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Learner Reviews & Feedback for First Step Korean by Yonsei University

52,195 ratings

About the Course

This is an elementary-level Korean language course, consisting of 5 lessons with 4 units, and covers 4 skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The main topics include basic expressions used in everyday life, such as greetings, introducing yourself, talking about your family and a daily life and so on. Each lesson covers dialogues, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, quizzes and role-plays. After completing this course, you will be able to 1. read and write Korean alphabet. 2. communicate in Korean with basic expressions. 3. learn basic knowledge on Korean culture. It’s fun and easy to follow! Enjoy it!...

Top reviews


May 1, 2017

This was course was very informative. I really enjoyed the content being that I wasn't on the paid version. I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything but learn a lot from this course. 감사합니다!!!!


Sep 27, 2021

Mejore mis habilidades en el idioma, expandí mi vocabulario y aprendí sobre la estructura de las oraciones y como empezar a comunicarme con los demás, muchas gracias por esta oportunidad, recomendado

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126 - 150 of 10,000 Reviews for First Step Korean

By Camila

May 1, 2021

I think this is a great course for beginners. It may take you a little longer than 5 weeks to complete if you didn't know ANYTHING about Korean before like me, but it's still rewarding and fun. The only thing I'd improve upon are the subtitles. I wish it didn't say [FOREIGN] when Korean subtitles could've been provided to keep up more easily with the teacher.

The quizzes are hard enough but not impossible, you truly exercise what you learned in the unit. The teacher's pace is good to keep you motivated, even though I did see myself going back to check on something more than once because this was my first aproach to the language after all.

Overall, I recommend this course to anyone interested in Korean culture who wants to learn the basics in a fun, rewarding and changelling way

By Mel A

Jan 15, 2024

Quiero expresar mi profunda gratitud por la experiencia en el curso de coreano básico. Ha sido una travesía educativa excepcional, en la que he adquirido un conocimiento sustancial del idioma. El curso no solo me ha proporcionado una sólida base de vocabulario, sino que también ha sido instrumental en ilustrar de manera clara y comprensible la estructura gramatical del coreano. Esta experiencia ha superado mis expectativas y ha dejado una impresión duradera en mi aprendizaje de idiomas. Estoy muy agradecida por la oportunidad de participar en este curso. Ha sido un viaje enriquecedor que no solo ha ampliado mis habilidades lingüísticas, sino que también ha cultivado un profundo interés en la cultura coreana. ¡Muchas gracias por esta invaluable experiencia educativa!

By Lia O

Oct 6, 2024

Secara keseluruhan, First Step Korean adalah kursus yang sangat cocok bagi siapa saja yang ingin memulai belajar bahasa Korea dari nol. Dengan materi yang berkualitas, metode pengajaran yang mudah dipahami, serta fleksibilitas waktu yang ditawarkan, kursus ini bisa menjadi landasan yang kuat bagi siapa saja yang ingin memperdalam bahasa dan budaya Korea. Meskipun ada keterbatasan dalam hal interaksi langsung dengan pengajar, namun hal ini tidak mengurangi manfaat yang bisa didapatkan dari kursus ini, terutama bagi pemula yang ingin mempelajari dasar-dasar bahasa Korea. Jika Anda tertarik dengan bahasa Korea dan ingin mempelajarinya dari langkah pertama, kursus ini akan memberikan Anda dasar yang kuat untuk melanjutkan perjalanan Anda ke tingkat yang lebih lanjut.

By apoorva d

Jul 11, 2021

The course is very well structured and teaches the basics of Korean along with how the letters were derived and how they change with their usage. I had some idea of spoken Korean already, owing to the numerous kdramas I have watched but newbies can easily catch up. If you are a non- English or non- Roman derived language speaker, it will be easier for you to understand since the sentence structure matches the other languages. All content is taught in present tense. The most challenging part was the Korean number systems and the professor explained it so well, that I don't confuse it anymore. A lot of interesting vocabulary is introduced. The graphic design of the course is also simple and easy to understand. Go for it if want to just start learning basic Korean.

