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Learner Reviews & Feedback for International Leadership and Organizational Behavior by Università Bocconi

3,430 ratings

About the Course

Leaders in business and non-profit organizations increasingly work across national borders and in multi-cultural environments. You may work regularly with customers or suppliers abroad, or be part of a globally dispersed cross-functional team, or an expatriate manager on an international assignment. You may be a member of a global online community, or a development aid worker collaborating with an international network of partner organizations. In all of these contexts, your effectiveness as a leader depends on how well you understand and are able to manage individual and collective behaviors in an intercultural context. In this course – together with a team of Bocconi expert faculty and Bocconi alumni – we’ll explore the theory and practice of international and intercultural leadership and organizational behavior. Social science research has revealed systematic ways in which our behavior differs across cultural contexts – enabling us to more effectively work across borders. Insights from psychology, neuroscience, sociology and anthropology, from communication studies and from management scholarship allow us to understand what shapes individual and group decision making, what enhances or weakens team performance, and how we can build and use our social networks. And the shared practical experience of international leaders allows us to identify concrete steps to enhancing intercultural leadership competence, and to be cognizant of common leadership challenges. Learning about organizational behavior provides a great opportunity to develop your leadership skills and to reflect on your own behavioral tendencies. How do you usually make important decisions? What motivates you and how do you try motivating others? How successfully do you leverage and integrate diverse skills and views in a team? Do you prefer professional relationships with a close-knit group of trusted colleagues, or with a far-flung network of acquaintances from all walks of life? If you really want to learn how organizations behave and take decisions and at the same time develop leadership skills, then this is the course for you. We are looking forward to welcoming you and supporting you on this journey of learning and discovery. COURSE SYLLABUS Week 1 - Leadership Acumen. International perspective on leadership, common traps & challenges, and opportunities of intercultural leadership. Week 2 - Navigating Culture. Impact of cultural differences on organizations, decoding culture, culture classifications and stereotyping, developing intercultural intelligence. Week 3 - Communication. Communication and its impact on leadership identity and relationships, managing communication to improve decision making, steps for developing your intercultural communication skills. Week 4 - Motivation. Views on individual motivation, cultural differences in motivation, developing motivation and commitment in teams. Week 5 - Networking. Patterns of interpersonal relationships in/across organizations, strategically developing social networks and social capital, norms for networking across cultures. Week 6 - Conflict. Effective / defective conflict management approaches, dealing with ethical dilemmas. Thanks to the participation of our alumni and of the Bocconi Alumni Association, participants will have practical insights on international leadership. RECOMMENDED BACKGROUND All are welcome! Some prior exposure to basic issues of organizational behavior (communication, decision making, motivation, etc.) is useful, but not required....

Top reviews


Aug 2, 2022

The instructor was very helpful and elaborate and now I feel more empowered and knowledgeable about leadership. I can't wait to apply all that I've learned real soon. Kudos to the team! -Julia Jimenea


Aug 12, 2018

Very interesting course. Alumni viewpoints, pop-up questions, and interactive dialogues all made the course more engaging. Each video was a good length for informational content and attentiveness.

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101 - 125 of 937 Reviews for International Leadership and Organizational Behavior

By Alfred L

Jun 18, 2020

This is an excellent course that helps us to understand how our leadership has a deep impact in our followers and how intercultural relation will make us to manage situation inf different ways.

I want to thank to Frantz and Bocconi for this well-structured course and all the knowledge that I completely sure I will use in my daily work life.

By Beenish M

Mar 12, 2025

It is great pleasure to be part of this course. The instructor is very genius and his teaching method is so good. I have learnt many things from him and the information I have gained from him is very helping me in my current job position. I wish I would meet him and tell him that he is best TEACHER.

May God bless him with more knowledge.

By Emilia D

Jul 21, 2022

It is a fantastic course with extremely useful and stimulating content. The videos are entertaining, actionable, and filled with knowledge. I really appreciate the interviews with Bocconi alumni who provided first-hand advice on how to implement theories covered in the course in real business situations. Congratulations and thank you!

By Marcos S

Nov 14, 2020

This was my first course here in Coursera plataform..and I was luck to have a first experience with Bocconi! Great course and Great University with the most talent professors and professional who support all this course (behind the scenes!)...As I said, I was lucky...Then definitely I will continue with other courses in Bocconi!

By Jorge B P

Jul 16, 2020

It was an amazing experience. Excellent course and opportunity to keep learning about leadership and organizational behavior. Great course and the Professor Wohlgezogen was clear and targeted the most important and relevant information about the topic. Thank you all professor and staff members. Regards from Tijuana, México.

By Janani

May 1, 2020

This course is a fantastic, comprehensive learning experience that teaches you so much about Cross-cultural Leadership and OB with real-life examples and crystal-clear theories. I thoroughly enjoyed the curriculum and am grateful for the insights that I have received from this course. Thank you, Bocconi and Coursera!

