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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Liabilities and Equity in Accounting by Intuit

717 ratings

About the Course

In this third course, you will learn about liability and equity accounts and its effect on the balance sheet. If you have mastered bookkeeping basics and understand accounting assets, you are ready to jump into Liabilities and Equity in Accounting. You will explore the various types of liability, including: current and long term, payroll, and sales tax. Additionally, you will learn about the equity portion of the accounting equation and how to account for changes in owner’s equity. By the end of this course, you will be able to: -Describe the three main characteristics of liabilities. -Demonstrate an understanding of the basic payroll accounting functions and tasks. -Compare and contrast the different types of equity -Use the accounting equation to describe the financial position of an organization. Courses 1 and 2 in the Intuit Bookkeeping Professional Certificate, or the equivalent, are recommended prerequisites for this course....

Top reviews


Apr 15, 2024

I really enjoyed this course. I would add that it would have been nice to really get more journal entry exercises that make you really think about how to make entries on your own without the computer.


Sep 16, 2022

A​s a hands on learner I really appreciate the practice that is provided through case studies and quick quizzes to test our knowledge as we progress through the course.

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1 - 25 of 198 Reviews for Liabilities and Equity in Accounting

By Lenora W


Jul 19, 2021

There are a lot of errors made in this course, especially when it comes to the material provided and answers to the quizzes and the workbooks you need to do before the last test of each section. It just appears that this was just thrown together and not proofread for errors. It has been very frustrating that the students are paying for this and all the errors.

In my honest opinion, I would tell others to not waste their money. To just get a Bookkeeper Certification from NACPB or the AIPB.

By Haley C


Jul 17, 2021

I just feel like when I have to do the case study, I am lost. I struggle so much trying to figure out. I feel like doing the lessons it all makes sense to me, but doing the case study I have a very hard time.

By C. R M


Jan 3, 2022

Last project is incorrect! This has been a problem for 3 months and no one responds in the forum.

By Sherie L M


Aug 8, 2021

The course itself was really good and informative! The case study had a lot of issues, though. Therefore, it affected the last quiz/test.

By Kavi K


Nov 2, 2021

The case study problem would not balance. This is a paid course and the correct figures should be given.

By Melissa P


Sep 6, 2021

Very disappointed and would not recommend. Coursera needs to review the questions they are asking. Riddled with errors which is extremely frustrating especially during final exams.

By Laura H


Sep 17, 2021

To many issues with the information provided. It was not properly checked for accuracy and caused confusion. I'm thinking of canceling my membership if this is what the rest of my learning is going to be like.

By Arthur A


Sep 24, 2021

Lot's of problems with the final case. No feedback from the course creator for over 3 weeks regarding students questions.

By Kari C


Jul 20, 2021

There where a few glitchy modules or places where the math didn't add up. Also, there was no way to reach out for clarification if I didn't understand on a quiz.

By Amy G


Sep 27, 2021

Many errors! Very frustrating

By Robin Y


Nov 17, 2021

The case studies are full of errors. Take a look at your forums and you'll see tons of people who are having issues because the answers that you are supposed to get are not the correct answers.

By Paula L


Aug 26, 2021

Nothing sunk in apparently. This is why I only do bookkeeping with QBO and do not mess with double entry bookkeeping. Too complicated.

By Kay S


Aug 1, 2021

I felt like this course had more substance than the first two, so that is a definite positive. Still don't like the time taken to listen to the animated characters; still enjoy the experts sharing; still experiencing some glitching in the practice sessions. I think the most disappointing part of this course was the final project workbook; it was a mess and took a very long time to go through but because the initial balances didn't balance, it was impossible to balance the accounting equation. Still squeaked by on passing the final exam even though I also made one dumb typo, but that was really nerve-wracking!

By Scott M


Oct 7, 2021

The information is pretty good. The presentation is engaging. The quizzes are a little confusing. I didn't understand some of the questions. The case study was confusing and not well designed.

By Shannon R


Sep 27, 2021

Lots of errors in the practice and quizzes!!!!

By Marie O


Sep 30, 2021

The course videos are fine. But there are so many errors in the test material, and there is no instructor to contact on any questions or issues.

By Tya N


Dec 22, 2021

Final case study is a disaster! No way to get information in order to accurately complete it. Ridiculous!

By Oh H


Aug 21, 2021

Case Studies need to be worked on

By Patricia B G


Jul 23, 2022

AGAIN, I am asking for an example of the completed spread sheets for the Case Study. It is very difficult to understand my mistakes if I have no explanations and to why my entries are incorrect.

I am disappointed that Coursera has notvalued me enough to respond to my requests in any manner.

By Kaitlin W


Feb 15, 2022

There were so many errors and problems with the quizzes. Particularly the Case Study in Week 4. It's like this course wasn't reviewed at all before it was posted.

By Mary L


Feb 26, 2022

This course was not well designed. My former career and master's degree was in educational instructional design. This course is designed for audio learners. Visual learners and those who need to see and work through several examples will struggle with this class. It has "experts" who sit and chat about what they think you should learn. You watch as someone clicks through QuickBooks, and listen to the expert. There is no feedback on exams that is explanatory. The material is terminology driven and there is NO GLOSSARY which is just unbelievable. I've never taken a course without a glossary.

There is little connection between the different tasks one needs to do. For example, general journal and general ledger are connected but there is little connection to the trial balance sheet or balance sheet. Almost no time was given to doing a Trial Balance sheet but we were asked to do one at the end. Information on the results of the work was not provided so we couldn't even work backwards to understand our errors. No supplemental examples are available. Having taken many college courses in math, I know that a course like this REQUIRES many examples worked out and explained.

