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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Medical Neuroscience by Duke University

2,891 ratings

About the Course

Medical Neuroscience explores the functional organization and neurophysiology of the human central nervous system, while providing a neurobiological framework for understanding human behavior. In this course, you will discover the organization of the neural systems in the brain and spinal cord that mediate sensation, motivate bodily action, and integrate sensorimotor signals with memory, emotion and related faculties of cognition. The overall goal of this course is to provide the foundation for understanding the impairments of sensation, action and cognition that accompany injury, disease or dysfunction in the central nervous system. The course will build upon knowledge acquired through prior studies of cell and molecular biology, general physiology and human anatomy, as we focus primarily on the central nervous system. This online course is designed to include all of the core concepts in neurophysiology and clinical neuroanatomy that would be presented in most first-year neuroscience courses in schools of medicine. However, there are some topics (e.g., biological psychiatry) and several learning experiences (e.g., hands-on brain dissection) that we provide in the corresponding course offered in the Duke University School of Medicine on campus that we are not attempting to reproduce in Medical Neuroscience online. Nevertheless, our aim is to faithfully present in scope and rigor a medical school caliber course experience. This course comprises six units of content organized into 12 weeks, with an additional week for a comprehensive final exam: - Unit 1 Neuroanatomy (weeks 1-2). This unit covers the surface anatomy of the human brain, its internal structure, and the overall organization of sensory and motor systems in the brainstem and spinal cord. - Unit 2 Neural signaling (weeks 3-4). This unit addresses the fundamental mechanisms of neuronal excitability, signal generation and propagation, synaptic transmission, post synaptic mechanisms of signal integration, and neural plasticity. - Unit 3 Sensory systems (weeks 5-7). Here, you will learn the overall organization and function of the sensory systems that contribute to our sense of self relative to the world around us: somatic sensory systems, proprioception, vision, audition, and balance senses. - Unit 4 Motor systems (weeks 8-9). In this unit, we will examine the organization and function of the brain and spinal mechanisms that govern bodily movement. - Unit 5 Brain Development (week 10). Next, we turn our attention to the neurobiological mechanisms for building the nervous system in embryonic development and in early postnatal life; we will also consider how the brain changes across the lifespan. - Unit 6 Cognition (weeks 11-12). The course concludes with a survey of the association systems of the cerebral hemispheres, with an emphasis on cortical networks that integrate perception, memory and emotion in organizing behavior and planning for the future; we will also consider brain systems for maintaining homeostasis and regulating brain state....

Top reviews


Dec 21, 2016

I have not really taken any Neuroscience courses and I have to say this was very challenging with my already full-time load at school but I did it! Yay! I love Dr. White he is an awesome professor!


Jan 14, 2021

This course was a great opportunity for me to understand the world of neurology and helped me to clear all the ambiguities regarding the complex mechanisms that are happening in our beautiful brains.

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51 - 75 of 837 Reviews for Medical Neuroscience

By Princess R - R E M


May 25, 2020

This course was truly in-depth and enlightening. Compared the quality of the content with other online learning platforms and noted that this one was more practical.

It is also very trying and needs a lot of discipline and hardwork. Well done for such a programme!

By Devarshi M


Mar 11, 2021

This is the best class I have ever taken. The amount of information that I have learned goes beyond any other course I have ever taken. As an aspiring surgeon, this information is of great importance to me and Dr. White is an excellent instructor.

By Ashish K S


Aug 23, 2020

One of the most in-depth, feature complete course available on neuroscience. Highly recommended to anyone interested in neuroscience, and especially for people engaged in neuroscience research.

By Indra R


Mar 27, 2019

I used this as preparation material for a module/test for my graduate degree and i found the videos to be clearer, more complete, and helpful than my actual courses. That is quite impressive.

By Sharvaree D


May 1, 2020

Excellent course.

A bit difficult though.all credit to Prof Leonard White for making such diff course interesting and understandable.

Thanks to the entire team of DUKE UNIVERSITY.

By Zeshan A


Dec 7, 2018

The best course I ever had in my life. Thank you Dr. Len White for providing such an great opportunity to learn neuroscience and motivating us to explore the brain.

By Fatima K


Jul 3, 2021

this coarse is the best for whom want to learn neurology. The lecture is explained very well, I enjoyed this lecture very much and it was really worth it.

By Lara M O


Feb 10, 2023

This course is incredibly rich in details, and the professor gives amazing advice on how to learn, with great initiatives to keep students engaged.

