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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Meeting Investors' Goals by University of Geneva

1,798 ratings

About the Course

In this course, you will dive into the concepts of rationality and irrationality and understand how they impact our investment decisions and what the consequences can be at the market level. You will first explore the different biases that we, as humans, are subjected to when facing investment decisions and how they may impact the outcomes of these decisions. Moreover, you will see how emotions and ethical concerns such as honesty and trust influence market participants. When they are considered as a group rather than individually, you will discover how rationality and irrationality can drive asset prices to and away from their fair value. Finally, you will be presented with different portfolio construction methodologies and investment styles that make up the landscape of today's portfolio management industry. At key points throughout the course, you will benefit from the practical knowledge of experts from our corporate partner, UBS, in how to build and manage clients' portfolios....

Top reviews


Nov 22, 2016

I heartily thank everyone participate in this course . this course gave me a comprehensive knowledge about different types of investment styles and the optimum way to build an investment portfolio .


Oct 22, 2016

I love this course because I was planning to start investing in the Bovespa (Sao Paulo, Brazil) following only the guides of sensational analysts. This course recommends being cautious. Thank you.

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1 - 25 of 289 Reviews for Meeting Investors' Goals

By Tom S


Nov 18, 2016

I was not impressed. (And not impressed with this automatically centered text box either.) There was far too much very technical detail that no one save those working for hedge fund developers would ever use. The volume of analysis they suggest is overwhelming and impossible for the average investor, and when all is said and done, worthless. The market moves on news, rumors, scandal, etc; think Enron, Worldcom, Texaco, et al. None of the concepts presented in this course would have prevented you from investing in those companies when they were beginning or in their prime.

I'm about to become a registered investment advisor. I took this course looking for ideas to improve my recommendations. No go. This was terrible.

In addition, the presentation was presented by automatons I think. They rarely looked at us, they read flatly from the prompter. A good text to speech program could easily have replaced the "teachers".

By Lowell W


Mar 8, 2019

My only complaint was the assignment requiring evaluation by other students as this made the asynchronous nature of the course more synchronous and dependent on others.

By Evan B


May 27, 2019

This is an excellent course that provides detailed explanation of how investors can or should respond to monetary policy and various economic shocks. It also provides clear distinctions between portfolio construction methods and the rationale behind selecting either of them.

By Diana Z C A


Dec 4, 2016

One of the best courses I've found about investment strategies and styles. It was also very interesting the impact of emotions and cognitive biases in our investment decisions. Highly recommended.

By José F A d V V


Dec 5, 2018

This course expanded my understanding of investors profiles, portafolio selection and financial crisis. It also gave me a basic understanding of behavioral finance.

By Jason M


Jun 27, 2016

need a sub. can't not understand what he is saying

By Augustine Q


Jun 3, 2016

need to pay to submit quiz.

By Russell L M


Mar 3, 2021

As with the first course in this specialization, I learned so much useful information about investing. The lectures were very interesting, especially those given by Michel. He really brings the topics to life with his teaching style! One small issue about the quizzes, though. I suspect the person who wrote them is not a native speaker of English. I feel this way because of the wording of some of the answers. I suspect the writer's intent was to include 'distractors,' but the result was that some answers could be interpreted as correct. In questions where more than one answer is possible, this made it even more difficult to select all the valid ones. Other than that, the course was wonderful!



Mar 22, 2019

The course was a revelation in that it was my first experience to behavioral finance. And what an experience! I realized for the first time that there's more to portfolio construction and investment styles than just quants. And how cognitive biases and human emotions can play a very important role in investing. A lot of the irrational decisions can be explained by these biases, and being conscious of them can make us better investors. A big thanks for the course, which is highly recommended for all investors and portfolio management firms.

By Ram M


Jan 22, 2018

I am an engineering student and didnt fulfill the pre-requisites to enroll for Investment Fund at my university. Though my Professor at the university waived them, I have taken this specialization to learn the financial basics. These courses, not only made me ready but I was a good contributor for the discussions and buy/sell decisions. The experience and examples the instructors share in the four courses are the best. You can apply directly to your trading.

