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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Neural Networks and Deep Learning by DeepLearning.AI

122,696 ratings

About the Course

In the first course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will study the foundational concept of neural networks and deep learning. By the end, you will be familiar with the significant technological trends driving the rise of deep learning; build, train, and apply fully connected deep neural networks; implement efficient (vectorized) neural networks; identify key parameters in a neural network’s architecture; and apply deep learning to your own applications. The Deep Learning Specialization is our foundational program that will help you understand the capabilities, challenges, and consequences of deep learning and prepare you to participate in the development of leading-edge AI technology. It provides a pathway for you to gain the knowledge and skills to apply machine learning to your work, level up your technical career, and take the definitive step in the world of AI....

Top reviews


Aug 26, 2017

This is a very good course for people who want to get started with neural networks. Andrew did a great job explaining the math behind the scenes. Assignments are well-designed too. Highly recommended.


Jun 7, 2020

Amazing course for anyone wanting to jump in the field of deep learning. Andrew explains the details very well. The assignments were structured very good that provided detailed instructions. Thank you

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1101 - 1125 of 10,000 Reviews for Neural Networks and Deep Learning

By Nityesh A


Oct 6, 2017

With this course, Andrew Ng gives a beautiful intuition of backpropagation, something that I felt was missing in the Machine Learning course. He has delivered on all the learning objectives that were laid down before I started the course. Also, I felt that the programming assignments taught me a lot about not just programming neural networks but also programming in general.

By Le H N


Sep 24, 2017

This course is very basic for new deep learning beginners who invest in the deep learning seriously. I can study some tips and tricks that are very useful when I programmed Python. I think these guidelines are valuable for me, which helps me to complete this course very quickly and easy-to-use in my other applications. Thank you so much for all of you for this first course.

By Víctor A A


Nov 13, 2022

Very good and well structured. Easy to follow and it is great for self-learning (although you never know whether it's you or the neural network). The assignmets are very motivating and easy-to-follow. After taking this course, I DO think I understand what is happening inside a deep neural network and I feel I could code one from scratch. I willing to keep learning-deep :))

By Dylan F


Feb 13, 2022

Very well presented. Starting with a familliar model to illustrate the mechanics of deep learning really helped some of the more technical aspects sink in once we started scaling the size and layers. I think there could be less guidance in the assignments to encourage notes and demonstrate mastery of the material, but overall I got a lot more out of this than I expected.

By Milos P


Aug 11, 2020

Excellent and thorough introduction to shallow and deep neural networks! The lecture videos are in-depth, easy to follow, and provide enough mathematics direction for those with little calculus experience and for those with a good deal of it. A beautiful connection among linear algebra, calculus, and computer science. I am moving on to the second course. I am very excited!

By Raakesh S


Jun 28, 2020

I've always enjoyed Andrew Ng's course starting from his Machine learning course broadcasted in 2011. This course was particularly a beginner level AI course. It would've been better if the coding exercises were a little bit harder. All the steps were given in advance which made it really easy to complete the entire exercise within 30 minutes eventhough I am new to Python.

By Zhang K


Feb 26, 2020

!!!! The best class on neural networks!!! Strong recommend!!!

Thank you for all teachers and students who make this class for us online! It's really a great class and programming exercises are great! I can really learn something and begin to know how to build my model! Thank you, Andrew Ng! and thanks for coursera that let me have chance to learn this class. (Financial Aid)

By Heinz D


Sep 4, 2019

The course Neural Networks and Deep Learning was a great experience for me. Professor Ng and the mentors are very knowledgeful and professional. The second week was quite hard but still manageable concerning theory. The programming exercises are really cool and at the end the student has a running framework to implement a deep neural network. Definitely five stars of five.

By Ooi C Y


Jul 20, 2019

Excellent course & many thanks Prof. Andrew Ng! The parts that I like the most is the clear & easy-to-understand explanations for gradient descent, forward & backward prop. Compared to other online resources where the explanations went lost in thick jungle of maths, Prof. Andrew Ng managed to keep the maths at the right amount but not losing touch on the necessary details.

By Florian D


Feb 3, 2019

Very interesting course, It's easier to start with this one than the bigger Machine Learning course from Andrew (obviously, it's covering less material than this one). Being fluent in Python and Numpy will certainly make you feel more at ease but there is a lot of material to be able to cope with this difficulty. Can't wait to complete next courses from the specialization.

By Jin W


Aug 15, 2018

Excellent course materials make the neural networks not mysterious any more. From easy examples to more complex ones, from equations to coding exercise, the student can gradually learn the inner working of neural networks. This is a much better approach than starting with those big daunting back propagation equations. Andrew Ng's teaching was as good as his Stanford days.

