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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions by University of Pennsylvania

2,148 ratings

About the Course

Positive interventions are one of the building blocks for the application of positive psychology in our day-to-day lives. In this course taught by Dr. James Pawelski, we explore positive interventions through theory, research and practice. We provide learners the basic tools for using and measuring positive psychology in professional or personal contexts. Suggested prerequisite: Positive Psychology: Martin E. P. Seligman’s Visionary Science....

Top reviews


Apr 16, 2020

A comprehensive introductory view of validated positive interventions in positive psychology, adopting a hands-on approach in assignments to allow all participants to engage in the practices timely.


Mar 28, 2021

AMAZING. I love Dr. Pawelski! The way he teaches is extremely easy to understand by using examples. This course itself was also entertaining and inspirational. It can definitely apply to real life.

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51 - 75 of 583 Reviews for Positive Psychology: Applications and Interventions

By Gabriela D S


Aug 11, 2019

It is a great insightful course and the instructor is amazing in how he explains and exemplifies the concepts. It is not an easy course, it is challenging with lots of exercises and assignements, but it well worth it. It teaches you a lot of ways of applying positive psychology and I will definitely come back to it. It is a note worthy course, a document to keep close.

By H. B


Oct 26, 2020

Great course with very applicable components that are reiterated and built upon throughout the entire course. Strong for those of you looking to understand concepts of positive psychology, relationship improvements, self-understanding, and more. Fits beautiful with the rest of the positive psychology specialization, but can be applicable to day to day life. Thank you

By Deepa S


Nov 4, 2019

These courses are life changing. It helps a person to understand himself and his inner basics. I am overwhelmed to know about my strength area and how to use these strength in life. Its all about to be good and better and becoming better of yourself from past. I am thankful to Professor James Pawelski for making this course in such a way that it is helpful for all.

By Nelly M C S


May 3, 2019

Excelente curso dictado por el Dr. James Pawelski, me siento satisfecha por el aprendizaje adquirido a lo largo de estas cuatro semanas. Felicitaciones por el gran aporte dejado a través de este curso que me permitió profundizar a través de los temas de cada semana las vías de cómo llevar una vida en bienestar. Gracias, Gracias, Gracias.

Nelly Chourio

By Kimberly W


Jul 6, 2017

Everyone should have this information - it should be taught in every school at every grade level. The instructor was clear and the course well designed with scientifically founded information. I was able to draw from the lessons and apply them in real time to increase my own well-being while learning how others might increase theirs. I highly recommend!

By Abbie F


Jun 30, 2019

This course has helped me in every area of my life because it taught me skills I didn't know I needed for life. A very particular set of skills which help to increase happiness, such as setting (and following through on) goals, identifying and nurturing my character strengths, and savoring the good stuff.

Take this course if you want to grow.

By Lim J C


Apr 4, 2020

It's so far the best MOOC course I have taken yet. Largely due to James is such a good speaker, he arranged the content in such a way to make it so easy to follow. However, the level of difficulty of the assignment increases towards the last week. This somehow aligns with the theory of Flow. Looking forward to learn more courses like this.

By Mary S A


Feb 16, 2022

Dr. P was awesome and I love his enthuasim and knowledge contributed to the course! Savoring was my favorite topic--something I do often and now understand why it's so satisfying! Thank you to all the UP faculty for making this course possible as I continue on with my journey of learning, understanding, and living Positive Psychology!

By Amy A


Jan 6, 2018

Very useful, practical and insightful course! This represents what I was hoping to get from the program; some theory and evidence of how the models work, but the chance to try it out and see the impact for ourselves.

The personal stories from James helped to prove the points and show how he benefited.

Great! I hope more are like this.

By Melody W


May 22, 2020

I really enjoyed James Pawelski's presentation of the class materials. He was engaging and very interesting. The course offered a lot of material in the four weeks which can be used in life and professionally. I look forward to building upon the information gained in this course throughout the specialization. Thanks Dr. Pawelski!

