Jun 24, 2021
Loved this curse. I was enthusiastic and engaged the whole way through and feel like I have learnt a lot. I can´t wait to start the second one. Thank you for bringing positive psychology to the world.
Aug 18, 2019
This course has been an eye opener for me to the possibilities and options of changing culture and behavior, not solely basing on past experience of individuals but with more focus on future choices.
By Adrian E G P
•Sep 18, 2022
By Laura-Diana C
•Apr 20, 2021
By Jorge M B
•Apr 30, 2020
•Aug 30, 2023
By Jenny F F
•Jan 19, 2023
By Francois L
•Jun 29, 2021
By Rupa R
•Jan 27, 2021
By Neha J
•Jun 16, 2019
By Tatiana R F
•Oct 31, 2017
By Eleanor A C
•Apr 11, 2017
By Karine C
•Feb 15, 2021
Great course, useful and interactive enough, although there are a few points that could be improved:
I miss the personal feedback from lecturers on my assignments. Indeed, only one assignment was peer reviewed, and a peer, although nice and supportive, will not push you to expand your knowledge and improve on your thinking.
Also, it was not easy to find the peer reviews. It would be great if they arrived in your mailbox as soon as done... instead, I had to wait, and then find my way back to the assignment at the end of the course, and discover that, yes, I had been peer reviewed.
I am not sure whether any one has left any 'upvote' or 'comment' on the other submissions I have given via the discussion forums. It would be too time consuming to check them all.
Again, it would be nice to have one place were all your assignments and submissions and their feedback is gathered (rather than stroll through pages and pages of discussions). Or may be this exists but I do not know about it?
Another point: I do not know if the two peer reviewers were other students or staff members (I saw that there were moderators for the course). It would be nice to know.
Last point: in the tests, it would be nice to know if several answers are possible rather than just one, as I often got caught having only one good answer while there were 2 expected. I guess I just picked the best one and did not realise I could add more...
Thank you for reading! I am looking forward to the next class.
By Christine M Q
•Jun 19, 2020
This is a great overview of what we can look forward to delving more deeply in to once we get into the more specific classes. I did watched Tal's 1504 Harvard Course before taking this course and I wish that more time had been spent on love and relationships because I found that to be a high point of the lecture series. I really liked learning directly from the Master and hearing from the various experts in the field. Like a survey course, we had the opportunity to learn a lot at once and to see how big Positive Psychology is. I would have liked a stronger framework throughout the course. I think PERMA is the foundation of Positive Psychology and I would have liked to see it hit in every discussion of the ways that Positive Psychology applies to different disciplines. It was a huge treat to watch the scientists present what matters to them and to read their published works. This course is really digestible and, maybe that's why I initially gave it three stars, it left me wanting more. I feel like I only scratched the surface, which compels me to continue to the next course. I'm also really excited by how this course inspires me to want to make a difference in my field, to want to bring PP to education based on where I feel that it can make a difference. This is a great course!
By Karin T
•May 8, 2023
Good introductory course. The videos, reading, and assignments are engaging and thought-provoking. Overall really enjoyed and appreciate that this is available on Coursera.
However, some of the links do not work (please fix these), but I was able to find things that were referred to by searching on the web but I noticed other students were unable to find some of the materials.
Also, would really like to see A LOT more links/citations to academic/peer-reviewed literature, especially for PERMA theory. The only two citations for PERMA theory were for the book Flourish and a short response-type journal article to criticism of PERMA theory.
Also, offering one downloadable PDF for the entire list of resources would be much more efficient/helpful than having to click on each resource.
By Manickam R
•Aug 1, 2020
Respected everyone, I was immensely grateful to Coursera and Pennsylvania University for giving me the opportunity to do this course, Positive Psychology: Martin E.P. Seligman's Visionary Science.
I was totally wondering by holding the Valuable Certificate of Pennsylvania University (along with Coursera) how much it worth to me and to my future well-being and career achievements.
I deeply appreciate the author Dr. Martin Seligman for his work on Positive Psychology and it through education for the global well-being. Thankyou sir.
I would like to suggest everyone, of different fields and countries to do this course for their well-being and surroundings. I challenge and sure about that it will definitely bring an intense change in your life and living. Thanks again Pennsylvania University and Cousera, thankyou all.
