Jun 23, 2020
This was truly a deep and research-oriented course. This helped me in getting ahead with so much knowledge and skills. Thank you, CBS for coming up with something so creative and innovative like this!
Jul 15, 2020
Thoroughly enjoyed the course. A total new dimension for me, as far as marketing in concerned. Very well organized and demonstrated by the Instructor. The reference will help me in further studies.
By Basil S
•Oct 30, 2020
The instructor and reading was great. I felt the information was dated compared to todays standards. Overall I'm satisfied.
By Caleb S
•Dec 30, 2022
It's interesting and there's a lot of good information, but there's way too many interviews and not many actual lectures.
By Eva B
•Mar 28, 2022
The course needs to be updated but it covers a broad range of neuromarketing and consumer neuromarketing knowledge
By Т М
•Oct 11, 2022
Bad quality of videos and sounds, especially in Interviews. The last video from HW doesn`t open.
By Eugene K
•Jun 18, 2020
Long on science, short on practical applications. Didn't find it too useful.
By Yati S
•Feb 4, 2022
Waiting to be unenrolled. The course is not what I have in mind.
By Karina M L
•Jun 5, 2017
Pudiese ser más interactivo. Si trae ejemplos y muchas lecturas
By Md S H
•Jun 17, 2020
Good course who wants to learn marketting for business.
By Andrea C G A
•Jul 15, 2022
Hubiese preferido que esté todo traducido al español.
By Kristine C
•Jul 12, 2021
I wish the quality of material would be better :(
By Rhea A R
•Sep 13, 2020
find it too basic, even for an introductory course
By J R
•Apr 8, 2023
Too short and too easy. But the teacher is good
By Andreas B
•Nov 7, 2016
It's a very nice course but it is very small.
By Andrea
•Mar 31, 2020
I like it, but it´s a little bit boring
By Jannyfer C R
•Apr 6, 2024
Um pouco razo demais para o marketing
By Vinayak M
•Dec 18, 2016
A little heavy on the biology side
By Florencia L
•Oct 21, 2021
Demasiado largos los videos !
By Mert Ş
•Jan 11, 2018
I cannot find my certificate?
By gz c
•Sep 20, 2024
nessun attestato
By George M
•Jan 23, 2017
Not particularly engaging. Some significant overlaps in content on the videos. Some rambling videos that could really do with editing. I liked that the content within the main lecture was concise - it really needed to be because the lecturer has very little variety to his tone of speech - listening requires "high cognitive load". Don't want to be too down on it because I really appreciate the free content and the subject material is very interesting, but it could do with a bit more love and the practical application of the marketing concepts described in the course. Maybe start with some eye-tracking on someone completing the course?!
By Bo K P
•Sep 14, 2020
It was generally a little too easy for me, but I guess that's my problem for not choosing the right level. What I expected was more of 'why' and 'how' on a certain result, so that I can expand upon my current knowledge on neuroscience, drawing connection between neuroscience and business (marketing). Rather, most of the lessons were more like "they did this and found that", without much fundamental explanation. Nevertheless, I believe the lessons will be very informative and useful for most people who do not have much basis on neuroscience.
•Aug 30, 2020
Many lectures were very repetitive. I don't know how many times the Pepsi-Cola challenge was mentioned during the first few weeks of the course. The interviews could have been edited better to include to only include the key messages. Week 1 to 5 were not really for neuroscientists for sure. They are too basic. I can see if you have no background in brain biology, this could be a reasonable good intro to decision making in neuroscience. Week 6 was interesting from ethical and legal point of view.
By Antonis W S
•Jan 5, 2023
The topic is very interesting and the instructor very knowledgeable. The interviews are also quite helpful. Unfortunately the course is not seamlessly delivered, seems rather that they have used 1:1 existing videos which are not well connected. There are also some technical problems (e.g. the video / sound quality of some of the interviews - esp. week 4 is not good). Also the reading materials are scientific publications which are not easy to read and the "so what" element is missing.
By Teresa M A
•Aug 24, 2021
A lot could be improved, the video quality was bad, meaning the slides were almost impossible to read, and for one of the review questions there was no correct answer, all of them came up as false. Many people seem to have pointed it out in the forum for months, but nothing has been done about it
By josh m
•Dec 6, 2023
A lot of fluff, and a lack of real structure or direction. From a marketing perspective, I didn't find it particularly informative or insightful. Perhaps it's just really dated now. I think the same insights are communicated far more effectively in other courses I'd done and books I've read.