I had to look outside the course for additional information on explanations to particular tasks. An awful lot of work was put into creating Bianca and her story but very little was put into helping walk newbies through the work in any in-depth manner.

I would not recommend this course or any of the ones so far, despite the fact that I can say I learned some good information and am not totally lost. I am, however, left not clear on too many things that were simply left unexplained. I'm now looking at why I got incorrect numbers on some parts of my balance sheet but not others, wondering why there were apparent mistakes on the given paperwork, unexplained numbers or what to do with them, and what's the differences between certain terms I find on the balance sheet (like fica expense vs fica payable) and online answers aren't there. No answers can be found anywhere within this course because there is no "Answer Sheet" section that can be unlocked after you pass the tests, with explanations, and there is no place to find samples to better prepare oneself.

By Sheena M


Aug 22, 2021

Class is great to learn the accounting terminology and to apply what you learned. They still need to work on the quiz grading; not fun marking right answers wrong.

By Catherine H


Jan 19, 2022

Many errors. Not enough feedback. Mentoring or help with concepts is non-existent. There are many cases where a simple review of forum posting would show that people have been asking about the same errors or problems for at least 4 month, but no one is listening or responding.

By Anna E


Nov 23, 2021

The information is well presented when it works correctly. Many times the videos get stuck and will not continue, so much of the information is lost. I was able to make up for the missing information and did well on the quizzes. The final project is a joke. The beginning balances are off, and there is no explanation for that. I see on the forum that many people have complained, and there doesn't seem to be any interest in Coursera fixing the issues. I plan to finish the fourth course in this series quickly so that Coursera is not able to charge me any more money for these classes.

By Layth E


Jun 11, 2023

I'm giving the same review for all 4 courses. Most the problems start small in the first course and get worse and worse as you get to the later courses. If this "course" was available for free on Youtube I would thank the creator but still tell them that there are too many problems to be able to recommend it to anybody. But this isn't a free bookkeeping course on Youtube, it's a paid course created by a company that runs the largest and most profitable bookkeeping software in existence - QuickBooks. This company is to bookkeeping what Disney is to animation and I can't call this "course" anything other than a scam.

First off it is clearly not a cohesive course. The info is taught in a jumbled order with lots of information repeated and lots of other information omitted entirely. There are 2 main components. First is the weird black AI teacher with a Jewish accent who has wonderful graphics full of information but no actual knowledge and is reading off a script. Second are the actual qualified bookkeepers whose videos are clearly old training videos repurposed for this "course". The location they are in changes and I swear one lady's hair color changes 3 times. This is info from years apart and has been loosely aggregated together. And of course the people that actually know what they are talking about hardly ever have any graphics or information along side them to actually show you what they are talking about. About 80% of their screen time literally takes the form of, "That thing the AI teacher was talking about is important because if it's wrong then the accounts are wrong and people might make bad decisions based on the wrong info. They talk about examples and never actually show any.

There are typo's and errors and misinformation all over this course. It's astounding. And even though there are places to report errors and the forums are full of people complaining they never fix it. They continue to take people's money for a broken course and refuse to fix it. The debt to equity ratio slide says to divide debt by equity then shows them divide equity by debt. Plus the answer they show is 4.1 when the answer (to their already wrong equation) is .41. The real actual answer is something like 2.5. They literally divided the wrong numbers got the answer .41 (which would not make sense in context) and instead of double checking their work decided to just move the decimal point over because 4.1 would be a reasonable value. This is only one of probably 25-30 errors in the course and those are only the ones I caught. These are not small missable mistakes. They are large egregious errors that any qualified bookkeeper should be able to see immediately leading me to believe that this course has never been reviewed by one. They teach a whole course about how to enter and double check everything twice and they didn't even check the course once. And again even after we complain they do nothing to help us or fix the problem.

The exams are total bullshit. They spend the whole course showing you how to do stuff in quickbooks and all the exams are in HORRIBLY formatted excel sheets. The excel sheets have to be fully completed and filled in before you take the exam and the excel sheet is never submitted or checked for accuracy and they never, even after completing it, tell you the correct answers. Due to the nature of bookkeeping your answers depend on previous answers so you could mess up on one of the first entries and do the other 90% of the excel sheet right and still get only 10% of the exam right. It's total bullshit and there is never any way to know where you messed up and you just have to start all over. Exams 3 and 4 have major errors in them. Exam 3 straight up calculates profit as taking value away from the business. A ****ing toddler could tell you that isn't true. And it's not like these errors are reflected in the answers. If you do everything right you will get the wrong answer unless you manually edit the prefilled parts of the excel sheet yourself.

Even the final exam on Intuit's website that you are supposed to take after this whole course had an error where it asked me what account type something would fall under and all the answers were descriptions of entire journal entries none of which included the account the question would fall under. Completely asinine.

If you got the Couresa 7 day free trial and want to blow through all 4 courses in a week for free there would be some value to it. It teaches you "OF everything you need to know". Meaning it gives you all the relevant terms. But if you want to pass a real exam I would take the list of terms and verify what they mean and how to use them with independent sources to verify you learned it correctly and/or that the course didn't define it poorly or outright wrong. I completed all 4 courses in a little less than 20 total hours (not 40-64) so you could complete it in under a week for sure but I also did fast forward through quite a bit of the actual bookkeepers talking if they didn't pull up QuickBooks and actually show you how to do something. Sometimes they teach you but if their segment starts with "This is important because" you might as well just skip it especially if you are a visual learner like me.