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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Learn to Speak Korean 1 by Yonsei University

11,499 ratings

About the Course

Welcome to Learn to Speak Korean 1! This course is for beginner students who are familiar with the Korean alphabet, Hangeul. Through this course students will learn the skills essential for daily interactions with Koreans while living in Korea. This course consists of six modules, and each module is composed of five units. Each unit has vocabulary, grammar and expressions, conversation practice, video clips, quizzes, a workbook, and vocabulary lists. In order to assist students with their independent studies, Korean learning materials such as lecture notes, workbooks, and vocabulary lists detailing each day’s lecture are also provided. The vocabulary lists are accompanied by English, Chinese, and Japanese translations. I hope that you enjoy all this program has to offer over the next six weeks. After studying in this program, you will be able to have a real Korean conversation with your newly acquired knowledge of the Korean language. Thank you! Your Course Team Chief Contents Developer: Sang Mee Han Contents Developers: Bock Ja Lee, Yoo Kyung Choi, Ha Min Cho, Ju Eun Kim Production Assistants: Jin Hee Kim, Eun Hye Kim...

Top reviews


Aug 31, 2021

Perfectly explained in each short videos. Learnt a lot of the basic grammars, vocab and phonetics. Now, just need to practice speaking it out loud. =) Hope to have "learn to speak korean 2" though. =)


May 15, 2020

Its a very good course for beginners who have an idea of how to read and write hangeul the examples and demonstrations were easy to understand and remember. This also gives you a good vocabulary base!

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2726 - 2750 of 2,846 Reviews for Learn to Speak Korean 1

By Abdurakhmonov A

Jan 19, 2018

Great job for people striving to learn Korean. Thank you so much. Hope people will have a chance to Learn to Speak Korean 2 as well

By Paige

Jan 1, 2021

I enjoyed it and learned useful grammar and vocabulary. Very useful phrases as well. Role play and repetitions were a bit robotic.

By Oanh

Sep 21, 2017

Very good explanation and demonstration! Thank you for much for your great lesson, I hope to take another course after this course

By Jing

Feb 23, 2018

I have clearly learned about basic dialogues in Korean. This course is very useful. But the contents are a little insufficient.

By Mary V

Jun 6, 2020

Este curso está completo y bien explicado por la profesora a cargo y sus alumnos.

Es una pena que no sea más extenso el curso.

By Minerva S B

Jul 21, 2017

Really good teacher. Good material, with vocabulary and grammar to speak when you are with friends or in a shop for example.

By Kalpana S

Dec 11, 2024

This course was well-structured. The examples throughout the course made it easy to grasp the terms and grammar structure.

By Yuueh

Jun 8, 2020

Esta muy bien e aprendido bastante lo que faltaría mi opinión que hubiese más ejercicios y cuestionario para practicar mas

By Brylle B

Aug 22, 2023

It's good. However, it would help if you learned the basics of the Korean alphabet first before enrolling on this course.

By Shreya S

Jun 9, 2017

Very good for beginners! Each topic is explained in great detail with ample amount of time to practice the new concept.

By Leiidy J B

Jan 13, 2017

Tiene escritura, lectura y gramática , recomendado 100% I really enjoyed the course!! 연세대학교 너무 감사합니다,

저는 연세대학교 으로 갈 것이다!

By Accumulator

May 30, 2020

I really liked this course. I just think it could have cemented the content a lot more with harder and more exercises!

By nopita w

Aug 3, 2024

lumayan bagus tapi penerjemahan otomatis beberapa kurang akurat. dan vidio percakapan antar teman nya terlalu cepat

By Yana

Jun 6, 2019

good. it helps you to understanding a little korean, and help you so you can talk a little korean when you go there

By Jayla R

Jun 29, 2017

While the course does provide the essentials of everyday Korean, it doesn't give much time for memorizing material.

By Deleted A

May 5, 2017

A really good course to help beginners in Korean. It greatly helped me fix my grammar and sentence structure.

By Rindang M ( R

Oct 13, 2023

Alangkah baik jika video disertai tulisan cara baca sekaligus terjemahan juga . Terima kasih ilmunya

By Ratu A

Aug 11, 2023

saya sangat senang bisa di beri kesempatan untuk kursus dengan gratis. Terima kasih untuk coursera.

By Ger H

Dec 13, 2021

No course is perfect. But this is one of the best.

Maybe the subjects are a bit too much for women.

By Nardus B

Mar 27, 2022

Overall a very good course, although the sound quality of some spoken dialogues could be improved.

By Wendolyn Z R

Jun 21, 2021

me encanto aunque esta complicado, es cuestión de que practique mas, sin duda me ayudo mucho

By Nisa R

Jun 7, 2020

Es un curso muy sencillo en el que se aprende mucho vocabulario y expresiones del día a día.

By Dahlia S

Nov 1, 2021

nice, iadn i like for this lesson,i hope i can learning all about korea and korea language

By iArmy

Nov 3, 2020

You can learn useful phrases for visiting Korea. I do not think it is for pure beginners.

By Padhma M S

Dec 14, 2019

The course content and the teacher was excellent. Happy to learn this course. Many thanks.