May 1, 2017
This was course was very informative. I really enjoyed the content being that I wasn't on the paid version. I didn't feel like I was missing out on anything but learn a lot from this course. 감사합니다!!!!
Jul 3, 2021
It's a very much informational course for me because I am very interested in learning Korean language so thank you so much yonsei university for introducing this course to us. Really Reallu Thankfull
By Carrie W
•Dec 10, 2018
Very informative, a great learning experience. I really appreciated the emphasis on correct pronunciation for the vocabulary words and the conversational videos for a good "listening" practice. The instructor is very good and the course is well-thought out. Definitely recommend.
By Daphney M
•Apr 27, 2019
SO great! Every lesson taught me something new. Even if it was something I already knew, I feel like I was able to learn a new way of saying something or a new word related to what I already knew. This is a course I will come back to for reference. 연세대 고맙습니다!
By Bernard D V
•May 6, 2016
Really good class for beginner and few experimented. 5 weeks of work, 4 hours by weeks for me.
If you want to start Korean or if you just know some little stuffs, this class will help you a lot.
By Priscila C M
•Nov 24, 2018
I am loved it this course and I'm so very thankful for your time, i really too happy for learn to you, thank you too much.
By Deleted A
•Oct 25, 2019
No romanticization of the Korean language so learning is really difficult. I would not recommend for beginners with no prior knowledge of Korean because it will be really difficult.
By Anil P
•Mar 18, 2017
I passed every quiz doing the course across 3 sessions, yet I cannot speak a sentence in Korean apart from 'hello' and 'thank you'. Something must be wrong with my brain or how the course is designed.
By Jim B S
•Jun 23, 2020
If you're a BEGINNER beginner, DO NOT TAKE THIS COURSE! This course can be really overwhelming if you don't have any background at all. I don't think that 5 weeks with this course is enough for you to learn the Korean basics. The lessons here are very hard to understand if you're a beginner with no background at all. It's all straight-up Korean dialogues with no romanization or translation at all. You would learn more and engage better if you just learn the basics by watching Youtube or using online Korean lessons. (Try websites like Talk To Me in Korean or Korean From Zero.) The lecture notes on this course though are very helpful for beginners. They're very straight forward. If you're someone who knows the basics of Korean writing, reading and grammar, this is a good refresher course but it's not that very challenging in my opinion. I only learned like 3-5 new things from this course. But it's great to know that I am very confident in speaking basic Korean, especially now that I have this certificate lmao. I only gave three stars because I wasn't really challenged but also it will be way too hard for beginners to understand the lessons. For beginners, you have to find your learning style especially when you are studying a new language. You have to use your creativity to easily memorize the alphabet, the grammar, etc. The lectures and teaching style here are way too straight forward with no creativity at all so it'll be difficult for you guys to understand or be motivated to learn.
By Deleted A
•Mar 31, 2019
I liked the course but I wish that the notes and way of teaching was a little more descriptive. I feel like the course should have covered a bit more when it came to tone of voice and how to pronounce the l/r sound.
By Ana G
•Nov 15, 2020
Don't try this course if you think you will be able to speak fluente Korean when you finish because that won't happen. I'm still giving it 5 stars because I believe that it is an amazing way to start! I felt improvement in my speaking ability (it wasn't a lot, but I was something!!), reading ability but what improved the most was my listening! I might not be able to answer all the questions but I can understand a lot more and that's amazing!!
Two thing I wish I knew before starting this course: 1.You will forget way more than you think! Please use flash cards from the beginning, you will that me later, there are some (even mine on quizzlet, please use it)! 2. The Korean time is SO SO HARD OMG, I wanted to give up. I still don't get some parts but we will get trough it.
Good luck everyone!!
By Min K K H
•Jun 27, 2021
This course is very very good to us especially for the students of Myanmar during Military Coup. We all must do self study because the government can't control the situation. So thank
you very much.
By Cristian G
•Sep 28, 2021
Mejore mis habilidades en el idioma, expandí mi vocabulario y aprendí sobre la estructura de las oraciones y como empezar a comunicarme con los demás, muchas gracias por esta oportunidad, recomendado
By Astin P
•Apr 18, 2021
While the teacher is very good, I have struggled immensely with the lack of phonetic translations included in the notes, particularly for consonants that have more than one pronunciation (something that was an important part of learning Japanese at high school, & I was expecting for a course teaching a language that uses a character-based alphabet). As an absolute beginner, this has made the course quite stressful & frustrating, particularly when trying to learn the vocabulary sections of the lectures.
Instead of being able to learn proper pronunciation with the aid of phonetic translations written in English, I'm having to work out each individual character myself, then listen to the lecture again & hope that I've gotten it right (& sometimes it's difficult to tell, particularly for sounds like 'g' & 'k').
I'm only on week 2, but I've already had to decide to stop trying to keep up in order to complete quizzes, as I don't feel like I'm learning properly.
If you're a BEGINNER beginner to the Korean language, & still want to do this course, I would highly recommend trying to find some additional resources that will help teach you the correct phonetic pronunciation, rather than relying on self-translation from the lectures alone.
