Jul 16, 2018
This is one hell of an inspiring course that demystified the difficult concepts and math behind PCA. Excellent instructors in imparting the these knowledge with easy-to-understand illustrations.
Jul 6, 2021
Now i feel confident about pursuing machine learning courses in the future as I have learned most of the mathematics which will be helpful in building the base for machine learning, data science.
By Martin H
•Dec 8, 2019
Lack of examples to clarify abstract concepts. Big contrast in quality compared to the other courses in this specialization.
By Jamiul H D
•Aug 7, 2020
Poor explanation by the instructor. Previous ones were very helpful. I didn't understand many topics well
By Lavanith T
•Aug 21, 2020
Everything is okay but there is a huge drawback with the programming explanation part.
By Xiao L
•Jun 3, 2019
very wired assignment, a lot of error in template code. The concept is not clear.
By Sai M B
•Aug 3, 2020
The lectures were not clear. I had to use other sources to understand lectures.
By Pawan K S
•Jun 20, 2020
This course was the hardest I encountered in this specialisation.
By Mohamed A H
•Aug 18, 2021
it was not clear alot of the time and it was really hard
By Kirill T
•Jul 26, 2020
Way worse than the previous courses. Lacks explanations
By Kevin O
•Mar 27, 2021
Really interesting topic but not nearly enough detail.
By Amr F M R
•Sep 22, 2020
I think course material was not explained well at all.
By Timothy M
•Apr 21, 2021
The lectures and assignments did not synergize well.
By Aravind
•Sep 23, 2019
Need to improve the content and delivery of content.
By Mohammed A A
•Jul 19, 2020
the course is too shallow with difficult code exame
By Scoodood C
•Jul 28, 2018
Video lecture not as intuitive as previous courses.
By Michael B
•Nov 21, 2019
Programming assignments not well explained
By youssef s
•Jul 27, 2020
very poor explanation of things
By Murilo F S
•Jan 24, 2021
not good teacher :Z
By Salah E
•Aug 4, 2020
again too hard
By Alan
•Aug 4, 2020
Very disappointing compared to the other courses. Recommend a complete revision of the course materials. Quizzes often had nothing to do with the preceding video. I worked through a week two quiz using the extensive notes in the discussion forum and by searching the internet. The next lecture proceeded in the same vein: the instructor failed to cover the material in video leaving me to figure out what the material was and then figure out how to find that material on the internet or in reference books. At that point, it just was not worth the time to take the course.
By 周玮晨
•Jun 8, 2018
This course is far far far behind my expectations.The other two course in the specializition is fantastic. There is no visualization in this course, Instructor is always doing his algebra, concepts are poorly explained. I can't understand a lot of concepts in this course because of my poor math background.But why do i take ths course if i have a solid background in math? Programming assignments is not difficult but hard to complete because of vaguely clarification.Plenty of time wasted to find what should i do, its' really frustrating.
By Hannah Q
•Apr 26, 2021
This is the worst course among 3 courses in this math for machine learning specialization, but this is also the most important one as it comprises the other 2 courses. the homework is not well designed, the lecture is not taught enough to finish the homework. the last coding assignment has so many errors. and TA is never available, there are just a group of people tried really hard to help each other in the discussion forum, and please read the discussion forum every one is confused and suffering from your this bad course.
By Adarsh R K S
•Feb 21, 2021
The first two courses in the entire specialization were good. The PCA course was then suddenly so complicated and assumed significant matrix knowledge which was not taught in the previous courses. also, the course kept introducing concepts into the material without any explanation of where this came from and the why behind it. the lecturer needs to understand that most people taking this course are not mathematicians by profession and so we would have learnt better if the PCA was kept at a basic level.
By Srudeep K
•Apr 6, 2021
Alot of the material are to be referred, read and understood from sources outside of the course which is frustrating. There is lack of continuation from first two courses (Linear algebra & Multivariate calculus). At times, lecturer explains concepts without giving any background. Tests front run the course, meaning some questions you get in tests are taught in the video just after the test. I find better resources elsewhere online to understand PCA much better than wasting few days on this course.
By Paul K
•Feb 2, 2023
very unclear. previous courses where very good but this one is just bad.
absolutely no explanation on the notation, confusing examples where the same vectors end up having a different length between them and no explanation why. this lecturer is probably good in his field but cant teach.
finished it to get the total certificate but cant say a understood any of it. a real shame since the first 2 courses of mathematics for machine learning are super but this PCA Course is just an useless
By Hossameldein E
•Apr 9, 2021
The other Two courses are great, really great. But this one is a disaster.
Most of the the first 3 weeks i google the theory again to understand the problems in the quizzes.
The 4th week feels like something from a different course.
This videos are dull . a lot of time just reading the equations without trying to know what is it about in the real life.
please reconsider re-constructing this course. it's really sad that after the two great courses it ends up with this.