By Nazmul H T


Dec 27, 2019

It was an amazing course, absolutely timely, worthwhile and invigorating. The experts from the industry and institutions along with the guest lecturers made this whole program inevitably enjoyable. I would expect coursera will continue to provide such an opportunity and thus we learn, grow and step forward to a better future. Many thanks

By André A L


Feb 1, 2018

I have embarked on this journey of building my investment management knowledge and I must say investing in this specialization and more specifically this course has been a fruitful investment. I recommend it for the person with limited investement knowledge and experience as a cost effective and practical way to grow their knowledge base

By Ooi-Voon C


Aug 15, 2020

Lectures given by professors especially Dr Michel Girardin were excellent and clear. I find the practical knowledge imparted by UBS guest lecturers especially interesting and should be very useful when come to constructing my portfolio; unfortunately, perhaps due to work pressure, most seem not well prepared for their presentation.

By Zacharias L


Aug 14, 2017

I have learned quite a lot about investment styles and types and how to use my knowledge and character into making investment decisions. I also learned to be more realistic and logical and not be caught by emotions when I make investments. And to use all type of available information before I make an investment decision.

By Felix C


Jul 20, 2020

A great course! Despite it's unimpressive-sounding title, it is quite rich in theoretical content and applications - the sections dealing with market efficiency, investor biases, financial crises and portfolio construction techniques give a broad view of the art of investing as it is. Highly recommended.

By Javier v c


Oct 12, 2020

Excellent course, it helped me to understand with practical examples of how to apply quantitative analysis of values. When to enter and exit an investment according to moving averages. Super happy to always have guests from UBS bank who tell us about their experiences and their methodologies.

By Malhar S


Jul 18, 2020

It was really interesting learning about the different biases faced by investors, along with the other topics discussed in this course. The biases part was quite beneficial since it helped me analyze what biases I have already experienced in my journey on Investopedia Simulator trading.

By Deokumar G


Nov 5, 2019

AN excellent narrative of the Psychology behind investing - why we make some decisions and don't make others, and what it adds up to in the financial markets. EXCELLENT PROFESSORS who distinguish themselves with their utmost knowledge of psychological investing! - Deokumar Gandharry

By Alexandre S


Mar 31, 2021

I am very satisfied with the knowledge acquired, and optimistic about the future impact on the quality and quantity of learning. In addition, I thank the Professor for his friendliness, competence and good humor, which made the days of the Course a very pleasant experience. "

By Santhana L K S


Aug 2, 2020

What a great course this has been ! Extreme efforts from University of Geneva and UBS. Detailed explanations and discussion parts help in making all these easy to understand. The small quizzes inbetween the lectures are a great plus. Thank you for this great opportunity !

By Firdaus K


Apr 22, 2020

Simply awesome!!!!!!! I loved the content. The sheer breath of this module., the numerous tips and trivia, the UBS team's practical experience and the guest on Monetary Policy discussion. Just brilliant! I am so happy that I selected the right course as per my interests.

By Juan R


Jun 12, 2016

This is a must course! It will help me both personally & professionally to better understand the reasoning both rational & irrational that goes into an investment decision. Totally recommend this course, it will definitely help in my future. Thank You very much.

By Rohini B


Sep 15, 2018

I learnt a lot and am beginning to really appreciate the work that is done by fund managers. I love learning from Dr Michel Girardin. He is always so clear and his enthusiasm is so contagious that I want to learn and try harder. Thank you all so much.

By Vidal C


Apr 4, 2021

I am delighted with the course as I could applied what I've learned within my investment portfolio, from the influence of emotions and biases to the possible ways to allocate assets and balance risk. Moreover, I am applying the concepts to my own portfolio.

By Minas-Marios V


Aug 7, 2016

Continuing from the previous course, the instructors explore some key concepts of Investment Management that really redefine the way an investor thinks and acts.

Very explanatory lectures and interesting discussions from passionate and keen lecturers.