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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Pricing Strategy by IE Business School

1,018 ratings

About the Course

Pricing is one of the most important but least understood marketing decisions. Learn and practice concepts, techniques, and get to grips with the latest thinking on assessing and formulating pricing strategies. Analyze how firms attempt to capture value, as well as profits, in the revenues they earn. Along this course, you will learn pricing strategy key concepts such as pricing psychology, price discrimination, willingness to pay of customers, optimal price and price elasticity. This course has an additional focus on pricing dynamics and the reaction to and by competitors, taking a highly pragmatic approach and one that is directly applicable to your day-to-day professional life. After this course, you will be able to contribute to the process of formulating pricing strategies for your own products and services, or those of your firm. Martin Boehm - IE Professor and Dean of the Business School with over 10 years experience - will guide you through four modules. We begin with the importance of pricing and how it ultimately can affect the bottom line. Then, we move on to methods to help you decide what is the optimal price for your product; and then price discrimination - should all your products follow the same pricing strategy or should you differentiate depending on the customer segment? Finally, we look at pricing psychology and how you can influence customers in order to drive the highest possible price for your product....

Top reviews


Mar 19, 2020

I had always been afraid of Pricing and any other subject that required some mathematical skills. But this course was so helpful in both educating me and boosting my self-confidence in Pricing.


Mar 19, 2017

Although they are harder concepts and more practices to remember, it was a very insightful course! I truly enjoyed the additional readings to elaborate on the lectures. Thank you very much, IE!

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1 - 25 of 220 Reviews for Pricing Strategy

By Ricardo O


Mar 13, 2016

Excessively short course. Like previous course in the specialization no slides of the lectures were provided. Approach over-simplistic. IE could done more. Also as in previous course there was no supervision from the staff of the discussion forums. Also looking at the big picture, there is a tremendous gap in quality and approach to online courses between EU institutions and US top tier institutions (favoring the US offerings). Looking at Wharton, U. Michigan, Yale courses (just to mention a few) and then looking at the majority of European offerings, the gap is very salient. If IE wants to stay relevant in this online space, some benchmark is advised... If you are in the 'game', you must 'play' it better...

I hope you will accept my critic as constructive and positive, not as negative. As an European I am more critic and I would like to see more quality, relevance and credibility of EU offerings. As it is, it is a matter of time until Wharton and U. Michigan spread their offerings into this specific field and with a superior approach they will most likely divert students to their offerings, probably lowering and marginalizing your courses.

But despite my critics it is fair to salute you for your efforts and availability to offer this course.

I wish yoy luck.

Ricardo J. Oliveira

By Gareth B


May 24, 2016

I've really enjoyed this course. There is a great mix of approaches to the subject matter - video lectures, interviews, case studies, articles/textbook excerpts and short quizzes. The balance between covering a wide-enough range of topics, and giving sufficient depth of information is just right in my opinion. Overall, this led to a really engaging experience and I feel that I've learned a lot. Moreover, there is plenty of practical guidance as to how principles can be applied in a business context. Thank you for doing such a great job of putting this together.

By Joey V


Jul 10, 2016

Excellent course for someone who has little or no pricing background. I learned a lot of practical skills! Not the easiest course... but well worth the effort!!! Great professor, awesome content and an impeccable delivery system... can't ask for more!! I highly recommend this course and the Marketing Mix Implementation specialization to anyone who is interested in the practical business skills associated to marketing!

By Tania C B


Jan 31, 2020

Best course I've taken in Coursera so far!

Great, useful materials, detailed explanations for potentially complex topics and loads of relevant examples, all integrated seamlessly and in the right order - great flow! Also really appreciated the multiple opportunities to practice pricing on all the exercises available.

Thank you Prof. Boehm & team!

By Catalina G C


Apr 10, 2016

Considero que el curso estuvo interesante, sin embargo confuso en algunos ejemplos en la semana 3 donde se hablo de la discriminación de los precios. Es importante corregir los errores en las gráficas y ejemplos de algunos videos, ya que solo pude aclarar mis dudas por medio del foro cuando alguien mas se había dado cuenta del error.

By Farhan M R


Apr 22, 2020

I have very enjoyed this course. there's a good mixture of approaches to the topic matter - video lectures, interviews, case studies, articles/textbook excerpts and short quizzes. The balance between covering a wide-enough vary of topics, and giving spare depth of knowledge is simply right in my opinion. Overall, this junction rectifier to a very participating expertise and that i feel that I've learned heaps. Moreover, there's lots of sensible steering on however principles is applied in an exceedingly business context. thanks for doing such a good job of golf shot this along.Thank you!!!

