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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects by Deep Teaching Solutions

91,786 ratings

About the Course

This course gives you easy access to the invaluable learning techniques used by experts in art, music, literature, math, science, sports, and many other disciplines. We’ll learn about how the brain uses two very different learning modes and how it encapsulates (“chunks”) information. We’ll also cover illusions of learning, memory techniques, dealing with procrastination, and best practices shown by research to be most effective in helping you master tough subjects. Using these approaches, no matter what your skill levels in topics you would like to master, you can change your thinking and change your life. If you’re already an expert, this peep under the mental hood will give you ideas for turbocharging successful learning, including counter-intuitive test-taking tips and insights that will help you make the best use of your time on homework and problem sets. If you’re struggling, you’ll see a structured treasure trove of practical techniques that walk you through what you need to do to get on track. If you’ve ever wanted to become better at anything, this course will help serve as your guide. This course can be taken independent of, concurrent with, or prior to, its companion course, Mindshift. (Learning How to Learn is more learning-focused, and Mindshift is more career-focused.) A related course by the same instructors is Uncommon Sense Teaching. To join the fully translated Portuguese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Spanish version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated Chinese version of the course, visit: To join the fully translated French version of the course, visit :

Top reviews


Aug 17, 2017

It was a wonderful journey of learning how to learn. Simple and effective. Wish i had come across something like this a little early in life. But better late than never. Keep up the good work. Thanks.


Aug 17, 2016

Probably the most important course I've ever taken in my life and it was completely free. Already applied many of the concepts and have seen the difference. Do yourself a favor and take this course.

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576 - 600 of 10,000 Reviews for Learning How to Learn: Powerful mental tools to help you master tough subjects

By Julio C F O

Dec 24, 2024

Bueno, mi opinión sobre el curso "Aprendiendo a Aprender" lo considero una herramienta fundamental para todas aquellas personas que quieran buscar herramientas efectivas para estudiar y aprender. A mí me ayudó muchísimo, porque originalmente, desde el inicio del curso hasta el final, me modifiqué y modifiqué la manera en que estudiaba antes y durante el desarrollo del curso. Quiero decir que el curso brinda herramientas claras y concretas que, aplicadas en el día a día y con paciencia, arman un resultado. Originalmente, me daban mucha ansiedad los exámenes o cualquier quiz o evaluación, pero ahora siento que es más fácil afrontarme y verlos de una manera distinta. Entonces, recomiendo mucho el curso.

By Pris T

Nov 16, 2020

Really enjoyed this course, especially appreciated Barbara Oakley's candid way of presenting. I've learnt new perspectives of how our brains work, and I look forward to apply methods for learning more effectively like the Pomodoro, shifting between focused and diffused mode, etc. It's been a real pleasure to learn while enjoying the interesting puns and illustrations during the videos and in the tests. I encourage anyone to take up this course with an open mind, whether you are studying or working. Also felt inspired by Barbara's anecdote of her own experiences of learning and career, it made me think that I can learn things I'm not naturally good at. Thank you for teaching us how to learn better!

By Viktoriia N

Jul 14, 2019

Everybody needs to complete this extremely helpful course, because it changes our understanding of learning. I never thought that these 4 weeks would give me loads of interesting information about my brain's work and how to learn properly. I understood that all of us usually try to trick ourselves in learning, like "Oh, yeah, I already know that" or "Recalling is useless, it's such a waste of time" and so on, but we can avoid such stupid excuses and start to gain real knowledge)) I was especially amazed by the story of Barbara Oakley's career path, she was a real motivator for me during all that time. This course is worth your time, so you can master any subject in the world!!!Thank you so much!!!

By Robert B

Feb 7, 2016

I learned sooooooo many actionable techniques, strategies and concepts that really works if you implement them. One or two tactics in this course I heard about through the accelerated learning grapevine over the years, but here the techniques are backed by credible research, giving me more confidence to apply them consistently.

I was initially concerned this course was going to be full of more dry theory than practical application, that I almost skipped it. Very glad I didn't. Each module succeeds in being engaging and informative in ways that can be applied immediately to one's learning projects for better results or to a less stressful path to the same results....excellence.