By Mo'lanee S

Sep 20, 2017

This is my second time taking this course and I can't begin to thank the organizers, instructors, moderators enough. This course was my first formalized experience with Hangugeo and the way it's structured really helps you get started with basic Korean. I also took the next course 'Learn to speak Korean 1,' and together with this course, I have a better grasp of Korean language than I could have ever accomplished on my own. What really enriched my learning experience was writing everything down, pausing the videos and reinforcing what I hear via speaking and demonstration. I am earnestly waiting for more courses from these guys in Korean; they have an excellent touch that is nonpareil to other Korean language courses I have used.

앞으로도 즐겁게 공부합시다. 쌤, 너무너무 감사합니다.

By Mercedes C

Sep 10, 2024

El curso es muy completo aunque considero que es bastante avanzado por ser primer paso en el idioma coreano. Mi apreciación se basa en que personalmente y en forma autodidacta he estado aprendiendo el idioma coreano hace un par de años, eso me permitió avanzar en las distintas unidades ya que conocía el abecedario y vocabulario, asimismo conozco el idioma ingles por lo que eso me ayudó también. Las unidad referente al tiempo, la hora y los meses y días del año, fue la mas compleja. Y los ejercicios basados en diálogos entre personas, fueron difíciles también ya que incorpora vocabulario que no necesariamente está volcado en la unidad. Desde ya muy agradecida de que esté este curso en línea y a Uds por ofrecerlo. Los saludo muy atte. Estela Mercedes Calderón

By Alexandra M

Sep 27, 2023

Excellent course - I highly recommend it!! I really loved the very well-structured approach to each lesson. You will need a good handle on reading Hangul to make the most of the course. I invested about 4-5 hours a week for almost 3 months as I listened to some lessons again, reviewed the lesson's notes, and practiced the concepts learned before moving on to the next lesson. I've learned so much more with this course than I had previously on my own. I feel very accomplished that I can tell the time in Korean! and that I can understand many more words when I am watching Korean TV shows. I wish there were more lessons from this professor. Thank you for taking such good care in crafting such a well-rounded course for beginners. 선생님 감사합니다!

By Nidhima m

Jun 6, 2020

I must say that all the concepts were systematically explained . The additional vocabulary provided at the end of the lesson is also great .The test and the worksheets after every lesson was helpful for me in testing me what I have learnt. Overall the course experience is great and has increased my skills in learning a new language . Through this course I was able to learn ,write ,speak and read hangul effectively . I would also suggest to add an advance level also for learners so that they can further continue learning and become more fluent in learning korean . Although this was a great experience . I Thank those who have put such an efforts in preparing the content for the learners and for making us learn a new foreign language .

By Maslichatun T O Y

May 31, 2024

Saya mengikuti kursus ini bersamaan dengan pembelajaran otodidak saya dengan duolingo. Ini melengkapi bahan pembelajaran saya. Beberapa hal yang belum saya pelajari disampaikan disini, seperti sejarah hangeul, penggambaran cara pengucapan tiap huruf, adanya perbedaan penggunaan kata disesuaikan dengan sistem honorifik, dll. Profesor Kang Seung Hae (강승해) pun menjelaskan dengan perlahan, singkat, dan jelas di tiap pelajaran. Adanya contoh/praktik dan pembedahan kalimat dalam percakapan sehingga selain menambah kata baru (vocabulary), perbedaan penggunaan kata dalam sistem honorifik, juga paham adanya penggunaan partikel tambahan seperti 여요, 이에요, 씨,해요, dll. Terima kasih Coursera, Profesor Kang Seung Hae, dan Universitas Yonsei.

By Saskia I

Feb 12, 2023

This course was very well structured and perfect for beginners. It introduces new concepts gradually and with examples which makes it easy to follow along. The small quizzes at the end of every lecture were great to get some more listening comprehension and review what you just learned. The only thing that could be improved in my opinion would be the work sheets, which could be structured a little better. At the moment everything is put chronologically, as in the order you learned it in the lecture, but it might ake sense for example to put all the vocabulary in one place, and not some at the beginning and some at the end . Thank you so much for having this course available. It is really a great start to learn Korean.

