Aug 2, 2022
The instructor was very helpful and elaborate and now I feel more empowered and knowledgeable about leadership. I can't wait to apply all that I've learned real soon. Kudos to the team! -Julia Jimenea
Aug 12, 2018
Very interesting course. Alumni viewpoints, pop-up questions, and interactive dialogues all made the course more engaging. Each video was a good length for informational content and attentiveness.
•Feb 17, 2022
By Mona A A
•Aug 9, 2020
By gargi s
•Feb 13, 2018
By hima k
•Jul 24, 2021
By Diba S
•Jan 31, 2022
•May 20, 2020
By Aniket G
•Nov 10, 2018
By Sinduja R P (
•Sep 17, 2022
By sumathy r
•Aug 30, 2022
By Maheswari K
•Aug 23, 2022
By Giulia G
•May 2, 2022
•Mar 30, 2022
By Adèle M M B
•Sep 29, 2021
By Marion N
•Nov 24, 2020
•Sep 4, 2017
By Subir K G
•Aug 10, 2017
By Matheus B
•Mar 17, 2024
One of the best free courses to introduce into leadership concepts. It has great content, great fundaments and taught by professionals. In my opinion, one of its key features are the diverse lessons as some are structured like interviews and others are like small experiments, this give a sense of proximity to the student because they can identify with the questions. I like that Franz gives importance to interculturality, and for so, he talks to people from different nationalities that also share experience with working with different cultures. The course has small 10 questions forms to each week to reinforce your apprenticeship, which is really nice to address the important topics to study and to know which one you are more familiar and others less familiar. I do not think this course gives any type of professionality or expertise to the topic of leadership but it is indeed the right path to start. I say this goes to one of the best structured courses I have taken, and mind my words, I have taken many courses, hahaha! Now, this course is not perfect. One flaw I noticed from my experience is that some questions in some questionaries are from very specific topics that were not much highlighted in some lessons. This means that, the teacher would comment about them very briefly before jumping to the next one. As a result, I thought they were not very important to note about, and that impacted on my performance. I recommend creating a section dedicated to list the important topics about a concept right before the questionaries.
By Veranika
•Jul 29, 2022
I really enjoyed this course. First of all, the theory was well explained in combination with practical examples. Thanks to both of these factors, gaining knowledge and understanding the content was easy. In my opinion, the content itself is very relevant, especially when you have to deal with the international environment every day at work, school, etc. Secondly, I would like to note the professionalism of the lecturer and how easy it was to follow him, as well as understand his well-spoken English (even better than well). The participants (students) were also interestingly integrated into the lectures, which I think is a great advantage of this course. The only thing I personally didn't like was the amount of theory. Sometimes it overwhelmed me, especially when out of 5 videos, only 1 was practical. To sum up, I liked the course and would definitely recommend it to others.
By Andy N
•Jul 21, 2020
I am an experienced International Manager but I found this course both reassuring and useful. For parts I could find my own processes and thinking supported by the theory. Even parts where I haven't formalized my thinking but 'kind of know it' was supported by the course, This was very reassuring. I also learnt a lot particularly in Networking and Conflict Management. I hadn't previously considered the cultural impact in this respect.
My only frustration (irritation) was the way the lecturer speaks with sentences ending with things like "if you please". This adds nothing and sounds like a non-native English speaker trying hard to sound either smart of posh. To a native English speaker it sounds irritating. I even wonder if it makes comprehension of the course more difficult when English is challenging for a student.
By Kawita T
•Jul 23, 2020
This course is beneficial to my future employment and I learned a lot. I liked the way the course was structured, but some videos were too long, and some accents difficult to understand. However, that is good practice, as I do work in international environments. I do wish the host would not use too much of "so", it is very disturbing and also the pauses -eh, er, eh , er - are not pleasant.
Overall, I have enjoyed the exercises and quizzes, as they assess what I have understood from each chapter. I look forward to joining more relevant courses on Coursera
By Ms. S L
•May 28, 2020
Very effectively planned course. I appreciate the effort put in by Mr.Franz Wohlgezogen in bringing together different opinions that have added to the overall knowledge disseminated through this course. However, certain areas need deeper explanation and a slower pace of teaching as at times the course excavates interesting areas but does not delve into it adequately. This is especially applicable to week 4 and 5 of the course. Overall , a good course on international leadership. Commendable effort by the team!
By Gunita S
•Aug 8, 2021
The course covers a wide range of aspects of international leaderships, it's challenges and how to overcome the challenges. It opens up ones' mind about how to handle situations in multi-cultural contexts and will be helpful to not even leaders but also people working in foreign countries or Multi-National companies.
By David W
•Apr 30, 2020
Very enjoyable course, some problems with the starting of videos etc but content was very interesting. Bit slow to begin with and different from the other coursera course I have completed, the last two weeks were very useful and stimulating. I will certainly use the skill learnt in my working (and home) life.
By Marion W
•May 19, 2023
I was able to learn the important aspects of leadership. I appreciated the integration of both the local and International aspects of leadership.
Thank you for also bringing the Alumni who added good insights especially on the practical side of the course content.
I have definitely acquired new skills.
By Matteo T
•Jul 18, 2020
Well structured and organized, the course is clear and provides the necessary background to understand basic tools and techniques. The understanding of those will help to practice them in professional experiences and contributes for a more efficient implementation for long lasting results.