By Ekaterina T


Jun 3, 2022

I enjoyed the course of IE Business School about Pricing strategy. They shared a lot of examples from automotive industry. The tasks and graded tests required calculations and were not so easy to pass. Besides, the last 2 weeks were devoted to more customer behavior topics and pricing strategies as well as manipulations with prices that I was interested also from personal point of view. Now I know why I buy something in luxury shops that I have not planned before.

By Bankole J


Dec 7, 2020

As intensive as this course was, I couldn't stop because with every lecture it became more apparent how vital the tools and knowledge being taught was to the success of any entrepreneurial initiative. Even if I was going to do this and go work at a job, I release how much of a gamble it would have been to take on responsibilities regarding pricing strategies without this course. Pricing is a science and it's not just about cost of production and profit markup.

By Anna B


May 18, 2020

Very good course, the only thing I would advice is - since I studied physics before - that you properly name the axes when you show graphs. For example in the price endings graph, of course it is kind of obvious which axis indicates what factors, but still, this is something that actually should be done. Otherwise great course, great content and nice examples. I also liked the questions that popped up during the videos.

By Mayank S


Apr 29, 2020

Being a young manager with no formal marketing education, the course was an eye opener in regards to the importance of pricing and the pivotal role it plays in our day-to-day life. The course encapsulates and covers all the relevant (and more) through diversified articles, examples and thorough discussions. I feel privileged to be a part of this course. Happy learning.

By thuy n


Jan 2, 2022

This course facilitates me with an in-depth knowledge of pricing strategy, market manipulation. I think this course really helps for anyone who wants to use price as a tool to optimize revenue via different channels, segmentations. This course would be perfect for anyone work in retail industry and also hospitality industry(airline, hotels, catering...)

By Sachin J R G


Dec 21, 2016

Brilliant course! Helps you understand the thought process that goes in pricing. The psychological aspect of pricing is a very interesting topic in itself. The quiz tests your understanding of the topics. However, they are not hard. I wish they had increased the difficulty of quantitative questions

By Roberto P


May 17, 2020

Great material and the professor touched all the relevant topics! If there's any recommendations it would be more reference material for those student who are really passionate about learning more detail (technical, research/studies, business cases) and would l ike to deep dive on a specific topic

By shriram


Oct 22, 2019

The course has helped me understand the importance of pricing and how it impacts the organisations' profitability. The concept of customer based pricing and price discrimination has helped me understand and realize how we can improve pricing based on customer segment and across product range.

By Mohammad M


Apr 26, 2016

The techniques used in this course really help to first keep you in business and second distinguishing yourself among other competitors. The other advantage of this course was its quizzes which help me to get more of the each module by presenting real world practical cases.

By Jose A Q M


Aug 23, 2017

It was great!!! It combines perfectly theory and practice, and uses examples in different industries. In my experience, after study a MBA, it has been a great experience, and I can apply these knowledge from the first moment.

I totally recommend it!

By Dinesh K


Oct 21, 2017

The course was fairly comprehensive and thorough with timely readings and exercises. The content/syllabus makes you go back to your purchase choices and ponder over whether you were influenced by such marketing antics eg: Decoy Pricing.

By Sara C


Apr 29, 2021

aint always easy get economic theory and turn to pratical resources. Here i've learned how aply on prices all about demand and offer courves. It was essential to imediately capture the tecnique leading strategy and it was very worthy!



Mar 8, 2018

This is an amazing course and i will recommend it to everyone. it has opened my eye on pricing as the most important driver of profitability. this course will really impact my career as a sales person and also as an entrepreneur.



Feb 22, 2017

Very effective course for those who want to learn the philosophy regarding pricing strategy and how to choose the right price for the product. A highly recommended course for professionals working in the industry.

By Mirela M


Jul 2, 2021

Very insightful and informative course. Highly recoomended for anyone who wants to familiarize themsleves with the pricing terms and marketing strategies , as well as get some insights into the consumer market.

By Ankur S


Sep 12, 2016

Outstanding Theoretical concepts were explained clearly. Examples and numerical questions beautifully supplemented the theory into practical use. They were neither too difficult nor too easy- a perfect balance.

By José L L


May 16, 2016

So far, this has been my favourite module. thought it was thorough and challenging enough for anybody to learn but also down-to-earth for newcomers, the right balance, which is a heroic act to achieve in a

By slopezmanan


May 29, 2020

Excelente!! Muchos conceptos útiles para implementar en el día a día...Realmente vale la pena y lo recomiendo a todo aquel que esté interesado en las estrategias de pricing y revenue management

By Amir J


Mar 20, 2020

I had always been afraid of Pricing and any other subject that required some mathematical skills. But this course was so helpful in both educating me and boosting my self-confidence in Pricing.