By Hamad A A


Feb 3, 2023

one of the most comprehensive

and detailed course

I’ve ever taken. Amazing instructor and smooth

learning experience with

the best curriculum.

By Eleanor M


May 3, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed this course! I learned so much from Dr White and was impressed with the quality and clarity of the course content.

By Christopher W


Jan 13, 2023

Fantastic course with a fantastic tutor! I have been inspired to continue learning more in the field of Neuroscience!

By Jack


Dec 2, 2021

Certainly the best online course for neuroscience. Possibly the best online course for anything.

By Jeremy C


Dec 14, 2018

Solid course. I only wish there were more. Thank you, Professor White & team!

By Abu H


Mar 9, 2019

very good course under the supervision of greatest Prof. L. White

By Laura G


Dec 23, 2018

the best course that i has been

thanks Dr Write

By Jerusha R


Nov 15, 2019

This is a really comprehensive and detailed course. There's so much material here so it's a great foundation. Beware, it's very heavy on anatomy, so pay lots of attention to the anatomy bits. You need to commit to really learning on this course - it's not easy and the multiple choice quizzes are challenging. Having done the course without an anatomy resource I can suggest that you get one (these are discussed in the course) as it would be very helpful in understanding the locations of everything that is talked about, which is really important. At times, Dr White is a little bit verbose and has a tendency to give a brief overview of something and then the overview morphs into a deeper view so it's repetitive but the structure isn't always clear. A textbook would be a helpful accompaniment to clear up some issues. Again, I didn't have this either, but Wikipedia was really helpful. Overall this is a great grounding in neuroscience and has the academic rigour you'd expect from a course offered by a university of the calibre of Duke. Don't be fooled by thinking this is easy because it's online, it's not! Be prepared to spend 6+ hours per week on this.

By Huy T


Jun 2, 2021

I am a medical student, and with some background knowledge relating to this. Still, I find this course very difficult, if not one of the most difficult course I've ever learnt. The course provides HUGE amount of knowledge and the test is very difficult, especially for those who does not have medical background and non-native English speaker (even though I have a very good English skills). I think the handout notes should include more pictures than just reference to the book which is VERY HUGE and VERY DIFFICULT to navigate. Yes the lecture does contains those images but that's very difficult to review.

By Judith M


Sep 1, 2017

Depending on how long one has been out of school quite hard work. Needs a number of hours every week to keep up, especially for those not having "The Book" (Neuroscience) or not having the use of all the online material provided. (Logins didn't work). However, I'd recommend it to people in health professions like me, Physical Therapists, Occupational Therapists, Nurses in Neurology, or anyone wanting to revise the work with a clinical bias. It allowed me to study from home. which is great! It's the clinical stuff that was really interesting in the final exams although quite difficult!

By San s


Aug 11, 2020

While the course is interesting is filled with great information and engaging lectures, I personally felt it to be too long. Since I was pursuing this course out of sheer interest in the subject alongside my full coursework load, I found the individual lectures are way too long for me to do this course alongside my regular coursework. Having shorter lectures by simply breaking up the topic into smaller sub-topics would have helped me immensely. As it stands, I have discontinued this and would prefer to await a break from my classes to resume this.

By Deleted A


Jun 18, 2021

It seems the test questions are more designed to trick than teach you.

By Esteban P


Jan 11, 2017

I took the Medical Neuroscience course as a way of getting a broad overview of the subject, and was not disappointed. The course starts with a solid basis in neuroanatomy, and builds in concepts and topics in a well structured way. The course seems to pursue two goals - on the one hand, to provide the basic neuroanatomy, physiology and functional background, and on the other to apply the knowledge to understand, identify and localize some medical conditions such as stroke, motor neuron disease, or Parkinson's Disease. The lab sessions and tutorials are entertaining and informative, thanks to Dr. White's friendly and engaging presentation style. The tutorials are accompanied by useful notes, and the frequent quizzes support the learning of the very extensive material. His recommendations for learning the material (follow the path, visualize your knowledge, learn spatially and socially) are useful in many other contexts. The materials are supported by a reference texbook, Neuroscience 5th edition from 2012, and a new edition is expected in 2017. Also, the text transcriptions of the video presentations appear to have been generated by machine, and need to be proofread and corrected. In spite of this, they are very useful to review specific points in the videos. Although the course presents a huge amount of material and the discussion forums allow both clarification of issues and questions as well as deepening and extending the knowledge provided by the basic materials in the course. I strongly recommend this course to anyone interested in gaining a basic overview of human neuroscience.

