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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Negotiation Fundamentals by ESSEC Business School

1,545 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you access to negotiation practical tools and best practices gathered by Professor Aurélien Colson & his team from assignments in more than seventy countries and in a wide set of sectors, be they services, industry, high tech, or public organizations. In an interactive manner, this course will help you, among other topics: get prepared for any negotiation; avoid traps; know how to prompt value-creating partnerships; structure an effective negotiation sequence; bargain in an efficient and respectful manner; overcome deadlocks; and much more! Indeed, negotiation is not simply about deciding who gets what now – it is first and foremost about creating productive, fair, and therefore long-term partnerships. This course guides you through innovative and proven approaches – “win-win…but not at any price”. Together with its specialization, this course will lead you towards high impact and sustainable negotiations at all levels, whether finding solutions to people management issues, sealing a deal on a sales package, or entering into high-level strategic or political negotiations involving multi-party stakeholders....

Top reviews


Jul 4, 2021

As a beginner this course is easy to understand the fundamentals of negotiation. The course also makes it easier to understand the different components that makes up negotiation that are very subtle.


May 20, 2020

Aurelien is literally an excellent instructor. Also, the video design, clarity, organization of material, is perfect. Besides, quizzes and assignments composition are entirely matched with the course

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26 - 50 of 446 Reviews for Negotiation Fundamentals

By Thomas V

Jul 21, 2022

Overly complicated with no assistance with questions. The final exam became a game of guessing the answers since there was no feedback regarding what you missed or why. Definitely not worth the effort.


Mar 4, 2025

Los fundamentos de la negociación son esenciales para alcanzar acuerdos exitosos. Primero, una preparación exhaustiva es clave. Conocer a fondo a las partes involucradas, sus motivaciones y necesidades permite abordar la negociación con una estrategia bien definida. La creación de valor es crucial; se trata de buscar soluciones que beneficien a ambas partes, generando un valor añadido que vaya más allá de simplemente dividir los recursos disponibles. La comunicación eficaz es otro pilar fundamental. Un diálogo claro, abierto y respetuoso construye confianza y facilita la colaboración. Es importante ser flexible y adaptable, ajustando las estrategias según la evolución de la negociación y encontrando soluciones alternativas cuando sea necesario. También es vital enfocarse en las relaciones a largo plazo, priorizando el mantenimiento y fortalecimiento de relaciones basadas en la confianza y el respeto mutuo. Al final, el cierre de la negociación debe ser claro y específico, evitando malentendidos futuros y asegurando que todas las partes entiendan y acepten los términos del acuerdo. Estos fundamentos crean una base sólida para negociaciones efectivas, permitiendo alcanzar acuerdos sostenibles y beneficiosos para todos los involucrados.

By Abhimanyu G

Jun 8, 2020

The course is pretty good and builds up the basis for any sort of negotiation, which could be extended with practice. The video lectures are well placed and cover almost all points for the quizzes directly. The only issue I felt is at times multiple choices questions were very harsh, most options look correct until closely examined. Also, there is no partial make for choosing some correct options from all, which is bad, as the purpose of this MOOC is not solely to cramp each and every detail. It would had be really helpful if partial marking was available. Other than that, no issues.

By Luciano M

Apr 23, 2022

The course provides the foundation of negotiation and helps individuals to think about not only business oriented negotiation, but also real-life situations that everybody faces on a daily basis.

SImple, but effetive tools are provided in order to prepare for the negotiation. Of course the negitiation effectivness depends on the recurring application of such tools.

To me, the most valueable concept provided is to make learner aware that every situation has the potential for some degree of negotiation. This is a giveaway that I will keep in mind forever.

By Anastasia R B

Aug 11, 2018

That's a really great MOOC. Everything is clear and understandable. Subtitles and scripts make it enable to translate unknown words, but you even don't need it, because the teacher pronounces every word very clearly. This MOOC is for everyone. It doesn't mean if you want to work as a negotiator or just have enough skills to negotiate with your clients or going to prepare to interview.

Cases are really interesting. It's the practical part and it was very helpful to get the theory just right. Thank you for this MOOC.

By Nnenna A O

Dec 7, 2020

I find the course contents quite enlightening and the delivery very natural that I felt like one on one class room lecture. As a learner the notes helped me go back to review what was unclear from listening only.

I am confident that I will be able to negotiate and close a deal or convince any party to accept my solution on the table or my Solution away from the table by adhering to the ten principles of effective negotiations learned from this course. The lecturer’s style made learning easier.

By Affissou P A D S

May 31, 2021

I really enjoy Learning this Negotiation MOOC. It provides a good introduction to the world of negotiating. Professor Aurelien Colson lecturer style made learning easier as he was clear and concise...strait to the point. Cases are really interesting. They can be used for everyday’s a buyer or as a seller...even for the job interviews. Thank you for have making me more confident and empower in this competency. I will buy the book.

