Oct 25, 2023
This course has been of great impact on my understanding to particle physics, also it draws the path to me in order to go further in this field, I highly recommend it. Special thanks to the teachers.
Aug 4, 2017
Challenging at first for someone with a non-traditional academic background, but thoroughly enjoyable and worth completing, if nothing but for the personal satisfaction of getting through it!
By Jean S
•Mar 5, 2019
Excellent course, I recommend it. You will need to review the material offline and do some outside research occasionally to understand the material, but overall, it is quite comprehensive. The optional videos are sometimes more interesting than the course videos, so don't skip them!! Martin Pohl is really fantastic as the main presenter and interviewer. Mercedes Paniccia has a heavy accent and intonations which make it difficult for us north americans, but she is obviously quite competent at the research level. I just wish the presentations were more interactive than static. Overall I give it 4 stars for the material covered and quality.
By Lane W
•Aug 25, 2020
I feel badly giving this course anything less than four stars because the instructors put a lot of time into making it and I am VERY thankful that they offered the course for free to the world. I think it is a very noble thing.
There was value in the course for me for the first 2 or 3 modules but after that I hardly learned anything except some conceptual points about the Higgs Boson and Dark Matter because it was WAY above an entry level course. To get the most of the course you'd probably need to have either been exposed to it before or have a degree in it.
I am very thankful that they put it together though.
By Tyler C
•Jul 18, 2017
Fascinating course covering the fundamentals of the standard model up to current research. The material is dense - I often had to look back at previous videos to remember terms and concepts. The key mathematics is provided and gone over, but was a little fast paced for me. Most derivations are left out except for a few optional videos which cover simple ones. You don't necessarily need to understand the details of the mathematics to pass the graded assignments which just ask a few questions covering the main concepts. Overall this course is challenging but incredibly instructive.
By Jana A
•Aug 12, 2020
Very interesting course, but not for beginners. The information provided in the videos presupposed some knowledge in this field, which I unfortunately did not have. To understand the topics, I had to look for other sources. I would also welcome a terminological glossary explaining frequently used terms. A big problem for me was the English pronunciation of one lecturer. Otherwise, I rate this course very well. A number of things that interested me were clarified and I think it could be a good basis for further study.
By Samy S
•Sep 17, 2017
It is a very nice introductory course which is supported with laboratory session which is an awesome idea, but the mathematics used in this course is somehow higher level to me, so I recommend if there is any source to learn the mathematics behind this lectures. last but not least I would like to thank all the staff working on this course especially Dr. Martin, Dr. Mercedes, Dr. Anna for their attractive and elaborating way of lecturing
By Somesh K
•Jul 15, 2019
The course is very good in structure and content.I am now more familiar with physics and equations - how they describe the phenomena. The one thing about which I felt unease was that,I was not able to follow profs without subtitle and I also feel more explanation is required for some topics. But its all right they suggested many materials and videos from minute physics. The course is worth doing by aspiring scientists.
•Jun 14, 2020
It was a very marvelous experience. It provided me a wide variety of knowledge regarding complex and diverse phenomena. It sparked me in thinking about the fundamental and ' cause,' role of particles in physics. Really it has most scopes of pathbreaking and changing the realm of physics in future. The classes and optional experiments were very beautiful and informative , they often made us to think more and more.
•Jun 13, 2020
The course is very nice and after listening to the lecture videos if we go through the material provided we can easily finish the quizzes and graded quizzes of each module successfully.
They planned it very nicely and in the end, I felt like it is rushing but the topic itself is advanced so it is fine. Overall it is a very nice and useful course for the beginners in particle physics.
By gareth w
•Jan 15, 2018
A whistle stop tour of particle physics at an undergraduate level. Electro-weak is covered in some depth and I would have liked the same depth on the Higgs mechanism. Not surprisingly due to U/Geneva's location near the LHC there is a strong emphasis on accelerators and particle detection.
Forum response to questions is poor.
By Arabindo D
•Feb 17, 2020
The course is nice, but I give 4 stars because I prefer blackboard lectures more than that of only slides. The course is much descriptive. If it becomes more just like giving lectures with deriving some equations it would be fun. Overall the course is really good with a few self-studies and knowledge of bit advance physics.
By Charlotte B
•May 17, 2022
My background is in mechanical engineering and there was a lot of stuff that was a bit hard for me to grasp. I didn;t grasp all the concepts for sure, however I did learn a lot. I watched only half of the videos. At the end, printing the slides with the notes was easier: I can add my notes, and highlight the key parts.
By Shuaidi Z
•Jul 18, 2019
This course is very effective at introducing concepts for students to dig into on there own. An especially good job is done at introducing important concepts such as vacuum polarization and CKM matrix. However, I do wish the course had been a bit more in depth on neutrinos and Higgs mechanism.
By Daniel A B U
•Sep 15, 2018
Está bueno el curso para los que no tienen mucha idea sobre partículas. Sin embargo, creo que puede ser mejor si se ponen más actividades que no sean de selección simple para así garantizar una mayor comprensión del tema que se trata en los distintos módulos
By Thomas G
•Jan 6, 2018
Très bon cours. Le niveau est haut si l'on ne connait pas du tout le sujet. Le cours évolue rapidement. Il est donc parfois nécessaire de prendre plus qu'une semaine (le temps de travail prévu par semaine) pour être capable de suivre le cours.
By Maulik
•Jul 8, 2020
It was a really well tailored course for starting to learn particle phsyics. Although it was tough at times to understand the accents. Also, I would've liked it more if it was based on a blackboard method of teaching rather than ppt slides.
By Anandhu V
•Feb 24, 2021
Though at first it seems a little difficult as you need some knowledge about particle physics but as i also referred from outside sources it became relatively easy for me and its a good course for further development of knowledge
By Fethi O Ö
•Dec 11, 2017
Great course by coursera.It was nice try to understand subatomic World.Don't need to know good maths.Language was enough to understand the subjects.hanks fo University Geneva and Martin Pohl, Mercedes Paniccini,Anna Sfyrla.
By Bob R
•Jan 28, 2018
Excellent course in you are interested in learning, or improving your knowledge, about fundamental particles and forces and their interactions. You might want to brush up a bit on your math skill
By Abdallah S
•Aug 6, 2024
Explanation is really good , but I agree with some of the community members who tried this course , the accent is sometimes weird so I had to turn on subtitles . Anyways it was really fun
By Michael C
•Apr 10, 2023
I enjoyed this course so much.
It lets me know more about formulas that I had read a lot of books about physics and astronomy before.
Thank you so much from all lecturers!
By K R K
•Dec 18, 2020
It is interesting but complicated. Most of the calculations and formulas go over my head. But I recommend this course to anyone who is a physics enthusiast.
By rujuta j
•Jun 21, 2020
it was a great course ! a lot of information was studies and the professors were great!! do recommend it 100%. some more detailing could have been done.
By Devak G
•Mar 28, 2017
For me it was for eye opening into the world that is smaller than us and the principles that control that make the universe what it is.
By Norberto R
•May 22, 2017
Thank you very much for your effort to make this course.It was a difficult trip, but for the knowledge received, it was worth it.
By Noëlie C
•Mar 27, 2018
Parfois trop rapide. Les questions du quizz sont trop précises sur certains aspects qui n'ont été que survolés dans les vidéos.