May 14, 2018
A good course. The short video format with plenty of review questions is very helpful. More review questions, trickier review questions, and good glossaries might help make the course even better.
May 27, 2020
A great course, it help me to get a better understanding of prostate cancer. a very simple yet very efficient explanation about everything. i was new to the topic so i got a very good knowledge.
By Omran J
âąMay 9, 2023
extremely useful course. The only think needs to be worked in is the dipiciting the inforlmaion on the slides.
By fatemeh h
âąJul 11, 2018
It was amazing and too like to know more or watch some surgical videos.thank you .
By Benedikt G
âąJun 25, 2023
Very informative session on all aspects of prostate cancer.
By Jose M F
âąSep 3, 2020
Great course. Easy and complete information
By landry t
âąAug 18, 2019
peut ĂȘtre plus approfondis
By Golyad W
âąMar 8, 2024
it was good.
By R N
âąOct 6, 2019
good one
By Saivignesh.J
âąAug 29, 2020
By Mariam S
âąMay 15, 2020
The information is valuable but the instructor is merely reading the content out loud. An approach that uses more explanation would make this course perfect.
By Richard K
âąJan 10, 2019
The course should not require paying to complete the graded quizzes.
By Racha Z
âąApr 1, 2018
i wanted to do the quizes but i'm forced to buy the course to submit my answers it's not fair