By Shivam K


Oct 4, 2017

This course is awesome. You are going to build your own neural networks, with multiple hidden layers, on your own in Python. The things that are best about this course is that it will not just teach one how to implement the neural network but also the proper way to day that, with vectorization. The assignments are pretty easy but very helpful in understanding the concepts.

By John S


Aug 25, 2017

This course has been very carefully thought out to make it as approachable as possible. Andrew Ng is an amazing teacher, taking difficult material and making it seem clear, intuitive and reasonable. The integration of Jupyter Notebooks for the programming exercises is brilliant: I spend zero time fussing with infrastructure and 100% of my time learning the material. Bravo.

By Vernon D


Jun 8, 2021

As an intro course (following on from Andrew's ML course) this does a great job of demystifying the maths and intuitions around forward propogation (weights, biases and activations) through the neural network layers, and then the calculations around the gradients for these during the backward propogation phase. Vectorisation is a clear winner in enabling the processing.

By Yuheng J


Feb 26, 2021

I think it would be better to add a few more video lectures talking about the assignment after finishing them. Some parts of the assignments, especially when it comes to the dimension of variables in the code, become particularly confusing. But overall this is a great course that I will definitely recommand to any person who wants to start their journey of deep learning.

By Hellen H


Sep 5, 2020

This is a great course for me who have no idea about DL. NN Concepts are explained until tiny details. Math seems not that difficult but also explained well especially derivatives part. For now, I don't understand all codes meaning in programming assignment, although this is good to get insight about how NN works. A good foundation for you who wants to step further in DL.

By Gulla M N


Jun 9, 2020

this is an excellent course for programmers who want to delve into the deep learning world. Professor Andrew explained everything intuitively. Even one who is not good at mathematics also can do this course. even though Andrew explained it very easily you have to do some work and read, watch and rewatch the videos so that you could get a good understanding of the concept.

By Adarsh S


May 6, 2020

I loved the learning experience. Complex topics have been covered in a very step by step manner that is easy to digest. Being familiar with calculus helped me understand math and derivations of the formulae used. I would suggest adding additional (optional) videos that dwell a bit more in the math behind backpropagation. Otherwise, I am highly satisfied with the course.

By Deni


Mar 29, 2018

You'll get the most of this course if you took Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course, at least until the weeks that covered neural networks. Thank you to the course instructors, TAs and organizers. Andrew Ng can teach machine learning to a brick, he delivers the content with clarity and simplicity so much so you're learning complex concepts without realizing it.

Had a blast!

By Alex G


Sep 25, 2017

Great introductory course of neural networks. Some more mathematical details would have been nice, but that is outside the scope. Programming assignments were easy (assuming prior knowledge of a programming language). I feel I know enough to start reading some literature on neural networks, and understand the basics of whats implemented in packages like caffee and theano.

By Sebastian O


Aug 5, 2024

El contenido teórico es muy profundo, pero introduce los conceptos de forma muy repentina, sin incluir referencias previas clave que ayudarían a una mejor interpretación. En mi opinión, se detiene demasiado en conceptos de cálculo de una o más variables, que deberían conocerse de antemano. Sin embargo, las prácticas son muy completas y refuerzan bien la teoría del curso.

By Jean T


Jan 21, 2018

i am a math-physicist with lots of experience in C and other programming languages, but no previous contact with neural nets, i really enjoyed these lectures, after which i could program my own small NN from scratch on my PC. These lectures are nice and the exercises at the same time easy and very enlightening. I strongly recommend this course whatever your background.

By Reynaldo G


Jan 4, 2018

I had a very elementary knowledge of Python from a college course I took 6 years ago. Luckily, my linear algebra skills are much stronger and carried me through most of the course. It's VERY well done! After just four weeks I feel like I have enough to start my own DL algorithms. I can't wait to see where I am at the end of this specialization. 5 stars, highly recommend!

By Ilya L


Sep 9, 2017

I liked the course. I even learned a bit of Python ;-) I'm not a machine learning expert, so cannot really judge the content. I have a suggestion though: make the programming assignment grader more verbose, i.e., provide the input and expected output when the student's code is deemed incorrect. The input and expected output can be generated randomly at each submission.

By Ashutosh K S


Apr 22, 2021

It was an excellent experience learning this course. The teaching methodology, structure of the course and short crisp chapters make the learning very easy and certainly it can be learnt easily by students from non CS and non mathematics background also. The programming assignments and quizzes are such that these provide excellent practical understanding of the subject.