By sama e

Dec 13, 2020

I've been trying to learn Korean for a while now and I felt like regular apps on my phone were not really getting me anywhere and I wasn't making much progress with anything but this course was really good and I really felt like I was a lot more productive in learning more in a shorter amount of time and I would absolutely recommend it to anyone who wants to start learning Korean and I would even love to see if Yonsei University releases another course for Korean specifically with professor Sueng Hae Kang i really loved the way she explained things she has a really nice way of simplifing everything so that its not overwhelming to the student and to be honest i think itll be weird continuing learning korean without her

By Lesley P

Aug 12, 2017

I very much enjoyed the clarify and structure of this course. I have been studying Korean in a classroom situation, but I have found that devoting one big block of time once a week - at the of the workday when I am tired - has been difficult. Also the mixed abilities and ages in the class meant that some were pressing to move faster, while others of us would have benefitted from a more moderate place. This way I learn at my own pace, at a time suitable to me, and I have regular contact with the language during the week.

The only disadvantage I can see is not having others to 'talk' to, but I haven't found that concerning at this early stage.

Very well thought out.... just the right mix of techniques

By Kathleen D

Sep 3, 2021

This online course really help me to understand more the Korean Language and how to form and use those words that often use in our daily life correctly. It also help me to broaden my knowledge and vocabulary in Korean. I took this online course for me to enhance my Korean Skills and also to add on my profile when I am finding a job as I love learning other countries language especially the Korean Language. This online course is really convenient these days for those people who wants to learn Korean Language and cannot go out to study at a University or in an Language Center due to the Virus. So, I suggest this online course to everyone who wants to learn from the basic of Korean Language.

By Magda P

Aug 26, 2021

Estoy muy agradecida por concluir este curso, realmente aprendí, me hubiera gustado que este en idioma español, pero con el ingles fue suficiente para poder comprender ciertas cosas, no cabe duda que con la disciplina se pueden lograr muchas cosas, cada semana me esmere en terminar cada lección, para poder llegar a mi objetivo, ahora que he concluido espero seguir aprendiendo más idioma coreano, para expandir mi conocimiento, agradezco a la plataforma por existir y hacer que mi conocimiento sobre idiomas se expanda, deberían de seguir con su sistema, si es eficaz, gracias universidad YONSEI por ofrecer el idioma coreano, de una forma gratis, por explicar todo, gracias por su conocimiento.

By Marco R

Dec 12, 2020

Extremely useful for novices like me. I had spent a couple weeks trying to learn the basics after the alphabet but I felt like I hit a wall, but this course showed me the steps to learn in a way that worked for me.

I like the teacher Seung Hae Kang, she has an imposing authority of respect and discipline that helps me focus, and she explains fairly well all the little details that help you understand where each particle comes from and why it's used in certain cases.

The tests are tough but fair, if you fail on the first try you'll know that it's your fault for not learning the vocabulary (which is not that difficult) that you've been given, or the grammar rules that you've been taught.

By Wayland C

Feb 2, 2021

I'm very pleased with the contents, the level is just right. I still have to re-visit some of the lectures to consolidate my understanding. The course is a wonderful journey and I wish that I had taken the course a few years ago as I had to work with Koreans over a few years. Korean is a beautiful language and the Koreans are extremely friendly and very hospitable, not to mention that Korea is a beautiful country too! I will practise what I learn with this and will visit the Korea and see my friends again. Meanwhile, I will continue to enrich my understanding of Korean, and most importantly, the culture. I will look out for other Korean courses :) Thank you once again Prof Kang!

By Juan S S A

Jul 20, 2017

This is an amazing Korean language course. Professor Seung Hae Kang is a wonderful instructor and the course is really well designed. It has a 'situation approach' in which daily life experiences are used cleverly to teach vocabulary, pronunciation tips, particles and common expressions. It also teaches some useful facts about Korean culture and the course's discussion forums are highly active with nice mentors willing to help.

I truly enjoyed the content and I would strongly recommend to take this course to anyone who wants to get started in Korean language. Thank you to Yonsei University, professor Seung Hae Kang and all the staff involved in the development of this course.



May 2, 2016

Excellent cours, bien construit. Bien expliquer qui m'a beaucoup aidé surtout pour les prononciations, la professeure accentue bien chaque lettres donc on arrive a bien les différencier pour l'apprentissage. Le vocabulaire est aussi très précis et bien expliqué. Le cours est excellent mais je trouve les exercices peut-être un peu trop facile voir trop facile mais j'apprend depuis déjà un moment le coréen donc je n'enlève pas d'étoiles ne pouvant pas trop juger sur ça... J'ai participer à ce cours pour m'aider sur certains point notamment la prononciation et pour aussi pouvoir m'aider dans mes projets. Et j'en ressort ravis, je vous le conseil à tous. C'est une bonne expérience.