By Upeksha P


Jan 6, 2021

I really enjoyed and learned from the theories and scales in this course a lot, it just takes planning and focus on us (me) to keep moving forward on our personal goals and professionals too, now I know how can I use them moderating my cape sides to red or green when needed.

Thank you for making this possible with this media.

By Gabriella B


Jun 17, 2020

I loved the course and how Dr. James Pawelski relates scientific knowledge to real life. It brought me more awareness and focus on what matters the most to me, my relationships and experience. The theory added to the practices not only gave me the motivation to breakthrough but also to help my kids, my friends and my clients.

By Hiltrud K S


Mar 26, 2018

This was truly a life-changing experience! I had signed up for the course out of curiosity and with my professional background in mind (I am working in Organizational Development), but this course actually gave me so much more on a personal level! I can't wait to dig deeper into the topic - my journey has only started.

By Laura J R G


Apr 18, 2020

Exelente curso recomendado para lo que hablan otro idioma da tiempo para traducciones aprendi a manejar mi mente de forma positiva y adquiri herramientas para trabajar positivo conmigo y los demas creo que este curso es perfecto para cualquier especialidad por que en cualquiera debemos ser positivos para teneer exito.

By Duncan C F


Nov 19, 2019

Very effective instruction about specific strategies to improve wellbeing. The relationship between positive emotions, negative emotions and flourishing. A very level-headed, balanced approach. Savoring positive experiences, Goal setting, Character Strengths, effective skills for furthering a healthy emotional life

By Nicholas A


Feb 4, 2018

Fantastic and well worthwhile. The interventions discussed were stimulating and led to many discussions at home and at work, with many positive outcomes already apparent after four weeks. We will definitely continue to use a few of the interventions and enjoy the conversations that this course has opened up.

By Sam K


Dec 27, 2017

The course is excellent that it provide simple ways to improve your skills in handling with one's problems in work, daily lives and with close family members. By looking into problems with different perspectives, from positive and negative side to help us understand and tackle the problem to lead to success.

By Keri A B


Feb 10, 2018

Fully functional methods I can use right now to better my life. Truly useful course.

Well presented: Educators presented topics with enthusiasm. Lectures were succinct; excellent balance of relate-able real-world examples and scientific data.

Exactly what I wanted and needed. Highly recommend this course!!!

By Donna M E


Feb 18, 2018

I was surprised by the amount of new information I acquired via this course. In fact, I found that some of my thinking was outdated. This surprised me because I think of myself as someone that keeps up to date. I recommend this course to anyone wanting a deeper understand of application based on research.

By Roslyn P


Apr 26, 2021

I recommend this course for anyone setting goals. It's both creative and informative. The content transforms research and results with a fun and innovative approach to learning new life skills, or ways to reframe existing ones so we can savor more of what life has to offer. It exceeded my expectations.

By Hazel S


Jan 29, 2021

Very helpful. Taking this course during these particularly challenging times helped me to remain positive and feel optimistic about the future. I even set a couple life goals with the tools I gained in this course that I know I can achieve and will help me live better and feel better. Thank you James

By Rhea C L


May 16, 2020

As an educator, this course I think is important since I will apply this when coping with stress and see the opportunities in every problem that arises. I enjoy this course so much. Mr. Pawelski indeed succinctly explained the topic with creativity and he's such an inspiration to me. Thank you!

By N K


Apr 9, 2020

Dr. James Pawelski, Ph.D. is a delightful teacher and it was an amazing experience. The course and it's contents are useful for folks belonging to all walks of life and I'd recommend it to everyone who is interested in improving their relationship with themselves as well as those around them.

By James B


Dec 7, 2018

I thoroughly enjoyed this course. The only drawback was the necessity for peers to review my work, and for me to review my peers, when the pace at which we all did the course was markedly different. I had to wait a week before I could sign off the course as there was nobody for me to review!

By Yashowardhan C


Sep 21, 2017

The course spoke about applications of PosPsy in day2day life. Loved them. I am going to use them on myself, and in my course, which I intend to develop.

Mentioning of few books was also good. Can read them to gain in-depth knowledge.

Highly recommended to anyone who is interested in PosPsy!!