By Psyche
•Feb 6, 2025
Exceptional learnings on factors which can help improve well-being. Helped me immensely as I was feeling hopeless weighed down by multiple burdens. This gave me hope. What I did not like about the course are module 3 and 4 hence rating the course at 4/5 . I understand that the course was designed to show different applications and imperatives of positive psychology. If it was seen from a need based use case, I would have liked to see more about techniques, and skills for personal well being in module 3 and 4 instead. Would have catered to my personal needs better, and to those looking to help themselves. Content about societal well being and positive psychology could have been a separate course with the modules 3,4 of the current course.
By Dani S
•May 1, 2022
I enjoyed this course.
I would have liked more case studies and research provided. wtih summary sheets.
Also would have liked more tasks or activities you could apply in real life. I know we had some, but would have liked more. to see how creatively this can be applied.
Would also have liked more on the limits of this approach. it's not all perfect. where it fails or what helps frame it in discussions with others.
i didn't like how the notes were provided for download. format is terrible.
key summary sheets would hlep. top points and take aways.
resources from this could be better provided.
By Bhavya
•Feb 2, 2019
I enjoyed the applications section (such as stats from researches and journalism bit).
I think the introductory theory could have contained more information, such as further understanding on each aspect of PERMA.
However the course made a compelling argument in favour of Positive Psych, inspired me for personal reflection, as well as to read more similar courses.
I'd like to hear more (especially from the conceiving propounder) about where this new branch puts the role and usefulness of the old way of practicing psychotherapy.
By Zhaomin H
•Aug 13, 2017
Great introduction and overview of positive psychology with the founder and his team! No heavy textbooks or papers but short videos featuring the major studies with findings and real world application. I especially like the hands-on assignments. Didn't give five starts because a few of the links (I think two or three) were broken. Some of the interactive essay/short answer questions are the same as the assignment/quiz questions. I think this is unnecessary. Also a reference list for the studies mentioned would be great!
By Deleted A
•Nov 12, 2017
It's a great course that brings out many scientifically interesting and personally useful topics. Martin Seligman is a wonderful professor; I really enjoyed personal examples he shared and enthusiasm seen in him. Thank you so much!
What I would suggest to the course makers is to put practical exercises as the first video of each week, so students have the entire week to make the exercises. I would also like to see more peer-graded assignments - I enjoyed reading and learning from others!
All in all, a very good course!
By Olexander T
•Dec 23, 2017
This course started very well and I learned really a lot: optimism/pessimism, PERMA etc. But than it went so much into other theoretical fields which have nothing to do with us, e.g. religion or journalism. I understand, that these topics might be clarifies in the following courses of the specialization, but most of people don't want to go so much into the details.
Still, I learned really a lot about very new field for me and I don't regret starting this course at all.
By Igor J
•May 27, 2017
First 2.5 weeks where much more interesting, orginised and direct than last 1.5 week.
However, the cousre did a very good introduction to the topic / problems and research related to the field.
Look forward to learn further and more
Martin Saligman - personal deep thank you for what you started doing.
Also, interested to learn more about Positive Education and possibly get involved. As one of the things I want to do in life is contribute into development of Education.
By char s
•Mar 2, 2019
The content is very good. It feels like I am taking a regular course online.
I only have a couple issues... when it is required to respond to a classmates work before you can complete the section, it doesn't let you. Many times there is no student to respond to which is the problem. And lastly, the phone app starts you over when you move out of it to stop for the day. I have have to go back to the beginning and scroll to find out where I left off.
By Jo O
•Dec 18, 2017
Some great material in here, including some very useful exercises (WWW and ACR, for instance). It would get the full five stars if there were more references to support some of the findings, and to allow for further independent study. The session on positive journalism would be better if it was made more relevant to the 99.9% of us who are not journalists, and if there was more of an evidence base for some of the ideas being promoted.
By Marc G
•Aug 31, 2017
This course helps you envision a more upbeat future full of opportunities, thus shifting the typical focus from a distressful present and a traumatic past. It covers a myriad of different issues, and perhaps because of that specific topics are not explored in much depth, but the course is great to gain a general overview of the many different fields within positive psychology and to get a feel for the current state of the art.
By Nadja F
•Feb 22, 2021
Overall easy to follow and logical in most cases. Some information is very superficial, but interesting and can be seen as additional topics. These can be followed by other means in self-supported further study.
The course is interesting, as Martin Seligman walks you through the history of the topic and explans the concepts from the side of his story. That makes it very entertaining and explains contexts.