By Vicky D E

Sep 18, 2021

The First Step Korean course provide basic information about hangeul and basic daily conversation in hangeul. It really helps me in learning basic Korean language. They give a perfect module each week that makes me eager to learn. I do not feel burden with the task because it fits my free time each week. For the graded worksheets, sometimes I feel it's too difficult, but after evaluating my performance, it's actually not. I feel like I was not ready yet for the quiz. So, for you guys who are taking this course, remember to be ready before taking any graded quiz. You may want to practice again before taking it. Thank you Yonsei University for bringing this course for free!

By Patrick D

Mar 10, 2018

I loved this course! I want to thank Professor Seung Hae Kang, who clearly cares about her students and wants to make sure everyone succeeds. In addition to the great instructor, the lessons were broken into easily digestible segments so that it wasn't discouraging to someone who is just starting out. Also, I found Unit 1 extremely helpful in learning pronunciations of letters, especially to someone unfamiliar with the sounds of Hangeul. This course has inspired me to continue my education in Korean language and culture, and I will be taking Learning to Speak Korean 1 in a few weeks to pursue this goal. Thank you to everyone involved in putting together this course!

By Tenzin D

Jul 30, 2024

I started this course as i was gonna join in an University In Korea this fall 2024, unlike other courses this course started from history of language and alphabets and vowels... which helped in building better foundation and building confidence in pronouncing any words in Korean. The tutor herself speaks in very clear English and teaches in very balanced manner. It's a 5 week course covering different aspects of daily life, in particular she follow's same pattern in each lecture as starting with an example of conversation and breaking down the vocabs used and grammar involved, with exercise pdf and quiz in each lecture. Truly worth for beginners to start learning Korean

By Shrestha D

Jul 8, 2021

This was the first language course of my life. I was fond of watching K drama and from there I got interested in learning the Korean language. At first, I was worried about spending my money and that will the teacher be able to teach it online, instead of having normal classes. But, Mam taught so well from alphabets to numbers to daily life dialects used in Korea. The idea of having notes and tests after every chapter is very good for the students. In the end, 3 attempts for the tests are also an opportunity for the students to improve themselves for the language. It will be helpful if Yonsei University comes out with intermediate and advanced Koran language levels.

By Stephanie B

Jun 1, 2023

This course is really helpful for beginners. At First you'll have a hard time with the proper pronunciation of each vowels and consonants but you'll be able to learn it along the way by reading sentences out loud while doing each activity along the way. But honestly speaking, Korean numbers for time and date is very hard for me coz you'll have to use the Sino Korean numbers compared to Native Korean numbers that is being used for counting in general. But all in all, i enjoyed it and on my way to LEARN TO SPEAK KOREAN 1 as soon as i am done reviewing all my previous lessons with FIRST STEP KOREAN. And by the way THANK YOU TO SEON SAENG NIM SEUNG HAE KANG. 🥰🫶🏻

By Elysha C

Jan 14, 2018

What a fantastic course! I really learned a lot about Korean basics and feel comfortable progressing to more advance studies after completing this course. I would recommend more opportunities to practice certain sounds and syllables, such as the aspiration/tension sounds and composite vowels, as the provided soundboard only covers the basic consonants and vowels. As an English speaker I had a hard time distinguishing sounds like 시 and 씨. I would also recommend an explanation of more instances of when to use different subject particles, as I would see 은 and 는 in places I did not expect on the quizzes. Thank you so much for the learning opportunity. 고맙습니다!

By Merlin A

Sep 30, 2017

I've completed week 2 (out of 5-week module) and so far I'm learning a lot! Each module is presented clearly and systematically (e.g., starting with basic concept, then as concrete examples on grammar, application in real life, pronunciation, additional vocabulary, quizzes as part of the active learning), as well as in 'bite-sized' chunks. It is not overwhelming at all! It makes learning a new language feasible in my busy life. I've been using my commute time to complete each module. Thank you to instructor(s) and course designer(s)! (I would attempt to use Han-gul to type at least the last sentence but my keyboard is not fitted with the characters yet!)