By tony s

Jun 16, 2020

Knowledge is the power of success as this course contribute a loot to develop future as well as making master of your self

The teacher and the University it self have a outstanding course and inicative to develop me

I recommend you to please do this course

Once again I thank franz wohlgezogen and bocconi

Thank you

By Faree N

Feb 7, 2022

I have appreciated the engagement and candour that you all have contributed to this course! Several important insights and action items were accomplished through each and every module. I personally wish to express my gratitude to the course facilitator and rest of the team. Many thanks this was really helpful.

By Ethel V P

Apr 24, 2020

I did enjoy the course and the way it was set up, including the case scenarios, the real life interview and the additional reading materials. It was a nice discovery journey, which has helped me a lot to think to my strengths and weaknesses while learning more about leadership.

And I did love Franz jokes :D:D:D

By William M C

Oct 8, 2020

The faculty was awesome, the course, the reading materials, the resource videos of Great Leaders who spoke on TedTalk the entire course was fabulous. Thank you Coursera for giving me this opportunity to learn, understand and improve my knowledge on International Leadership and Organisational Behavior (ILOB).

By Xhuljana

May 17, 2020

Excellent course. I strongly suggest everyone regardless of their academic or professional status to take a look at this course. It really helps to broaden your perspective on leadership. I enjoyed every lecture and the structure it has with, lectures, slides, and quizzes make it feel real and accomplishing.

By Sokolovska M

May 3, 2020

Really great course that require consistency and out of box thinking. I’m absolutely sure that now I have more clear ideas and new tips how to manage an international team. I can recommend it to everyone who work in foreign country and not only, to open new prospectives and to be ready to meet any challenge.

By Najib A A A A

Mar 2, 2020

I learned a lot about managing an international team. I learned to motivate followers and motivation methods. I learned about the motives and effects of social culture. I learned to build social networks and their types. I learned about conflict management, discord, conflict culture and painful leadership.

By Laura R

Mar 27, 2021

En general, me ha gustado mucho el curso ya que, trata temas muy importantes con mucha profesionalidad. Creo que, es uno de los mejores MOOCs que he cursado y considero que si se añadiera una práctica de grupo o proyecto final o hacer una segunda edición, la calidad sería incluso mejor.

¡Muchas gracias!

By Antonio C

Apr 18, 2020

I really enjoyed attending this course. It went beyond my expectations. Prof Franz is great to bring you through this "leadership" journey, full of very useful and inspirational tips. Also very interesting the dialogues with the Bocconi Alumni. It gave me a new leadership perspective. I recommend it.

By Md Z R

Jun 10, 2023

After completing the course, I can confidently say it was a transformative experience. The content was comprehensive, the instructor knowledgeable, and the interactive format engaging. I gained valuable insights and skills that will undoubtedly benefit me in my future endeavors. Highly recommended!

By Zhalsha R N H

Oct 25, 2022

A highly recommended course, enjoyed the learning materials so much as well as the learning method. I gain wonderful and impactful insight, not just corporate knowledge but my being as person to my community. My biggest gratitude for Franz, Bocconi University, SDA Bocconi, and Coursera. Thank you!

By Kannappan J

Aug 20, 2020

Great course materials. Message was easily transformed through video lecturers. Highlight of the course is it involves lot of cases studies and interviews from experts from particular department. This course will definitely benefit in our career growth and helps in to develop leadership qualities.

By Diana R

May 5, 2020

The navigation and learning through this course was clear and understandable. Provided me with a quality information and something I can use in my real world future career. I loved the videos as they were very interesting, informative and with a bit of humour that made the learning more enjoyable!

By Sheikh K

Dec 24, 2022

its a very knowledgeable course and very hard but am very enjoining this course and i am very appreciate to international leader ship team to start this types course and students grow up knowledge to lean=rn this course than you all all of university of bocconi and thank you to all team of corsera

By Lin G

Feb 15, 2023

I teach leadership and management at the undergrad level. Nothing was radically new to me, but the conciseness, the depth of explanation, the clarity and the superb organization of the course really set a benchmark for my own teaching. Bocconi, you made a goal for the Squadra Azzurra! Bene!

By Kersy A

Jan 6, 2020

What a wonderful and insightful course. It was very informative, educational and dynamic. The instructor did a great job explaining all the concepts and keeping all the guest speakers engaged. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in growing both professionally and personally!

By Jade R L

Aug 30, 2020

So much wonderful information packed in this 6-week course. The instructor is exceptional at communicating the course material in ways that are easy to grasp and retain. I learned a lot from this course and recommend it to anyone interested in broadening their perspective on leadership.

By Karen W C

Feb 10, 2023

Emigrating from Argentina to London, then to Italy and soon to a new country, woke up on me an interest in the understanding of different cultures. The course course gave me tools and knowledge for the path that I decided to take as a psychologist at the Business and Organization area

By Vishal N

Jun 10, 2020

It is a very exhaustive and engaging course that captures most nuances of IL&OB. Professor Franz is adept at engaging the audience through not only his lectures but has stitched up a very nice combination of lectures, case studies and interviews. I would highly recommend this course!