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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Practical Time Series Analysis by The State University of New York

1,711 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Practical Time Series Analysis! Many of us are "accidental" data analysts. We trained in the sciences, business, or engineering and then found ourselves confronted with data for which we have no formal analytic training. This course is designed for people with some technical competencies who would like more than a "cookbook" approach, but who still need to concentrate on the routine sorts of presentation and analysis that deepen the understanding of our professional topics. In practical Time Series Analysis we look at data sets that represent sequential information, such as stock prices, annual rainfall, sunspot activity, the price of agricultural products, and more. We look at several mathematical models that might be used to describe the processes which generate these types of data. We also look at graphical representations that provide insights into our data. Finally, we also learn how to make forecasts that say intelligent things about what we might expect in the future. Please take a few minutes to explore the course site. You will find video lectures with supporting written materials as well as quizzes to help emphasize important points. The language for the course is R, a free implementation of the S language. It is a professional environment and fairly easy to learn. You can discuss material from the course with your fellow learners. Please take a moment to introduce yourself! Time Series Analysis can take effort to learn- we have tried to present those ideas that are "mission critical" in a way where you understand enough of the math to fell satisfied while also being immediately productive. We hope you enjoy the class!...

Top reviews


Aug 24, 2018

This is a phenomenal course if one wants to have a thorough understanding of how ARIMA forecasting is performed. On top of that, this course is absolutely free (with an option to buy). Thanks a lot !


Jan 23, 2020

Excelente, uno de los mejores cursos que he tomado. Lo más importante es que se practica muy seguido y hay examenes durante los vídeos. Si hay un nivel más avanzado de este tema, seguro que lo tomo.

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351 - 375 of 466 Reviews for Practical Time Series Analysis

By Paulo V

Nov 10, 2019

It's a great course and it will give a great overview of the main forecasting techniques. However, the course is not THAT practical, since there were a lot of lessons talking about the theoretical concepts instead of coding. If don't have a good understanding of Algebra, you might get lost throughout this course

By Wojciech W

Sep 10, 2021

I remember the first two or three weeks as somewhat chaotic and unclear, but the remaining part was smooth. The course IS practical, but you need to get through the basics frist. For the first weeks, reading the first two chapters of 'Introductory Time Series with R' by Cowpertwait and Metcalfe helped a lot.


Oct 20, 2022

I have some mixed feelings.

While I did learned a lot of new things, I think there is some room for improvment:

1. Some links are broken.

2. The quality of some videos is very bad (fans spinning, the voice is not very loud).

3. Maybe adapt the code for Python.

Positive things:

1. Readings are very helpful.

By Amir P

Nov 4, 2018

Great course for info about time series.

Some parts (especially week 3 and 4) could be less mathematical.

Should emphaise more on identifying the ranks of the models, for example - keep those questions in the quizes.

Some quiz questions felt too easy :)

By Zine E A E A

Feb 3, 2022

the course is really structured and organized; the two teachers are amazings and they absolutely know how to send the most helpful and important messages information and methods throughout all the lesson. I have really enjoyed this course

By Sergio M

Oct 13, 2021

Very insightful for getting an idea of how to understand Time Series, how to model them, and do some forecasting with the main techniques. Good knowledge of statistics and R is highly recommended to follow through the entire course.

By Shrey A

Jun 9, 2020

Nice course with a good pace. Great use of real world data sets.

A negative comment: Some of the datasets to be downloaded are not available on the links provided. Kindly update the links or provide the data file directly for usage.

By Jesus

Oct 13, 2020

Great course, but sometimes with too much theoretical analysis. The theory is essential of course, but more examples would help us to understand the main ideas. P.S: Thank you so much to teachers for their efforts to teach us!

By Danny V

Sep 3, 2018

It was a really good course, very informative and well explained. Only I could find minor mistakes especially during the test where it was difficult to observe the figures or the code did run smoothly. I highly recommend it.

By Pranoy M

Jul 29, 2018

The course is really nice and delves deep into the underlying math behind the forecasting technique. The course would have been even better if they would have talked about time series forecasting with predictor variables.

By Jesús C

Feb 3, 2019

Good course to learn the basic concepts about time series. In my opinion there should be more practical exercises. They force you to better understand the theory and are always a good idea to really master any subject.

By Phạm G P

Jul 17, 2020

I easily get frustrated in the early weeks (1,2,3) because of mathematics. However, I later realize that I have to understand how the forecast method works to fully comprehensively understand the time series analysis.

By Hany N

Apr 11, 2019

Great course, good balance between theory & practical applications.

For some lectures, the slides are not provided (pdf notes are provided instead). I would preferred to have the PDF sliders of the Power Point as well.

By Manjeet K

Nov 16, 2019

If you have the patience to learn time series with little knowledge of statistics, then this course is for you. Believe me, the course is really a "Practical" time series. Good course for beginners, I am satisfied.

By Oscar E E L

Apr 12, 2020

Although I come from the math environment, I appreciated in a certain degree the explanations given, also I think that it would be useful to include more practical examples i.e. real life dataset, thanks for all!

By David S

Jul 1, 2019

Little fast and some place in the middle when they started talking about inside the unit circle. May need a little refresher on that. Otherwise I really appreciate this type of material being available.

By Bhasutkar V B P

Jun 20, 2018

Very Good Course, Thanks for clear explanation.Comparison & Selecting the best model for a given dataset with train, test split would have given practical approach and implementation in real time project.

By Diego V

Jul 21, 2018

It's a course with a very well load of math content. In my opinion, it should include more practical cases focus on give to students a hands on feel of what happens by under all the math explained here.

By Dennis P

Apr 21, 2018

I think I need support on the very last week, namely, week 6, on the very first quiz. I don't understand the answers on how they were derived but I was able to get the answers by repeating the quiz.

By Badal S

Jun 8, 2020

An excellent course of Time series analysis. This course is a bit Mathy, technical, and but easy. Highly recommend if you're interested in Time series analysis or Financial time series analysis.

By Anubhav B

Mar 21, 2020

The structure of first 2-3 weeks can be improved. The initial flow seems to be jumping, I thought I am not getting it, but I see the same feedback in discussion forum, so I am clearly not alone.

By Denis K

Aug 15, 2018

This is a good course, but it is too focused on R routines and leaves some practically important questions unanswered. Specifically, no algorithm is provided for fitting parameters of MA models.

By Sanjeev K

Jul 17, 2021

This is a course which is bit math heavy but they explain the concepts very well. I understand that data analysis in R .is very easy but I wish the .coursework was .also available in python.

By Raj K

May 5, 2018

A good course to start up with time series forecasting. The code meets its objective of teaching practical time series analysis. Though, a little more theory on the same would be appreciated

By Pritam S

Jan 5, 2022

Old course but gold. A little bit of background in basic statistics, algebra and programming is needed to be succesful in this course. Thank you for this great learning opputunity.