By lizeth d
•Feb 6, 2021
Es un curso muy bueno y completo para el nivel básico, pone ejercicios sencillos y ejemplos muy buenos sobre cada oración, en los subtítulos a veces me confundía mucho así que tuve que cursarlo sin ellos, los exámenes son sencillos y los videos son prácticos y divertidos, claro que si quieres alcanzar un buen nivel también debes de estudiar mucho por tu cuenta y aprenderte el vocabulario y las reglas gramaticales que ellos dan.
By Sara R A
•Jul 2, 2017
Un curso fácil de entender y a su vez muy completo. Con un poquito de esfuerzo y dedicación día a día, podrás ser capaz de aprender las nociones básicas para empezar a entender, escribir y hablar coreano. Los vídeos son fáciles de comprender, es cierto que al final del curso los subtítulos en español no aparecen pero teniendo conocimiento de inglés pueden entenderse perfectamente.
By Ashley S
•Jun 28, 2020
I really enjoyed this course and feel like I was able to improve the little bit I knew of korean! That being said I already knew hangul and had a basic understanding, but I could see how this would be difficult for an absolute beginner.
I am thankful that this is available and we are able to take this great course! 정말 고맙습니다!
By Giulia T
•Feb 13, 2024
I thoroughly enjoyed participating in this course. The lessons were exceptionally well-presented, and the teacher adeptly elucidated complex ideas, rendering them comprehensible with remarkable ease."
By Hannah D
•Nov 25, 2018
Very well-taught! This is informative, fun and easy to learn.
By Julia K
•Sep 27, 2020
I did enjoy two first weeks but then the pace was too fast. I don't think it was suited to complete beginners. Also, I think I would change some things we were studying, eg. studying Korean numbers in week 3 and Chinese numbers in week 4 was quite discouraging. It was some kind of an introduction, though.
By Ariel S R
•Jun 30, 2020
What I liked most about the course is the fact that it doesn't romanize and uses a simple approach with daily situations that facilitate the visualization and fixation of the content. I know there is still a lot for me to learn in the language and to practice, but I really feel that this course has put an end to my fear of "being too difficult to learn Korean". So my thanks to Yonsei University and Professor Seung Hae Kang for the content. / O que eu mais gostei no curso é o fato de ele não romanizar e usar uma abordagem simples com situações diárias que facilitam a visualização e a fixação do conteúdo. Eu sei que ainda há muito para aprender no idioma e praticar, mas realmente sinto que este curso pôs fim ao meu medo de "ser muito difícil aprender coreano". Então, meus agradecimentos à Universidade Yonsei e à professora Seung Hae Kang pelo conteúdo.
By Безрукова М А
•Oct 31, 2017
Курс First Step Korean - самое лучшее для новичков, что я нашла в интернете, по крайней мере из бесплатных курсов. Вам действительно по полочкам разложат базовые знания об алфавите, самой-самой базовой (но очень необходимой!) грамматике и дадут нехилый для начинающего словарный запас. Золотое правило прохождения этого курса - не беги впереди паровоза, но и не просиживай часами за зубрежкой. Вам будет поступать немало информации даже за такие короткие уроки. Уделяй несколько минут после прохождения урока на понимание, запоминание, и повторение пройденного. Но ненужно загоняться и тратить на это все свое время. С другой стороны, честно выполняйте работу, потому что вы делаете это в первую очередь для себя!
Всем удачного прохождения курса и дальнейших успехов!
P.S. Вы же будете учить и стараться, да?
By Juan P T
•Jul 14, 2020
Good way to learn Korean language. Though it may sound easy at first, as the week goes by, the topics discussed becomes a bit difficult and as the instructor mentioned, requires a lot of practice learning sentences either verbally or written. A word of advice: Important to adapt and understand the topics on the first week as this will be very essential to master the succeeding topics for the remainder of this course. Still great job for the instructor as I have learned a new language and continue to practice it.
By sorayaafben
•May 3, 2017
Este programa está muy bien planeado, con excelente pedagogía, la Dra. Seung Hae Kang ha realizado muy buen trabajo en la manera de estructurar su clase. La tutora Rachel siempre con buena disposición y muy oportuna en la retroalimentación. Me gustaría que hubiera el siguiente capítulo para continuar el aprendizaje de este hermoso idioma. Realmente ha sido enriquecedor. Muchas gracias.
By Pía A Q S
•Mar 29, 2020
Este curso me permitió aproximarme al lenguaje coreano de una manera bastante atractiva, utilizando conceptos que me interesan y que son aplicables en la vida diaria. Las lecciones son precisas, con un material de apoyo muy útil. La profesora es muy clara en sus clases explicativas. Realmente creo que es uno de los mejores cursos de idioma (nivel básico) que he tomado. Muchas Gracias.
By Aaliyah W
•Sep 26, 2020
Excellent course! I've been studying Korean for five months now. When I did Week 2 of this class I understood so much about sentences, vowels, consonants, etc. It was a terrific explanation. Self-teaching is still great for me but having the teacher is still great as well. I recommend people to do this course.
감사합니다 선생님! 연세대학교 공부를 좋아해요!
By Andrés M M
•Feb 8, 2021
Tuve la oportunidad de aprender coreano básico con el curso. Las lecciones son laboriosas, pero una vez que vas practicando y haciendo los ejercicios reafirmas el conocimiento de cada lección y cada unidad. Hay mucho vocabulario a lo largo del curso, algo que de verdad se agradece bastante. Sin duda, lo recomiendo ampliamente.