By GELY@315

Dec 14, 2022

Un cours très riche et pratique. dès l'introduction du 1er module, on apprend déjà. Et l'enseignent est très clair dans ses explications et avec des exemples bien pratique qu'on peut aussitôt exploiter dans un cadre bien réelV.Bravo pour ce progrès ! vraiment un cours adapté aux besoins de chaque négociateur qui se veut reussir dans ses démarches à entreprendre pour discuter un accord et conclure une affaire .

By Mitha W L

May 4, 2020

I take this course because I want to know more about negotiation. As a fresh graduate, negotiation skills will help me in preparation for a job. I enjoy learning here because the material is explained in detail and clearly by Professor Aurelien Colson. Each week we will also be given a quiz that is useful for practicing our understanding and the assignment is given also to make us more understanding.

By Ignacio N

May 27, 2021

The course provides a good introduction to the world of negotiating and lays out a simple to understand and use checklist. If anyone is interested in further exploring, I strongly suggest reading the book to accompany the course. I felt some of the material was a little too rushed but with the book, you can delve deeper into the contact. Prof. also mentions which chapter pairs with each class.

By Chiara M

Sep 6, 2021

Essec is one of the most vibrant experience I had on coursera from European Universities. This course - not my first with ESSEC- was intense and very high skilled, challenging somethimes, but I learned a lot for my daily life at work. Negotiation is really everywhere and adding value avoid conflicts and taking in mind trade off is really a good exercize for making your mindset better!

By Gabriel A T T

Apr 23, 2021

Lo que mas rescato del curso son los 10 puntos esenciales en la negociacion ( periodo antes, durante, despues). Tambien, como sobrellevar a jugadas sucias del otro lado de la mesa y como identificarlas. La busqueda de creacion de valor en cada negociacion para mejorar la relacion, si bien no se llegase a un acuerdo, se le puede tomar en cuenta en otra oportunidad.

By Bledar F

Jan 17, 2021

A very well structured course. The sequences of courses give students the possibility to understand the issues of negotiation very well. I found the assignment very clever because it gave me the opportunity to put into practice what I learned. After the assignment I felt more confident, I felt that I am in a better position to negotiate at my daily work.

By Mohamad E M

Jun 9, 2020

Essec and professor Colson have reaaly revived the desire to learn and gain knowlege and expertise in this field. The way he present the information has pushed me to elbow my way in this field and proudly one day say Iam the student and the successor of Prof. Colson . Thanks to Coursera who made it free.

By Livia C

Jan 31, 2020

Curso de ótimo nível, me introduziu novos conceitos de forma bem dinâmica. Motivante, instigante. Professor dotado de conhecimentos sobre o assunto.

Senti falta de um tutor no curso e mais alunos para interagir no fórum, além de poder ter um email do curso para esclarecer dúvidas.

By Yu L

Jan 24, 2022

The course provides an concrete introduction of the negotiation, as well as several negotiation straegies and so on. Compared to other courses I've taken, this course also sets up a solid and a bit challenging quiz to ensure students have comprehensively understood the content.

By Michael H

Jun 28, 2020

After having done a Myers Briggs personality type test, I found out that I was a 'Mediator' and decided to do this Course era course to find out more about what this entailed. I was not disappointed! The Videos are very well structured and easy to follow.

By Massimo B

Mar 24, 2021

This course gives an high level method to conduct negotiation. Videos are well done and clear, quizzes are ok and target on what just learned. Really interesting the case create to conduct our own negotiation strategy during the course. Really well done.

By Jaima S

Oct 22, 2017

Very much enjoyed this course and will be bringing the structured 10 point preparation points into our company to best prepare for our future negotiation of deals! The tests were a little complicated but the content was easy to follow and engaging!

By Angela M G C

May 1, 2021

Muy interesante el curso. Ayuda mucho a personas que quieren adentrarse al mundo de la negociación y los guía paso a paso hasta que podamos alcanzar un nivel óptimo en cuanto a los lineamiento básicos y necesarios para participar de una negociación

By Camilla R

Nov 20, 2017

This course provides a wonderful framework in which to prepare, negotiate, and assess the fruits of your negotiations. I would highly recommend it to anyone who wishes to negotiate in a more systematic way, with greater prospects of success.

By Cheryl P

May 21, 2018

Fantastic course and very competent instructor. As a procurement analyst, I learned a LOT for my current position. Thank you for presenting the information in a concise, "real-world" way that made it so much easier to apply in real life!

By Andreas

May 3, 2020

Very good course! Insightful and well conducted. I would recommend to provide some additional materials (papers, web links etc.) for those learners who want to get deeper into the topics. However, wonderful experience! Thank you so much!

By Thibaut D

Jan 27, 2021

Very interesting course. Clear and dynamic clips focusing on key points of a great method. I feel now far much confident in my abilities and fully equipped to run (even tough) negotitions. Many thanks To Aurélien Colson and his team !

By Fabienne R

May 29, 2019

No, negotiation is not innate thing and this course provides all the essential keys to succeed, analyze and ask ourselves the right questions. Case studies put students in professional situations. Highly recommended. Thank you again !