Highly Recommended.

By Mariana L d B e L B S

Apr 29, 2020

The course material is great and concepts are awesome. I really enjoyed the video lectures and all the techniques that I learned. The teachers explain everything in an interesting away that allows us to retain our attention. I believe that many concepts I learned will be very helpfull in my future and will allow me change for the better. I already tried to implement some techniques while I was attending the course. I already started to use the Pomodoro clock and how happy I was to check this as a great productivity toll. The course offers a great amount of optional sources of information like more readings and great interviews of special guests. Thank you! I really enjoyed to learn how to learn!

By Aaron R

Apr 22, 2017

Awesome, Mind expanding and contracting! This course will show you how to turn your mind inside out, upside down, and unlock the keys to transforming yourself in ways you have never imagined. I recommend this course to at least one person a day, and to anyone who wants to become a better student in school or of life. Thank you to Dr Oakley, and her team at Coursera. Applying the principals of procrastination, and understanding to the ways my eating habits were influenced by the insular cortex and the process of replacing pain with pleasure helped me stop drinking coffee and alcohol, cut down on "comfort foods" like carbs, and meat, and lose 25 pounds within three weeks of completing the course.

By Peter W

Jul 9, 2020

After 40 years of not attending classes, this was the perfect way to step back into a virtual classroom and reexamine my life as a perpetual student. This class did much to confirm that as a trained musician, I've learned how to learn at a very early age. Also, I've had some great teachers along the way that taught me that the best teacher is one that teaches a student how to learn on their own. Grateful for taking notes once again and doing little quizzes. I also enjoyed the chance to do a little writing for this class, something I don't get to do in much in my normal life. Looking very much to picking some other classes to attend virtually while holed up with this pandemic. What a great gift!

By Carla M

Jul 4, 2020

I truly enjoyed this course and learned new information and strategies I can use personally and professionally to learn and do more with the time available. In my job, I'm constantly learning new things as I work with teams on diverse topics in health and education. While taking the course, I was also writing podcast scripts (for my job) on health and wellness in schools and in the workplace, and I found myself writing them in Barb's voice--kind, pleasant, curious, encouraging. The depth and breadth of this course far exceeded my expectations. I was never bored, and the content was so rich that not a single reading or video felt like a waste of time. I could tell it was a labor of love. Bravo!

By Jens G

Dec 21, 2019

I wish I knew about this before i started to study in University. This is a great starting course no matter your discipline that you are interested in.

This might be the most self improving and valuable course! But you need to have the dedication to stick with this course. I expect that younger people wont have the discipline or interest in this topic even tough it is very important.

If you are like me and studied a couple of years you will recognize your mistaken learning strategies, which is great so you can substantially improve future learning and it makes learning more fun!

Learning is not as easy to understand as it might seem. You need to bring some reflection time with you and patience.

By Gira

Aug 10, 2020

El curso has sido muy bueno y facil de entender. Barbara and Terry explican conceptos que aunque tan odvios hacen que el aprendizaje se haga mas facil y efectivo. Un tema que debiera ensenarse en la education media y en la universidad cuando tenemos que estudiar en forma rapida y efectiva. El curso me hizo recordar mucho mis tiempos de Universidad cuando debido a poco apoyo familiar y estudiantil perdi un tiempo valioso estudiando de la forma incorrecta. Ahora entiendo mucho mas lo que realmente ayuda en el aprendizaje y les he mencionado esto a mis hijas para que puedan tener un proceso de aprendizaje mas efectivo y duradero.

Realmente he disfrutado este curso y la forma como esta disenado.

By Ana R

Nov 10, 2022

I took this course by a recommendation and I must confess I was a bit ceptical, since I thought I never had troubles in learning. But as soon as the course started, I was hooked! The amount of really interesting information with scientific basis is great, and it made me realise a lot of "why's", but mainly how could I fight what holds me back. This couse demistify that some people just aren't cut for some fields and some are. It really has to do with the right mindset, perseverance and good habits. By visualizing how the brain works, it gets a lot easier to understand and acept the importance of changing your methods in order to reach your full potencial. Thank you so much Barbara and Terry!