By Virginia


Sep 3, 2017

The journey throughout the Nervous System is even more intense and eye-opening than what you can imagine at the beginning. I loved the way Prof. White goes over every topic, sharing part of his personal thoughts and experience, which results in a very welcoming way of conveying information. The optional tools provided are also highly valuable, and the tips that are given all along are very useful when it comes to self-organization and techniques of study. The course is thick: there is much to say, and many times there is no space for everything, but it's a fine start if you do not know very much about Neuroscience. I particulary learnt a lot about anatomy, which is a big deal when understanding the Nervous System. The assessments are "fun": you don't just answer plain questions, but need to use all you've learnt, integrate it, and think to get to an answer. As a little flaw, I would say that in order to answer these questions, there are several things that are not thoroughly developped in the course and yet you must know about (the "pathological" part: diseases, circulatory system - which is quite complex and only approached switftly- etc.).

From a more personal point of view, I've learnt more and better in this course that in some larger in-person courses I had in my career about the topic. Hence, I thank professor White and his crew for the experience. It's worth it!



Mar 9, 2025

Minha Experiência Incrível na Neurociência Médica da Duke University Fazer parte do programa de Neurociência Médica da Duke University foi uma jornada extraordinária, repleta de aprendizado, desafios e crescimento. Durante esses anos de dedicação e estudo, pude aprofundar meus conhecimentos sobre o funcionamento do cérebro, as bases neurológicas das doenças e os avanços da neurociência na prática médica. Gostaria de expressar minha mais profunda gratidão ao Dr. Professor White's Caree, cuja dedicação, paciência e paixão pelo ensino tornaram essa experiência ainda mais enriquecedora. Seu compromisso com a excelência e sua maneira inspiradora de compartilhar conhecimento foram essenciais para minha evolução acadêmica e profissional. Também agradeço imensamente ao Coursera, por tornar essa oportunidade acessível e por proporcionar dois anos de pura experiência e aprendizado. Essa plataforma foi fundamental para minha formação, permitindo que eu me conectasse com mentes brilhantes e mergulhasse profundamente no fascinante mundo da neurociência. Saio deste programa com um sentimento de realização e entusiasmo para aplicar todo o conhecimento adquirido. Esta jornada foi apenas o começo, e estou ansiosa para continuar explorando e contribuindo para essa área tão apaixonante! Muito obrigada!

By Elizabeth C


Jul 29, 2022

Thanks to Dr. White and his team for all their exceptional work in putting this course together. Dr. White does a phenomenal job of teaching complex concepts. I appreciate his dedication to precision in language usage. What an amazing opportunity to have access to his teaching. I learned so much. The course was truly challenging. I didn't have the text or access to Sylvius but I took Dr. White's advice and created lots of drawings as I made my way through the tutorials. It was also helpful to have a split screen running on my computer with the tutorial video on one side and the corresponding tutorial notes on the other. I took pages and pages of notes which proved helpful for the quizzes and final exam. I did end up having to Google quit a bit - especially to find images of the neuroanatomy. The clinical emphasis on the final exam was tough but a fun and intriguing way to apply the learning. I am a high school science teacher with some background in neuroscience. It took me about six weeks to complete the course. I will likely purchase the text as a reference for my own teaching. I've taken several Coursera MOOC's in the past. Medical Neuroscience is by far the best. I highly recommend it if you have an interest in neuroscience. Truly excellent. Thanks again, Dr. White!

By Dr.Rekha S


Apr 20, 2020

One of the excellent courses I have ever attended. Prof.Dr.Leonard White made every lecture very interesting and simple. Although the subject is very difficult i enjoyed every bit of it. Many a time i failed the exam which made me read again and again. Each video lecture is designed very thoughtfully. This course not only made me more knowledgeable in neuroscience which attracted me right from my child wood, it improved many other aspects too. I have developed more interest in learning different things. It showed a way to me .our age or economic condition is not a hurdle if we wish or determined to do something strongly .i have completed this course only because of the encouragement form the Coursera team time and again. I am thankful to the entire team for their support and encouragement throughout the course.

sir only one request to provide me the certificate of completing this course successfully .definitely this will help me and others to encourage for this course.I hope you will provide me the certificate, please. finally, I want to say I want to do some more advanced courses in neurology provided under the guidance of Prod.L.White. I want to thank the entire team especially Prof.Dr.L White from my core of heart