. It tackles diverse and challenging problems, for you to practice and round out every concept. Highly recommended!

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126 - 150 of 10,000 Reviews for Crash Course on Python

By Tenaya A

Nov 5, 2022

While I did learn a lot from this course, I found myself looking to google to answer many questions or show better explained examples. I wish there was a better way to communicate 1 on 1 with a tutor/experienced coder. Also i wish we could have like a once a week video chat or something where we go over key points and brainstorm amongst each other. I do not feel like the discussion forums are very helpful and many of the answers are just given with no explanation.

By Wei S L

May 3, 2024

I honestly dont think this course is for beginners. I need to continuously look up the discussion forums to get my question clarified either by asking or looking at what other people asked previously. Without the discussion forums, i will definitely be stuck in week3/4 Not really recommended for beginners. Update: Now that i learnt python in school already, i found this course quite helpful to refresh basic python concepts.

By Abhiram Y

Oct 4, 2022

course is easy to understand but while solving the assesment problems most of the people are facing problems because they din't teach about those topic in the course videos appart from that all are good and atlast while doing the final project i had all the things correct but output is not displayed and i cannot getting the code in the jupyter notebook and i could not refresh it

By jeremy j

Dec 28, 2022

The quizzes after each section are way more advanced then the examples that were provided, making it very hard to progress. If you have a background in programming, this course is manageable, but if you do not, this course will be very hard if not impossible.

By Abhishek S

Oct 10, 2022

This is not something that can make an aspirant start writing codes easily, one has to take help a lot.

By Olaoluwa O

Jul 23, 2022

It is a good course for starts but assignment are too difficult.

By Adrian H

Jan 14, 2023

This course was hard!

By Prabhnoor S

Feb 13, 2023

Needs improvement.

By Richard C

Jun 4, 2022

I really dislike this course. The videos are super high quality and the course has everything it needs to be really good, but I think it falls short of that. The course is supposed to teach basic Python skills and doesn't presuppose any knowledge. The videos are super simple and accessible, but the assignments are very difficult. Watching the videos does not adequately prepare you for the assignments because the exercises expect you to be able to do things that you've never done before, without adequate examples to follow. I found that I needed to take other Python courses to be able to keep up with this one. The course is both too easy and too hard in different ways. If you don't know any Python, you'll suffer here. But as soon as you learn enough to get past these assignments, you'll already be beyond the need for this course.

I really hated the word cloud assignment at the end. The course doesn't explain enough about how to actually use Jupyter Notebooks. I spent hours wondering why the stupid box to add my file didn't appear. Then I spent hours wondering why I couldn't get the word cloud to generate despite there not being any issues with my code. What was my issue? Probably my browser--nothing to do with my code. The discussion forums are filled with people having similar issues. After wasting several hours, I can't honestly say what I learned from doing this.

By Nathan W

Aug 19, 2021

This course is terrible at teaching you how to use Python. Very disappointed as Google courses are normally very well put together. The videos are not clear and very unhelpful. They explain the topics poorly and then suddenly give you a test with lots of coding scenarios that haven't even been covered. If you want to learn code, THIS IS NOT THE WAY TO DO IT. If you already know how to code from other languages, you might just have a chance seeming you already understand the fundamentals of code. It's a shame because the filming and production quality is great. But I definitely DO NOT RECOMMEND this course. It just sucks!

By Matthew S B

Oct 21, 2022

As a teacher who has taught many subjects at high school level, including Computer Science, it would have been nice to get some new ideas. But I didn't. The course structure is poorly thought through. The videos blur into one after a while. Yes, generating enthusiasm is important. But, not when it gets in the way of learning something valuable. A different tone is required. A combination of pedagogical approaches is required. I get it that the Coursera system may have its limitations. But still, I expected better.

By muse r

Dec 23, 2023

I personally didn't have a problem finishing this course because I had previous experience with python. I'm giving this course a low rating because I'm thinking about how this course would have made me feel if I really didn't know anything about python. Claiming this course is for beginners is just wrong. This course would make any beginner to give up learning python thinking they're "not smart/good enough" to understand programming.

By Christopher C

Mar 11, 2021

I'm not really sure who this class is for. It will be very frustrating for complete programming noobs as there is very little in the way of actual instruction, with the tests often being way out of line with the material covered.

"See, here's this and that and some of this -- YAY!! Now you understand recursion!! I knew you could do it!"

By Skyler H

Feb 26, 2022

Not for beginners. Not enough engagement with helping learners practice new concepts. You will be left in the dark for hours if you don't find ways to practice with unfamiliar tools on your own and master syntax before advancing to the next section. If you value your time, consider hiring a tutor in person or online.

By Noah W

Nov 3, 2022

My biggest and probably only greviance is how this course offers practically no help for practice questions on videos when you are learning a topic. on top of many questions on practice exams having functions that haven't been taught yet.

By Ankush J

Jan 21, 2023

Explanation was not that good. I have to watch some other videos to understand a topic. And as we know python is an easy language to understand and this course made python difficult

By Daniel “ M

May 13, 2020

Very hard to follow and not enough resources w/in the course to keep along. I constantly had to search out side of this course for help and definitions on concepts.

By Mohammed F

Apr 10, 2021

Instructor is not clear and she teaches fast. She does not explain much. I hope we will get quality & experience instructor where student can learn better

By Mahnoor S

May 28, 2021

Not very detailed. Introduces topics with easy examples, then jumps right into complicated practice.

By Brandin B

Jan 18, 2021

didn't like how this was being taught with some of the topic that are covered

By Devin W

May 24, 2020

Wording of questions more confusing than subject taught. Needs revision

By Noe L C

Aug 27, 2020

Very little explanation for complex learning subjects.

By Abraham M

Jan 24, 2021

I am lost. This was too fast paced for me.

By Tawanix

Sep 28, 2020

I came to learn about this course because I wanted to make changes in my career and do something better but this is frustrating.

I have a hard time understanding these codes because most are math problems (I'm at week 3) and I'm horrible at math. It's easier for me to understand them without it being math problems. I want to understand the code first before getting more complicated with math. It's frustrating and feels like a waste of time.

I go to outside sources just for me to understand the code and they don't put complicated math problems as a way to teach you. And they explain every inch of the code and what the code means after it runs. This course does half of that.

They also tell you "practice, practice practice" but practice what and where? There's nothing to practice on. We're not given more problems to practice on and if we were, the problems would have random extra steps thrown in that was never explained in the video. They do this a lot on their practice tests and test.

So I'm always lost. There's not enough explanation for some of these problems. I want to learn, I came here to learn but this course makes it difficult, unfair and frustrating. I was better off reading a book about Python and watching YT videos.

By Daniel H

Jan 2, 2022

One star for the Instructor who presented with phenomenal energy. The example quizzes, however, would often ask questions that were not really discussed in the lesson. I thought this might be a good thing as it would encourage me, as a student, to seek answers on other sites; which is a process that is hand in hand with programming. The problem is that the questions were so contextual it was really hard to express them as a question on Google. The end result was that you felt a bit left in the lurch.

The discussion board was also a total ghost town. There was quite a few a really well asked questions that hadn't been answered for years. I felt sorry for them.

By week two of the program I had these conflicting thoughts:

1. I'm not smart enough to code

2. The structure of the course is sufficently poor that it does't enable me to code.

I'm going with the latter. I'm not a total moron. I'll just have to find better resources to make it happen.