Dec 24, 2020

I loved the course throughout. It is a must-do course for anyone at any stage of learning. It taught me how to learn and also how to approach tests with a positive attitude. I loved the animations in the videos, they kept me glued to the course. I also liked the way the content was presented by amazing professors.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Tamilnadu skill development corporation for sponsoring access to online courses on Coursera during the lockdown. It was immensely helpful to make productive use of the time and also to increase our skills. Many thanks to the professors and Coursera for making quality education accessible worldwide.Thank you Yours gratefullyKavya Mohan.

By Madhav

Jun 1, 2020

What I learned from this course will go a long way in my life. The course was not about tricks and hacks to learn. It was about the art of learning and how to not get frustrated when things don't go as you intended. That process is more important than the product.Dr.Barbara Oakley has a very motivating, warm, and charming personality. Her way of teaching is so visual and full of analogies and metaphors, it is like she practiced what she preached.One more bonus part of the course is that Dr.Barbara Oakley interviews some really renowned and talented people who openly share their experiences.I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is into learning and wants to retain that knowledge.

By Hajj W

Apr 8, 2021

This course offers knowledge comparable to "How To Win Friends And Influence People" in terms of power, but focused on lifelong learning. The instructors lead by example as they apply the very techniques they teach in this course, making the content of this course exceptionally easy to assimilate. At the same time, its value is not diminished: the knowledge offered by this course is applicable from elementary school all the way to graduate school and beyond, and is poised to serve its students for the rest of their careers. Due to the importance of learning in the modern world, Barbara Oakley could be the single greatest contributor toward the progress of humanity in the foreseeable future.

By Mustafa S A

Apr 28, 2020

This is the type of course that all universities or high schools should assure that their students take before any specialized courses. I hope I had this course when I was at university. I am sure it would help me a lot to achieve more than what I already did. The best thing about this course that I feel that it speaks about my inner me. It knew the tricks I did to cheat myself and how I fulfilled myself falsely without gaining the full benefits I planned to gain. It also interprets why I didn't achieve the targets I planned to achieve. Finally, I recommend this course for everybody want to well manage his life, because our lives are a big test in which we need to pass it with high grades.

By Leroy H

Apr 11, 2022

I suffer from severe ADHD. I came into this class expecting the same boring and uninspirational time management advice I've run accross many times before. I was wrong. They un-blinded me with science! More seriously though, the course was engaging and informative. Its well to know how, but to know why is what makes the difference for me.

While this course will literally help anyone trying to learn anything, the techniques involved are extremely useful for overcoming some side effects of ADHD. I honestly feel that this course may be a life changer. Highly recommend for anyone, but especially someone looking to understand and change certain behaviors that are commonplace for people like me.

By Jasmine C

Feb 24, 2023

As someone who has spent years trying to learn effectively through college, grad schools, a return back to college, certifications, etc., if I could go back and change only one thing about my previous learning experiences, I would have taken this course first. It offers incredibly effective techniques for mastering material that I once feared would be insurmountable for me. Applying what I have learned here has helped me so much at work in the last few weeks, and it continues to give me confidence to (re)approach learning challenges that I was nearly ready to give up on. Instead, this course gave me hope (and the ability) to go back and patiently try again at my own pace and in new ways.

By Vikrum

Apr 15, 2020

Incredible. I learnt so much in such a short amount of time. What you learn is super easy to apply and very relevant to every day life and learning. The analogies aid understanding and there are plenty of examples too. The tips are concise, well explained and helpful and I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who wishes to learn better, do better in tests, or just generally be more aware of learning methods and ways to stop procrastination etc. Learning how to learn is a beneficial course and I will be implementing the key ideas in my learning. It is also a great way to spend time (I started the course due to the Coronavirus quarantine), and is much more useful than Netflix!!

By Joe K

Oct 30, 2019

They should teach this in schools. Meta learning has been of great interest to me for the past several years and this course has offered many fresh insights and techniques I've never heard of before. What the two hosts may lack in public speaking ability they more than make up for with their broad, detailed knowledge and genuine passion for teaching others the wonderful art and science of meta learning. I bought a certificate not because I wanted to frame my completion of this course on my wall but because I felt guilty taking this course for free. Highly recommended regardless of your occupation or IQ, I honestly believe anyone can benefit from the ideas and techniques discussed herein.

By Kevin M

Apr 9, 2019

Great course. It's simple and straight to the point. This is especially valuable to anyone just entering college or currently in college. Wish I knew a lot of these tricks and hacks and the general understanding of how the brain works back when I was still grinding through 50 topics a week. As an upper 20-something, the most useful parts of this course are the videos that describe the fundamentals of how our brains work and getting through procrastination. Knowing how the diffuse mode works is HUGE. Taking rests are IMPORTANT and I never really thought that it so important. I just kind of had a "feeling" overtime. This course seriously changed my day-to-day learning. For real.

By Andrea M E

Jul 30, 2017

Me ecantó el curso, ha sido muy útil para improvisar mis métodos de estudio, me ayudó orientarme en cómo poder hacer mi propia guía de estudio, incluso con un amigo que estudia lo mismo que yo. Creo que debería de hacer mucho más cursos de estos. Los Directores del curso son muy amables, hablan de forma fluida y entendible (en el idioma original) y queda muy claro. Los exámenes no son difíciles, y son excelentes las preguntas posteriores a los videos, ya que ayuda a probarte que tan bien haz entendido todo el contenido. Muy recomendable para cualquier persona que quiere aprender a aprender. Muchas Felicidades y es un gran trabajo por parte de Dr. Barbara Okley y Dr. Terrence Senjnowski.

By Aron A

Sep 14, 2016

Truly amazing! I'm really glad I've picked this course. It got me hooked from the get go. Knowledge from this course will definitely help me on my future endeavors, and not just in my area of expertise, but in life generally. Awesome and creative approach on this difficult and puzzling topic of brain works by Dr. Barbara Oakley and Dr. Terrence Sejnowski, to which I'm eternally grateful. Also, the rest of the staff and wonderful people from additional video materials have a big shout out and were very helpful. They actually helped me greatly to see the bigger picture. A definitive recommendation to everyone. Best of luck to all who participated in creating this awesomeness. Thanks, Aron

By Riyaz R A

May 31, 2020

Awesome! I find it funny how neither school or college taught us any of this, which essentially ALL humans in this world must know. Learning is something we all do every day and every second and it is my absolute recommendation that every one of you take this course no matter how busy you are in your life. I know it's never too late but I only wish I had known all this during my college days. Dr. Barbara is an absolute beast of a teacher and knows what she's teaching. And it's hard to find teachers who actually KNOW what they are teaching. And so is Dr. Terry.

Leave what you are doing for just a week and complete this. It's worth it. 2 - 3 hours a day and you can complete it. Good luck.

By Mohammed O G

Mar 28, 2019

I enjoyed going through this well prepared course. I liked the idea of having short videos, instead of long lectures, where the danger is that you loose your concentration. I learned a lot to use for myself but also to teach younger staff. As a matter of fact I am thinking now in ways how to implement this knowledge in any new teaching activity. End of this year I am preparing for a scientific (medical) conference. The difficulty remains in switching from the usual (boring) frontal lectures to a combination of lecture, interrupted by questions and showing some interesting cases. All of this in less than 15 minutes. It is a challenge, which I have to discuss with friends and colleagues.

By Dawn A B

Dec 30, 2021

Learning How to Learn was so helpful. I appreciated all the additional resources, such as the videos that highlighted a specific speaker. Listening to the ways that those speakers overcame obstacles and found different methods that enhanced their learning process made it seem like you are not the only one struggling or feeling the way one may about learning and retention. I appreciate the videos were not long, as it helps to stay engaged more and remember more. I liked the quizzes at the end as well. I wish I started paying more attention to why my learning was not as effective but I will now. Great techniques provided and the course instructors were also great! Definitely recommend.